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Pubic hair. Does it still exist on women?

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Ok. Just joined and finding my feet. On here trying to find a woman with plenty of hair between her legs (and possibly under her arms). 

I know its probably an impossible ask but if I cant find such a woman on here then Ive go no chance have I?

Over to you now. Would love to hear from others that share my kink or women that havent gotten rid of all their body hair, then please feel free to add to my post or drop me a message.


  • 7 months later...

That is 100% my desire.  The more hair between a woman's legs the better.  Pubic hair sticking out the sides of panties are a real turn on

Glad it not just me. Nothing sexier than a woman with a full bush. Pity it's such a rare thing these days.

Willing to be proved wrong though.....



I have a few pics of my ex you may like.  She has/had a full bush.  Perhaps that is why it turns me on.  Either that, or memories of my mother,  who I pleased myself to growing up...sick taboo  simonbartatyandexdotcom

Thanks but no thanks. The internet is full of pictures and videos but I'm looking for a woman that's blessed with a very hairy lady garden

I'm another who adores hair on a woman both between her legs and in her arm pits.  I don't even object to hair on her legs and dark hair on her arms.

My wife is a blonde, she never shaves her lady garden but unfortunately it's quite sparse.  During the winter she never shaves her armpits.


oooh ex wife has very hairy dark bush and unashamed about it. Always shaved under her arms.  I really enjoy other people telling me how sexy she is and how they love her big wild bush.  I just don't know how to share those pictures here


Princessphilia. I got your message. There is no need to feel the way you do. 

If you're reading this then please get back in touch. J x

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