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Plus sized confidence boost tips?


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3 hours ago, Curvykate said:

I've never believed that a man would actually prefer my body type. I've thought that all the men I've been with overlooked the bad bits because I have a good rack or some other reason. I don't think I'd believe anyone who said they liked my body as it is. And I appreciate that this may read as though I am judgmental about other women's bodies. In fact I'm envious as hell that anyone can own a bigger body with confidence.

Curvy you look hot. I must agree with so many comments here. It's not the body, never is. It's the energy in you that makes you sexy. Deam i like myself a curvy girl, just can't back from a date, literally. She is so incredibly hot when she tells me:"thank you sir".


@misshunnie Women, and men, are people first. We don't come from one mold and, as such, there is no One Right appearance; we each broke our mold on the way out, and I think that's how it ought be.

You need to choose who you want to be and own it, not letting any individual or representation of 'society' tell you who or what is Right. I'm sorry, I don't know You well enough to know if your original post is what You want or what's being/been imposed as what you "should" want. I believe though that some reflection on that question may be the best place to start.

If you want, for yourself, to make some change then you should do it; along the way you'll find the people who'd best support you in every sense. If it's other people that want it "for you", then you should lump them into the categorical advice that they ought go "$&@! themselves off" because you're not what They want; that's okay though, each has it's own ideal partner and anyone 'less' truly isn't worth the worry.


Honestly.. I haven’t had any confidence issues. You know what your body does to men, need to remember you’re always in charge and hold them in the palm of your hand. It’s a privilege to witness your body and to touch/fuck you. Self affirmations for the win.


So many amazing and encouraging comments from all of you. Truly, thank you all! ❤️ My issue is more or less that I want to be confident, but I don't know how to boost it. I don't give a rats butt on who says what about my size, but its the reflection I see in the mirror that I hate.
I know this is a personal issue and others telling me in pretty doesn't really help, and I've been trying to be gentle with myself in the way that I talk to myself. It hasn't helped much and if I had the ***, I would propably get a lipo or a tuck on the saggy part of my stomach, everything else I can deal with and work on bit by bit.


I am also suffering the same as surgery scars all over my belly but I would say lights of can help or maybe keep a sexy bra/ corset on so it covers your belly until your ready to show the world your beauty 🥰🥰 but as stated above no man would ever shame you they are there because they find you very beautiful xxx


Honesty? Do some core workouts you’ll notice your sides and tummy start to shrink and you only need to do a handful of squats to kick start the process. Pm if you want to know more.


You’re beautiful just as you are. I’d love for a woman like you to sit on my face and use me as a toilet 🤤


Truth, own who and what you are. Coming up with psychological tricks only rein***s your own feelings of inadequacy. The emperor has no clothes. I would say stay away from that because that leads to an endless pursuit of pretentiousness. Most people have goals. Taking a realistic assessment of where they’re at and where they want to be, and then the challenge is living in the gap while you’re on your way to your chosen destination. why pretend that peoples opinions don’t matter? If they didn’t you wouldn’t be so challenged to block them out. But taking negative criticism on the chin it’s hard I know. But ultimately it’s the best teacher and how to make adjustments in your mind and in your body based on what you truly want. And that’s the key. What you truly want and staying true to your own integrity. Because after all all you have is you. So you have to truly know yourself and be honest with yourself. When you’re really there the din of opinion will truly subside and you’ll feel free to be whoever the fuck it is that you want to be.

5 hours ago, narxem said:

Honesty? Do some core workouts you’ll notice your sides and tummy start to shrink and you only need to do a handful of squats to kick start the process. Pm if you want to know more.

I do workout, but due to hormonal imbalance from PCOS its really hard even with medical help. And I do actual exercises so its not like im simply hanging at the gym.
And this wasn't the point of my post, I needed tips on how to improve self-esteem when you are a bigger size, how to feel better within the body that im in.


I'm the same, size 10 before lockdown... But DEFINITELY not that now. But I think your STUNNING. Keep it fierce.


The body is what it is. It comes in many forms and everyone has what you have. I feel that too much is made of body type. Society says one should have a particular body type, one that only 10% of the world have. I happen to appreciate almost all the different shapes and sizes of women. The mind, to me, is what’s most attractive about a women. But in this case, it doesn’t matter what I and anyone else outside you think about your body. It’s you who has to be happy with it. “Imperfections” and curves are as sexy as anything else. I love my surgical scars. Love yours as they are all very meaningful. Love yourself, your body as well. If you have sex with yourself, feel every inch of yourself not just the most sensitive parts. Love them all.😘


Hey pcos *** here- I like ones with a thicker band makes me feel more secure and then helps my stomach confidence


If the right people are involved the fact of body image would not be an issue. The mind is the true place to behold a person and all else should follow.
Not many people have the perfect height to width ratio……. Especially me and I find all kinds of body types intriguing as long as the mind has lured me in.


If it helps- I have a thing for tummies, I love a mum bod with stretch marks/ scars. You are who you are and people will desire you for that :)

22 hours ago, Alzee2 said:

If it helps- I have a thing for tummies, I love a mum bod with stretch marks/ scars. You are who you are and people will desire you for that :)

As a mother of three I love this comment! I know so many women who are ashamed of their bodies after having children and it’s such a shame because growing a tiny human is the most impressive thing anyone could ever do and should be celebrated more...


I'm a sub and sometimes the expectations are way too high I find. Some think that the pics they see are real everyday women. Well not this woman. I'm overweight. And I can fluctuate quickly die to a medical issue. I'm kind of a ton boyish woman but I love lingerie. But it's the tummy thing. A lot of lingerie looks awful on me in my opinion. I could use some of that self confidence myself. Unfortunately I've had it rough on here being overweight which sucks


It's most natural thing to have stretch marks from life or giving birth it shows you've lived and truthful your probably more complete than what we see on media


Hi, I also have stretch marks and they’re decently dark against my overwise more honey toned skin, with pinks and whites, I find that, personally, the mindset when looking at them is important; such that I feel strong and beautiful with them because no one else would have them in the shapes they are, being that they’re beautiful marks specific to me and my body, like my scars and the couple of tattoos I have. Of course there are days when I feel completely disgusting in my own skin suit bc of my weight/height/build but I remember how it’s what makes it me, and feeling awful about yourself can help me come to terms with although I’m not perfect in other peoples lives, I am something similar for myself and if I am not in some areas I would and am making changes to my lifestyle so I can move towards those goals, not extremely fast; at a pace I am both comfortable with and is safe for me both emotionally and physically


But regardless, you should know you look gorgeous x

  • 2 weeks later...

If you are in play time they should know what to expect and you need to know they already want you regardless


Hi, misshunnie! First of all, you're gorgeous! That red lipstick looks fabulous on you! Secondly, as someone who loves lacy underwear, my fave are those bodycon teddies from Victoria's Secret (other brands make them too, VS is just the most accessible to me). If you take a peek at my pictures, I'm wearing a black one that has a diamond cut out in the middle, that one has lacy fabric right in the areas I'm more insecure about as bigger girl too. So I highly recommend that cut from VS, but the overall idea is to get lacy lingerie that not only makes you feel confident but that shows off the parts you love most and decorates the parts you love less. I basically apply my logic of tattoos to the lace. I need a little help loving certain parts of myself so I don't want to cover it and hide it away. I want to add something that will make me love me more! Stay fab, lovely!

  • 2 weeks later...

Being a bigger lass myself i can definitely relate to what your saying.
You can rock the Dom with clothing and covering up but when alone you struggle with what you see. (If i have interpreted right)
Best thing for me is not to focus on the saggy bum or massive thighs i have but instead look in mirror and think yeah its not perfect for me but damn my man gets rock hard for it.. think about how much joy you get knowing his hard and horny for your body. Make your sub worship the parts you dislike this will again help you when alone and having struggles.
When you do it often enough your thoughts will start to change about how you view yourself. We are what we are embracing it fully isnt easy and i cant say i am happy with my body because of course I’m not but i also wont let it stop me from exploring or gaining pleasure. Or bring me down when alone.

  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/21/2021 at 8:58 PM, narxem said:

Honesty? Do some core workouts you’ll notice your sides and tummy start to shrink and you only need to do a handful of squats to kick start the process. Pm if you want to know more.

It is the problem pm on you unpossible is if want more know to.... It is to change? 


Just don’t worry about it. If people don’t like it f*ck them

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