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Need sub task ideas!


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I need ideas for my sub to complete during the day while I’m away at work. So far she walked through a grocery store with no bra and very visible nipples! Just need sexy fun ideas for her to do. 

Note she is 8 months pregnant, so that limits a lot 

Walk through a busy store ladieswear dept naked underneath a short knee length raincoat wearing high heels or thigh boots
I used to enjoy my master hiding things around the house for me to find ... sometimes they'd be notes with instructions for naughty things or sometimes he'd tell me to clean the bathroom and leave a note leading me to a treat under the sink to make sure I was doing it properly. He'd send me out and get me to wear no underwear and take pictures to send him. sometimes the tasks were a lot dirtier but that really depends on your idea of sexy fun!
I give my sub rituals to perform everyday. Some of them include specific stretching exercises to keep her limber. I send her a note each morning telling her what clothes to wear. She is required to send me photos of her in her underwear and then in her outfit to confirm she is following my instructions. I have her write a blog post once per month. She is currently going to munches and interviewing women to join our play. The lists are endless.
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