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An emerging fetish of mine: turning a woman into a slut/whore


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I’m not sure if this belongs here. It’s not erotica. I guess it’s just aimless oversharing about a new or escalating fetish I have.

I’ve been finding myself increasingly into a certain kind of erotically humiliating a woman. For a while I’ve been sort of been into this but now more than ever. I find myself thinking of new ways to mock or degrade a woman I’m with for her sluttiness. My fantasizing started with more tame, verbal stuff: asking a woman I’m on a date with how many men she’s slept with and, if it’s a large number, teasing her about being a slut (using that word specifically). Or when in bed, telling her I can’t believe what a slut she is for letting me fuck her on the first date, speculating that she probably gets fucked by a new guy she met online every weekend, or being incredulous about how many she’s been with (e.g., “I think you’re lying about only fucking 10 guys, I bet you’ve had at least 30 or 40 dicks in you”). I find myself thinking of new specific ways to degrade a woman I’m with for her promiscuity.

Then I started thinking of more risque fantasies involving public sex, maybe role-playing in such a way that to any onlookers it’d seem like she just decided to fuck a random stranger in public, or cumming on a woman’s face and having her walk around in public like that. But even more extreme fantasies I have, with a girlfriend for FWB, include something like taking her to a bar, with her of course dressed in a slutty outfit, and having her pick up a stranger and have sex with him in the bathroom. I’ve thought about the details of it, like that I’d go in and listen to it; afterward she would go back to the bar and pretend to pick me up as well and do the same, so anyone watching would think she just fucked two random guys in the bathroom she met at the bar. I’ve thought about having her do this with several guys in one night.

Finally, I've fantasized about literally whoring a woman out (either by putting up an escort ad or using a tinder profile to solicit guys for this purpose, filtered by suitability of course). I’d vicariously set the ‘date’ with her client, and I’d be at the apartment or hotel room too (ostensibly to ‘watch her back’), and collect the *** and listen to her getting fucked by her john in the bedroom. Again I think a lot about the details, like picking out what she'd wear,  telling her what to say during the act (like referring to herself as a  dirty whore); encouraging the client to sell to cum on her face or in her mouth so she can swallow it. I would split the *** with her then. I'd suggest she new clothes with her earnings and wear them around, even to work, so she can think about how she paid for what she's renting by selling her pussy. For some reason I really like idea of having her degrade herself to the point of becoming a literal whore. Or just in general having her do extremely slutty things and then ‘taunting’ her about her *** during sex.

I wonder how many women have fantasies of this on their side of things. I’ve known one or two who were into verbal ***, but no idea about the more extreme things, which I’ve never tried. Embarrassing public sex acts may have some enthusiasts, but obviously whoring out a girlfriend of FWB or getting her to agree to fuck random guys in a bar is a bit less plausible, and I imagine fairly few women would go for that, but it’s a fantasy in any case. 


Actually i think it's a thrilling idea . Kind of adventure . However i doubt it's suitable for long term . Or maybe it's me that i am draw to harsher side adventures kind of agreement when i am pushed but in kind of short term thing.  Like that way pushing myself but after it's realized i am set free . But i guess everyone is different.  And probably that's only my point of view.  


I think fantasies are often good and can be more adventurous than the reality - and that's OK

elements of your fantasy I don't see as totally unrealistic - but - this is stuff where it's going to have to be a lot of conversation, communication and build up before doing - you're also going to have to do your own risk assessments 

Though, however - perhaps for awareness

Soliciting is against the terms of Tindr, so she would lose her profile

Particularly in the US - there are the SESTA/FOSTA laws which would put you both at risk if she was soliciting online, especially if it seemed that there was someone coercing this (i.e. you) behind it.  Ironically. Even if you were helping filter the messages for safety this would still be against assorted laws in the UK and US.  These are laws that are important to fight to overturn.



I haven't come across the literal whore idea but the idea of using a sub in any way you choose is pretty standard isn't it? Usually ownership first and then using your property by sharing her with other men. I have had the ownership talk with quite a few doms and nearly all of them were interested in aspects of treating their sub as a slut/whore. I see it as part of submission - I'd do what pleased my owner (within my limits). I've had many fantasies along those lines - it's giving up even more control.


as long as they are into it as well.. 
I love a good slut. as long as she likes being a slut as well

11 hours ago, Curvykate said:

I haven't come across the literal whore idea but the idea of using a sub in any way you choose is pretty standard isn't it? Usually ownership first and then using your property by sharing her with other men. I have had the ownership talk with quite a few doms and nearly all of them were interested in aspects of treating their sub as a slut/whore. I see it as part of submission - I'd do what pleased my owner (within my limits). I've had many fantasies along those lines - it's giving up even more control.

I'm new here so you're more an authority than me; that's interesting to know though. Is it common in practice for doms to actually 'share' their subs with other men?

1 hour ago, Algernon said:

I'm new here so you're more an authority than me; that's interesting to know though. Is it common in practice for doms to actually 'share' their subs with other men?

No authority at all 😁. Non-monogamy is certainly common in my experience and sharing is something I've seen mentioned, suggested and written about many times. But it's something I've always been open to, so I have a bias!

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