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Simple, put a blindfold on, you become more reliant on your sense of touch to determine what's going on around you, you pay closer attention to the breeze flowing over your arm hairs etc. You listen with more depth to what's going on around you while actively trying to place where everything is and what's going on


You focus upon the senses that you actually have access to. Example, touch smell taste if you are blind folded and ears plugged. You naturally try to ‘orient’ yourself and grow accustomed to your surroundings. Normally, you can react by seeing and hearing someone come your way to spank you, however if you have no realization of a spanking coming your way you can’t deafen the impact by bracing for it.

Simply, there isn’t any physical
Change that heightens other senses, however, it does make you focus on other senses. As we are a visual reliant species. Therefore, taking sight will do a lot more than popping on some ear phones. I can link sources if you want.

The sensory parts of the brain are huge and specially that related to sight, remove one or more and it allows the brain to concentrate more “processing power” on the others without having to work on others, kind of like asking someone to do 5 simultaneous jobs or 1, they’re always going to be quicker at lower numbers and put more attention to detail into it

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