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Anyone bein in a real 3 way relationship mmf or ffm it’s something I’ve been interested in for a while but I’ve never met anyone in one and I would imagine unless you got it spot on it could be problematic?

Thoughts n feedback most welcome  😊

I was fortunate enough to enjoy a very successful multi-partner relationship when in my early 20's, but the situation was rare and I now know that after a few bumpy rides on the same track it is not for the faint-hearted. We, as players in a game of pure psychology, are best able to handle the dynamic, much more prepared than vanilla players, but no matter how you juggle fire there is a real chance you will get burned, unless you don't care about either of the other parties, but then that's not what you asked is it does not qualify as a relationship if you don't give a damn who it's with. Mostly it is the female partners desire to fulfill sapphic desires on a more permanent basis that creates the chance of enjoying a 3 way or polyamorous relationship which can be scary as hell for the guy, 2 women that don't need you anymore is not something you need to hear when you've just watched your lovers at it for an hour and no sign of letting you into their acrobatics. Just a bote, never be tempted to interrupt without an invite as finding your bollocks on a tray in the morning sometimes causes concern. If you are in a D/s relationship and have the absolute trust that we tend to work towards, then you have a great chance of staying a priority to both of the other partners with little jealousy if you restrain yourself well enough, but if there is any weakness in the primary relationship this will not only find the crack but shove dynamite down the gap and blow it the fk apart. As kinky bar stewards we love a challenge so don't be put off, just accept the fact that this is a biggie and needs attention, as there is nothing sadder than a Dom without a sub, and if you are risking a great partnership that satisfies both of you right now, then you tread carefully or you'll be reminded how difficult it is to ask a girl in a bar if she likes to be whipped and tied to a post so you can have a little fun :)

When i was 19 i had a 3sum with a guy i was seeing and his best mate and ever since then i always wanted a relationship with 2 guys, it wasn't the done thing then though so it never happened. I don't really see any problems if you find the right people and are able to give them the time and devotion they each want.

I do know people who are polygamous and i don't know their relationships exactly but they come off as too shallow for myself, more that they are friends with the people they are seeing (which isn't wrong necessarily and works for them it's just not my thing as i've got boundaries that say you don't have sex with your friends).

11 minutes ago, sammo said:

I was fortunate enough to enjoy a very successful multi-partner relationship when in my early 20's, but the situation was rare and I now know that after a few bumpy rides on the same track it is not for the faint-hearted. We, as players in a game of pure psychology, are best able to handle the dynamic, much more prepared than vanilla players, but no matter how you juggle fire there is a real chance you will get burned, unless you don't care about either of the other parties, but then that's not what you asked is it does not qualify as a relationship if you don't give a damn who it's with. Mostly it is the female partners desire to fulfill sapphic desires on a more permanent basis that creates the chance of enjoying a 3 way or polyamorous relationship which can be scary as hell for the guy, 2 women that don't need you anymore is not something you need to hear when you've just watched your lovers at it for an hour and no sign of letting you into their acrobatics. Just a bote, never be tempted to interrupt without an invite as finding your bollocks on a tray in the morning sometimes causes concern. If you are in a D/s relationship and have the absolute trust that we tend to work towards, then you have a great chance of staying a priority to both of the other partners with little jealousy if you restrain yourself well enough, but if there is any weakness in the primary relationship this will not only find the crack but shove dynamite down the gap and blow it the fk apart. As kinky bar stewards we love a challenge so don't be put off, just accept the fact that this is a biggie and needs attention, as there is nothing sadder than a Dom without a sub, and if you are risking a great partnership that satisfies both of you right now, then you tread carefully or you'll be reminded how difficult it is to ask a girl in a bar if she likes to be whipped and tied to a post so you can have a little fun :)

“Just a note, never be tempted to interrupt without an invite as finding your bollocks on a tray in the morning”

literally just burst out laughing haha 👌🏼

Very good post though, nice to have somewhere to openly discuss these things with others 


For me, the subject of a strong poly relationship with another guy and my female sub / partner is a difficult one as I have no experience of training and maintaining the focus on males, but I have often brought in multiple males to satisfy my partners craving for different experiences from all holes filled with living meat rather than plastic, to bukakke and hours long *** sessions when that has been their desire. No matter how much water you drink, ain't no one can *** for hours solid or cum 12 times over even the cutest face.
I have cared for more than one sub as full on partners and it is mind bendingly difficult to pay attention to the persona, desires, emotional needs, and little devils within more than one woman at a time. Well worth it, but no easy task.
If I were your partner, I think i would prefer to bring men in to satisfy you and add some sprinkles so you were not having your cake and eating it, but that's just my own lack of experience in that field. I do know that Doms sharing a single sub rarely works, if ever.



multi partner where it's more of a triad/unicorn situation - I've not done.

my current structure is that I have a wife.  She has another guy whom she regularly plays with.  There are a few other women I have somewhat of a relationship with, one with a view of Mistress/owned.  

And, it's tricky - because it's important to focus on whom is most important in your life without making others feel unimportant, whilst they themselves may have other people in their lives.


The only benefit we have in pulling off this blissful arrangement is that we spend most our waking lives developing an understanding of how people think and comprehending their most intimate and secret thoughts even before they do, so we are better armed to anticipate the problems there relationships cause and implement solutions before things begin to fall apart too seriously, and as there is a defined authority so we have a secret weapon when combined with anticipation of problems in that our subs are conditioned to try and do as we command. In other words, we get a short window to redirect situations away from disaster and continue to enjoy the bliss whilst avoiding the mayhem. Having done it unsuccessfully I can attest that this window in time is so short you can blink and miss it so anyone traveling down the path, be aware that your chances of sleeping just went right out that ***y window and you have to up your game exponentially. How the Vanillas do it I have no idea, but having seen them on TV portrayed as tree hugging hippies on each documentary, I guess they also have unique advantages in their situations.

Is it worth al the grief? Hell yes!!

Not been in a 3way relationship but have been invited into play with other couples. I’ve loved it as for me there’s no responsibility & I really admire the couples that have invited me as they are so tight, they have a 3rd person into play which extends their pleasure (& mine) then carry on their normal lives after
I've been in two M/f/f triad relationships: one that lasted a year and the other lasted four years, both full time, live-in situations. Neither of these were "spot on", as you say, but we each enjoyed and appreciated the time and intimacy we shared. Every relationship, be it mono or poly, can be problematic. A common myth we hear about poly relationships is they all end badly; truth be told, I don't see many relationships that end well! Of course, poly dynamics aren't much different than mono, it's just the additional consideration of an individual involved. Some people will fit the relationship, some won't. Any relationship is only as successful as the energy, effort, and trust the participants invest.
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