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Be careful with your life.

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I have been trying to say something or just open up. It's hard for me to fully understand how ones feeling can really mess up your life. It's now around 1 months that I went all out to try this dream I have. I came across this person that gave me a dm on a different webpage, she acted real, she spoke with me for days and made me feel like we where building a relationship,  I have never in my whole life come so close. She went through all the regulation from rules to contract and she also said she is living in the same country as I. It made me feel so safe, and i mange to expose my feelings for the first time. With just speaking to her. The days passed and we have been growing closer, and she said she feel like it is time for the next step. Me so deeply filled with this kid feeling over a Christmas present was so excited, she gave me her address to the app we would contact each other on. I was so pumped this feeling of being under someone else and for the first time also to someone that could reach in to my heart. 


I download the app and I added her and we spoke about 2 more days, when from no where she ask. So are you ready to serve and submit your life to me. I that never have been under the wings with the real deal and always wish for becoming a slave was sold out of this person Idea, she told me that she would send pictures of her self so I could see her. 

I can't explain what happened inside of me, but this 2 picture was on a powerful woman that made me to really feel the feeling of being ready to fully submit. She made me feel like she was real. I made her a place in my life and heart. 


I have never been ever under this kind of relationship or feeling. So I was more then willing and my desire was pumping and I from no where mange to give away my will. It's crazy but I was so excited for the future even if this person was a scammer it was almost 2 months before the truth would become reality, the person who has become my deepest desire where I blindly follow everything I was told to do. Came to speak about my training kit. She was telling me about her work and how she was a boss and never been under anyone, she work with gold sells. And she would purchase my kit from her special vendor... I was so excited and ready for my next step.


The the day came. The whole thing turned around, now I was attacked and she told me I disrespect her. The scammer made me feel guilty about something I never said or hade done. It really was hurting in my heart the scammer made me to make movies on myself and telling her why I was misbehaving... 


My heart was pounding and I was crying will I lose everything now? What hade i done wrong? The question came one bye one. So when I was trying to figure out everything I was still following protocol and I was still faraway to misbelief in the scammer. So when this scammer took the idea to make me believe I was not worth her time I said the words please Mistress... I don't know what I truly have done but what ever it is please let me make up for it. 


The words that came out from the scammer made me break I totally was so heartbroken that I did anything. But that was also the whole wrong with this. When my heart broke and the scammer did not want to speak with me in if I would not pay the toys to send to scammer place i would never get the chance to come over to Mistress Dungeon.... 


So i agree to pay, and unlucky for the scammer I know one or two things the page I came to is know to be scammer place and the whole time I was trying to speak or to call the scammer made me feel bad. In  heartbroken moment I slowly started to grow feeling to at least ask the support team on the place we meet for help. And after one day they came back to me and told me. Thank you for the report, this person I have become in deeply in love with came out to be a scammer. There account was banned. 


I went through everything what we hade spoke about me and the scammer and everything feel even now real. So try to speak now normal to this person, but they never once gave up. It was the same and when I accelerate the whole thing the scammer went made. And said that I now need to pay commission and toys to speak with them...


That my first life story. It still hurts. And I am afraid for giving up my picture because I don't know what or where they will come. My family don't know about my lifestyle and I want to be able to tell them one day... 

Sorry for my bad english language but please don't forget your life is important and don't give up your life to someone that is not real.


Ask for guidance here and speak with support they have knowledge and can help.




I’m so sorry this happened to you... you wrote with full emotion as if you were reliving it.. You are right.. there is many people like that and they sell you a dream, connection and desire that you have always wanted from deep in your soul wherever that may have developed from. These people are the absolute disgust of society. To read your story was really ***ful as I could only just imagine what it must have felt like.

You are completely right in speaking out and getting all the support needed especially when forming such a bond with a character you have never met/ heard or called etc whatever it may be. I think a lot of people like to “verify” eachother by video calling or something as a step to ensure it’s not something bad they could get into. I see a lot of posts but this one I could relate to a little bit. I think this community is targeted for our open minds to new things/ new ideas and our searches for perfection or ideals, because we all have a sense of anonymity here it makes it easier for the scammers to hide in plain sight, although there are some good precautions to take but of course you can never be sure until the final meeting phase.

What you did was absolutely perfect in the steps you took to prevent anything worse from happening and your heart and trust have been corrupted maybe forever even but by posting it here you save others as well as help spread the awareness about these scams to put a stop to them before they can drive someone past breaking point.

Thank you very very much for posting this. It might have been really hard to write and I’m sorry for that. I appreciate it a lot


That’s real bad luck I hope that by writing this has made you stronger and able to move on take it as a warning to be careful and look out for red flags first flag I saw was that this person you say worked in gold that is too good to be true
Take things at face value and don’t get carried away
Always be careful online
The best bit was that the technical support on your site was very good and helped you out of what could have been way more expensive than it was
But don’t let the experience put you off there are some genuine nice people in the Fetish world and good luck with your future adventures


Thank you for posting. It is really sad to read about this and sparks a similar story to myself a year or so back. You so wish for things to progress, to find that place you are missing that you put everything in to it. You pour your heart and soul in to the scenario seeing nothing but that dreamy outcome only to see it torn away with scammers. It is tough, It takes a while to bounce back and your never quite the same, trust is now a big issue for me!

However, some nice people on here help you along to lift your spirits and get you moving again. I have a lovely lady here that finds time for me and we share experiences together, it has helped me find myself again. Big hearts on sleeves break hard but we also come back stronger 💪


Don't think of me as incentive because I lost some *** when I was scammed ..when I finally accepted what was happening I refused to pay anymore ***..2 days later she attempted to blackmail me..
Well I say she ...Cyber crime because that is what this is,is huge..I closed everything f/book,YouTube,,hangouts..
I contacted the police they put me through to cyber crime investigator ..After explaining what had happened I had the shock of my life when she asked me had there been any mention of weapons?
Totally bewildered I why would they ?
On some occasions it's not just a scammer,you are actually dealing with a gang..
I can't tell you how sick I felt..
But I look at it like this newtothis..
I'm not a scammer I'm real..
You are not a scammer,you are real and there are thousands like us,I am searching for the one for me


I am so sorry you went through this! What a heartbreaking experience. ☹ The internet is a dangerous place at times. Over 2 months! I didn't realize someone would spend that much time to scam and hurt someone...really scary. I hope your experiences are more positive in the future!!!


Sorry if I don't engaged in every msg I m so Thankful for everyone that shows support and send your love to me, it dose help, the love and support anyone can find here on this platform is so amazing. The support team that I have been able to speak with I just want to say your the greatest, if it was not for them I would not have found myself, the kindness and generosity have been so far the best of my life, they have pulled thru and over, so I can say only thank you, I mean just the thought scared me what would happen if this community did not exist?


And also everyone of you that takes your time, I am and will be always thankful to all of you. 

Thank you for putting your love and hearts to me. I dear to say I love you all. 

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