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Plus sized confidence boost tips?


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Know there are us people out there who love that tummy! 🤤
I have this problem as well but I'm not fully plus size but definitely am a chubby chubster! I had 2 pregnancies and 2 c sections leaving me with a Roly poly tummy w scars n stretch marks. I'm a very thick woman and am very curvy and am kinda proud of it! I've earned this belly through having the love and selflessness that comes with children and the way it destroys a body!!! My man is always telling me that I'm so sexy and hot. He really loves bigger women. I'm bisexual and prefer it also. But sometimes when I'm looking down at myself and I only see something that if I was rich I'd get a tummy tuck so fast it would give you whiplash 😆 and for wearing lacy panties (that never makes the waistline tight enough to stay up) they always seem to just roll down and make me look worse off. So now I stick to booty shorts, boy shorts, any kind of panties that look good. Besides how long do they really stay on??? 😆 🤣 another thing we like to do is video record our experiences and he's a watcher and loves doing it! In the beginning me, not so much... I'm not into looking at myself naked, moving, moaning, and shaking. It's a strange feeling for me. Damien loves watching it often and I can sometimes hear myself and get all anxious over it. But there's a good ending to my rant...over time being reassured by him, and I love amateur porn mostly, I've started to really give myself a good look and think that I really do look sexy and attractive to others. Even my loud moaning and strained sex faces are not as bad as once believed. I've grown to accept it appreciate my body and go with the flow of life 😌
I am going n the same boat gf!!!! I’m m trying to learn to love me but it’s so hard.
Hey, so I am in the same boat, 1. Partner should love your body no matter what it looks like
2. Partner should express love of curves often

Lol ok really though
I have chosen men that appreciate and are vocal about how much they love my body.
I didnt believe for awhile
Then my partner took me to an event and the men where nuts for me, and then he showed me what guys really like.
And once I embraced the idea that men find me beautiful I dont care about how i look nude
Because the partners I choose admire my curves.

If you are with partners that love how you look, untill you can see what they see, lay back and let them worship you till you understand.

Worked for me ❤️
Best of luck beautiful
Ok @biggirlwildandfree I’m going to disagree with one. I was 373lbs and I’m 222lbs being big is not healthy and if I want better for you I’m not just going to accept you the way you are. I’m also a widower your health becomes his burden and it’s not fair. You could have make a few tweaks here and there just just to improve your health. So love you yes but unconditionally love you whileyou do nothing to better yourself I can’t agree with it. He’s the one with the broken heart when you leave. Now Don’t get me wrong I love my woman thick but there is a line between thick and unhealthy. Obesity is a problem.
I say love your self I don't discriminate against plus size or slim

@ViktorParker I agree, I have learned to love the body I have enough to know that, I need to eat right, have activities that help trim amd tone my body, refine the shape, and be around to help my partner throughout his medical condition. I say love yourself as you are, so you see the beautiful person underneath and choose for yourself that you want better health.
Like anything else that is a struggle to adjust behaviors around, food and exercise, is something that cannot overcome genetics, diseases ect.
Its not just changing the habits, there is so much more too it.
Losing the weight properly so other health problems dont arise and we die anyway.

Saying you like thick girls is fine, everyone at every size deserves to be loved, and being told we are selfish to not take care of ourselves and leave our families devastated, doesn't help those of us who are without options except to embrace and love ourselves and care for the body we have the best we can.

If society would embrace us and love us openly and seek to find a solution to our health crisis, not shame us into a corner, while the toned and fit are laughing and pointing at us for circumstances we struggle or cant control.

Tell an addict, or an alcoholic to just stop and dont use anything anymore.

We all have wounds and things we want to forget.
So before you stand on you soap box, do some research!
Stop letting society tell you we are not worth the effort, we are worth it and no one will convince me otherwise, and I will yell it from the roof tops!

Any and all people who struggled with weight, no matter too much or not enough, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL LOVE YOURSELF NOW, DONT WAIT! EMBRACE THE BODY THE MIND THE SOUL OF YOUR BEAUTIFUL LIFE!!!

@biggirlwildandfree I love myself babe ya wrong. Exercise and food can ABSOLUTELY overcome genetics. I am African American I am predisposed to high *** pressure and diabetes neither of which I have. I am walking proof it can be done. My surgery was just a tool. I spent years and hours in the gym as well as changing my diet. If you say you can or you can’t…..you are correct. I think you are beautiful but don’t let excuses stop you from being a better you. #loveyathickems
I am plus size woman, also with large hanging tummy with scar. My advice to you is to just be you!! Be proud and love your sexy body. 😘
High *** pressure and diabetes are more easily overcome than a thyroid that is malfunctioning or medication that inhibits weight loss. Dont assume that exercise and diet can overcome all, thats how we get put on the side lines, thinking we dont care enough, when everyday we fight just to put good nutrition and daily exercise into our lives.

I have been 360 most of my adult life, I have done every diet and exercise routine known to man so much *** wasted on programs and gym memberships. With no results. I eat right, get daily exercise, and reduce stress.
Weight doesn't come off, after careful research on my drs. part we found that the medication I take to keep my immune system from attacking itself also slows the fat burning.
Something diet and exercise CAN NOT overcome

People who think that diet and exercise can overcome all are mistaken, my partner is an avid cycling enthusiast, eats very healthy and yet he has a condition that will see him ripped from me in less then 10 years.
Many friends and family gone too soon, thinking a change in diet and exercise would cure their cancer, mental health disorder, kidney disease, and other diseases.

Obesity is a disease. Food can be an addiction, good for you, you are one of the lucky ones that diet and exercise helped slow the progress of the conditions. It is still hard wired in your genetics the right stresser and it will take hold, i know this because its happening to me .

Read up learn more be an advocate for proper care and support for those who struggle with weight high or low.

Love you all!
That is exactly why I had surgery. Like I said it was a tool. I had sleep apnea so bad that I stopped breathing 250 times a night. So if I did take action or I would have had thyroid problems as well as a stroke. If your weight is an issue you should look into weight loss surgery.
I love me as I am, I am beautiful, strong, intelligent and really dont need to please a soul, I have enough people who like me as i am that I dont need validation from anyone

Glad your health is getting better
Find me who love the way you look. You're very attractive!!!
Buy whatever lacy underwear you enjoy. Own it. I guarantee you'll find someone that loves it. Whatever makes YOU feel good is what is the best.
Don't worry about it. The right partner will always love you no matter what you look like. An we love bigger girls. 😊
So I have an amazing podcast that may help you- unf*ckyour brain by Kara Lowenthial
I have been told men e joy a woman with a tummy it’s referred to as Rubenesque. Remember you have a human body-it’s a human stomach just like mine
That is a bonus that thickness is sexy asf
It really does not matter as long as you are comfortable with it. Wear what ever makes you happy. I am on wheelchair and I was really uncomfortable interacting or being stared upon. It took me a while to work on it. Still working on it not quite there yet 🙂. As long as you are comfortable that’s it. It’s my personal view.
First of all, you're gorgeous. Second, from one thick beautiful woman to another... it's so much deeper than "just be confident!". It's years of marketing and conditioning for a woman to hate herself so that she can then "fix" herself with their products.

The solution that worked for me is small daily habits. Start nourishing yourself with confidence, self love and positive words. Do you know how long it took me just to get to neutral!!! To look in the mirror and not focus on the first flaw or have some thought of disgust?! I'm very proud of my hard work too.

At the end of the day, remember... it's just a body/possession; not you.

Pro tip: your play partner can help make all the difference, too. 😉 Building that trust and knowing they desire you is always a wonderful boost, too
I love women of all ethnicities and size I appreciate a person for there worth I don't judge anyone I like a person who is real and not fake I definitely love when someone is confident in there own skin now that attracts me more
Respectfully, If you're a domme, you should exude confidence and command attention!

And I think that your size won't matter to your subs, if anything, that's what they'll want. Leather and pvc is sexy, corsets are sexy... Kimonos are hella sexy. Find a look you like and run with it. You'll enjoy your playtime so much more when you let those thoughts dissappear.

Own it! And enjoy yourself guapa xx

Do you and your best will bring you to the place you want to be
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