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The sin in skin!

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Okay so everyone has a particular part of the body which we like or find attractive in others. From eyes, lips, arms, butts, legs and feet etc...


For me, it's skin in general.

I have always thought this odd in a way because it's something as a whole and not a specific area of the body.


I just want to touch, taste, bite, smell, nuzzle and rub my self all over someone's skin when in an intimate setting. It's like a drug to me. A bit like a cat to catnip. I have certain spots on my body if someone, that im attracted to, touches it i shudder in the best way and it sets me off.

I really feel like skin has much more potential than we realise or generally think of when it comes to sexual habits. Yes, we have sensory deprivation and impact play for example, but those are about something touching us and how that item/*** feels on us...not how skin itself feels. (In some cases)


What i dont understand is why i feel this. Its not an every day thing where you naturally come into contact with others. For me it's purely when i'm with someone thats sharing themselves with me. Its a real priviledge in my eyes when someone can bare themselves fully. 


Is it human nature going back to natural instinct to rub mindlessly against another person? Pheromones? Or just something that excites us?!


Does any one else have a particular interest in skin as a whole and what effect does it have on you? How did you discover you felt this way about it?!

Id love to hear other peoples stories and views on how they perceive skin in a Fetish sense of the word. 


Jen X

Good morning Jen . I agree .During normal times ( pre covid) I shave off all my body hair. I use hair removal cream on my legs and arms and a sensitive razor for my cock arse and balls. I do this because it makes my body more sensual to play and touch. I have found that my skin sensations are heightened when smooth especially when I put on my latex or leather. As a masochist I enjoy *** play with spiked pin rollers and I’m much more aware of my body’s reaction to the sensations .It’s the same with impact play I just feel it deeper and the burn from the heat is intensified. How good does it feel to lay on a pvc or latex sheet cover and squeeze some body glide over yourself and your partner and embrace in the slippery goodness. Sensory deprivation is another big turn on for me and my freshly shaved naked body feels like it’s wired to the mains! Thank you Jen really good post I’m looking forward to reading others thoughts on the matter

@JenniferTP....great post,thank you!

Yes,i get it!.....never really thought how much,until i read this post.

My sensuaul domination is all about the largest organ in the human body ,the ol' meatbag 'bag',lol......skin.

finger tip touches, fingers trailing patterns over the curve of a back prostrate before me.....the squirming of a foot as i slowly lick my way up a smooth inner thigh.....all focused on our point of connection ,the interface of kinksters.....sensory organ to sensory organ........textures, reactions......the smell of loaded pheremones,arousals shouted in fanfares of odour n 'goosebumps'......

In our world of FenSWitches skin is rather prominent.....taken further by Bounty's choice of hairdo.....her shaven head n neck have brought both of us new erogenous sensations ,in exploration of this once hirsute area of her head.....the reactive shudders of  her spine as i gently lick up the shoulder blades, on up her neck ,back of head to above ears.....smooth shaven scalp,silken on tongue tip.....

Yes ,skin is a real turn on ,as a communicator of sensory,sensual,sexual splendour.....well it is to my warped perceptions........thank you Jen, you really made me think....again! 🙏🙏🙏🐺🐾🐾💚🔏📜

  5 hours ago, quietlysure said:

Sounds like doraphilia or the very similar flyhephilia 😁


i havent heard of these but now that i have i will look them up, educate myself and see if any are fitting to my views on skin :) thank you x

  2 hours ago, TAROTT said:

Good morning Jen . I agree .During normal times ( pre covid) I shave off all my body hair. I use hair removal cream on my legs and arms and a sensitive razor for my cock arse and balls. I do this because it makes my body more sensual to play and touch. I have found that my skin sensations are heightened when smooth especially when I put on my latex or leather. As a masochist I enjoy *** play with spiked pin rollers and I’m much more aware of my body’s reaction to the sensations .It’s the same with impact play I just feel it deeper and the burn from the heat is intensified. How good does it feel to lay on a pvc or latex sheet cover and squeeze some body glide over yourself and your partner and embrace in the slippery goodness. Sensory deprivation is another big turn on for me and my freshly shaved naked body feels like it’s wired to the mains! Thank you Jen really good post I’m looking forward to reading others thoughts on the matter




definately! it is down to how each person enjoys their skin. some bare all, all silky smooth, some ike to keep the hair and have other parts smooth for those teasing skin moments

a bit like when people shave their bits and bobs....it heightens touching and things, for me anyway!

i also agree when more skin is bared the better it can feel covered up. after all, there are a lot of people who like the feel of different fabrics touching their skin! i like skin touching my skin, and me touching others. it just ignites something in me!

our minds really are wonderful how we process different sensations against our skin. even the smell of skin, peoples warmth and scent is exciting for me. 

i do notice people mention things coming into contact with us but not so much how the skin itself feels against it if that makes sense.

i wonder if this is why i love seeing people naked.....i just love the look of skin on someone im attracted to, i mega perve haha

thanks for your comment x

  49 minutes ago, Boldbald said:

@JenniferTP....great post,thank you!

Yes,i get it!.....never really thought how much,until i read this post.

My sensuaul domination is all about the largest organ in the human body ,the ol' meatbag 'bag',lol......skin.

finger tip touches, fingers trailing patterns over the curve of a back prostrate before me.....the squirming of a foot as i slowly lick my way up a smooth inner thigh.....all focused on our point of connection ,the interface of kinksters.....sensory organ to sensory organ........textures, reactions......the smell of loaded pheremones,arousals shouted in fanfares of odour n 'goosebumps'......

In our world of FenSWitches skin is rather prominent.....taken further by Bounty's choice of hairdo.....her shaven head n neck have brought both of us new erogenous sensations ,in exploration of this once hirsute area of her head.....the reactive shudders of  her spine as i gently lick up the shoulder blades, on up her neck ,back of head to above ears.....smooth shaven scalp,silken on tongue tip.....

Yes ,skin is a real turn on ,as a communicator of sensory,sensual,sexual splendour.....well it is to my warped perceptions........thank you Jen, you really made me think....again! 🙏🙏🙏🐺🐾🐾💚🔏📜



hahah thank you as alway bold for your comment!

i agree with a lot of what you said, it really is exciting. so many parts of the body excite us just by looking at it how we feel rubbing parts of ourselves against it but to see how good you make someone feel just by having contact with their skin is just even more the thrill for me. im very touchy feely for this reason and i LOVE it when im being touched too. sometimes i just find a nice smooth bit and have the urge to chomp down, even feeling skin between my teeth and a tease of my tongue...bliss haha

  5 hours ago, quietlysure said:

Sounds like doraphilia or the very similar flyhephilia 😁




Paraphilic condition in which sexuoerotic arousal is dependent on touching or rubbing a human or non human object, or the feel of skin, hair, leather, fur, or fabrics (like velvet). Hyphephilia is a paraphilia of the fetishistic/talismanic type.



it wasnt "flyhe" but "hyphe" and yes this sounds very like me! and its good to know what other things fall into this category! :) thanks Quietly!

I completely agree Jennifer. I getvan urge to gently kiss someone's skin and use my tongue. Basically French kissing the skin and I love to explore every part of the woman's body doing that. Back, shoulders, neck, face, arms, legs, stomach, butt and finally......

Skin on skin... lips and tongue on skin... both giving and receiving... bliss.


I melt under Fen's touch, and not always typical erogenous zones... my neck, above my ears... the heat of breath, the silkiness of lips, tickle of fingertips.

Scent, taste....

One of the reasons I like being blindfolded is because it heightens the other senses especially touch.

Yes!! I love skin. The taste, the texture, the yielding nature of it. Flesh on flesh. It's deeply sensual. To have time to really enjoy the skin to skin contact with an intimate partner is a delight. Men so often want to proceed to the poky actions though (let me poke this here, let me stick this in there).

Next time I have skin to skin contact I will say, slow down, let me inhale your skin through my skin. Let me feel the warmth of your skin touching mine. 

Here’s a thought that your writing this has just led me to consider. This might be long winded and I’m no scientist so forgive me if this comes across as nonsense but we’ve evolved over hundreds of millions of years into being what we are today as humans. From way way way back before we were anything that even resembles us now we had to have an outer layer. Long before we had developed through the process of evolution our eyes so we could see, or ears our ears so we could hear or any of our other senses we had to have an outer layer, a skin, and for millions of years that was probably our only way of sensing our surroundings and picking up on currents or objects or things to avoid or things to stick close to - so I guess it makes total sense that this outer layer is one of our most evolved components with huge powers to send us messages about things we like and dislike. If you touch something hot you recoil before your brain registers the ***. So the opposite must equally apply, if you feel something nice and comforting on your skin it’s going to send powerful signals to your brain and it’s probably developed over time to desire company and it’s a good way of keeping us together and safe and comforted - when you miss someone one of the first things that pops into your head is how their skin felt isn’t it? Just my thoughts and a bit of a ramble but I definitely agree with you that it is a thing and I think it’s a thing we all probably share xx

@Jen I think skin is something you find sensual and there’s nothing wrong with that. Personally I want someone who shaves the itchy, scratchy hair away from everything except a chest if they have hair. I don’t enjoy a hairy body. It’s like there is a barrier between me and them during skin to skin contact. It’s a heightened sense of intimacy when it’s all gone. To feel smoothness touching smoothness. You’re not alone. Aside from skin for me it’s the mouth. It’s not necessarily the shape but rather what’s inside. Ultimately I cannot find bad teeth attractive and no matter how much I care it’s that one aspect that I can never get past. I say this because each of us has a boundary that needs to tick off all the boxes. For you, like many of us, it’s the skin.

I would reply more in depth but bold has shared most of my views already, to me it forms a deeper connection, it's about the little details, I also found that if your natural character is warm and soft you tend to enjoy and take more of an interest in these, meaning you are a person who enjoys intimacy, hugs cuddles, spooning, 🤣 being in a relationship where when your partner walks into the house and approaches you to feel your body and kiss your neck to say hello

But there are other dynamics I enjoy too, the one you mention is my favourite, although it can be difficult if you are non monogomous

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