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I am very curious about the life style and would like to know what made u all fall in love with it. I myself have read alot about it and I know it's not always accurate but hey if it gets u wet and horny it's worth a try. I would love to find out more from both sides xoxo


I have always been into BDSM since I can remember, it’s just always been part of who I am. I love the endless learning & experiences

mine was gradual.
i was naturally bossy, assertive, independent, and organised from an early age. but when it came to personal relationships, both friendship and sexual, i was happy to just go with the flow and still am to a degree.

skip ahead to 19 yrs old, got my first foot fetishist boyfriend. he also had confidence issues surrounding his body and wasn't very good in bed. but love conquers all and he treated me well, looked after me to the best of his ability, i trusted him because he gave me no reason not to, and this gave me the confidence to explore with him. i was still pretty much vanilla at this time but he boosted my confidence a lot and made me feel like a powerful female so i started to become one. :heart_eyes:

had an abusive relationship after this, nearly put me off all men for life but afterwards i knew i only wanted a submissive male partner. didn't care to what degree but so long as he didn't try to control me, overtly or covertly, was all i cared about. kinks i wasn't too fussed about at this time as  i was instead turning into a sex addict (i only realised this years later on but it was why i stayed with him for so long, feeling unloved is my trigger for acting out within my sex addiction).

lucky for me a couple of years later i was persistently, and in a friendly/non-threatening way, chased by a guy who was submissive in every way, his only kinks were cross dressing and red heads, i was more into feet at this time and he made out that was weird so i ignored my fetish, everything else was pretty much perfect so i was happy to compromise on this. we had an amazing 9 years together where he made me feel very loved and i enjoyed being his support and helping him become more confident, when we both needed support we didn't get it and this put an additional strain on myself as the head of the household and he lost his biggest form of support and looked for someone else outside of 'us'. it was a big betrayal for me personally and it ended what we had. i'm still grateful i met him though as he genuinely gave me my faith back in people and made me feel very loved for most of our time together and i do understand why he did what he did but it definitely changed how i felt about him.

got with another covert ***r, didn't stay with him as long as the first as i figured him out quicker, but he really messed with my head and i went back to acting out with my sex addiction. got into all kinds of kinky stuff this time (thank you internet, i had the time of my sex life) but life can't revolve around sex so i did a lot of work on myself. i know what i want from a guy though.






Edited by Deleted Member
removed what i want coz it's not applicable here.

I think in saying what made me fall in love with it - it's merely the addiction to the chemicals released during play and interaction ;)

But, I think for me - BDSM is somewhere where I've truly felt that I get out what, if not more than, I put in and in exchange this has opened me up to wonderful experiences.   When you compare it to other facets of life, like day jobs etc, where this is not always the case - it's an area where I can excel.

I used Bdsm as a way of getting over something that happened in my life.

Now I am 'hooked'!

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