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“The Hunted” chapter 3 - “Randall’s mines”


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The spoil raced for the tree line, a wave of naked flesh running for cover, scrambling for freedom. Just twenty minutes head start before the Hawkers could pursue. Pholoe allowed herself a quick glance, a mass of spoils racing, North, West and East, and a single figure racing South! “Nobody runs south”. 

Pholoe cursed. That so fucked her plan. She had so bargained that nobody would head that way. Her eyes became transfixed on Amasol’s muscular frame as she sprinted south. A physique so different to hers. Pholoe was athletic, fit, and slight. A firm tight ass and gorgeous pert breasts. Amasol in contrast was so much bigger. Six foot tall, olive skin, a solid frame and massive double G tits that so made Pholoe look diminutive in comparison. So different but each had their admirers, each had Hawkers lusting over them. 

Amasol  reached the tree line first and was lost to Pholoe’s gaze. Her concentration returned, her mind raced. A new plan?. No she thought stick with it. Her plan was still sound and at least she was aware that Amasol’s start would ensure some Hawkers would now move south. 

Now Pholoe was in the trees, hidden from the Hawkers gaze. She had gone East, towards “Prelacy forest” a vast expanse once the hiding place of nuns and monks. A branch interrupted her thoughts. Released by another Spoil as it sprang back striking her thigh. Like a whip it landed hard, a welt immediately appeared, breaking her skin at the point of impact the main source of ***, however the leafy soft tip had also hit her love lips, not the worst that would hit her tender region if caught, but still it provoked a reaction. “Fuck, bitch, bastard, three expletives her only acknowledgement to the ***, no time for pity no time to rest. Escape her only thought.

Now hidden by the treeline she immediately turned south. Her destination inspired by RAF 374’s aerial pictures, “Randall’s mines”. An opencast mining site for “Coquina”, the very substance that had built shelter and allowed life in this remote region. Clay Randall was an entrepreneur of supreme intelligence, his vision far in advance of his time, qualities that Pholoe so treasured and admired. Her plan to seek shelter in these small shallow mines whilst the hunt dispersed. The next 12 hours of daylight  hiding, before her race began. 

The heat of the day already draining, her body a mass of sweat and discomfort, but south she moved, to “Randall’s mines”. Another loud blast told her that the Hawkers were loose, her head start over and the chase now very real. “Fuck, Fuck, Fuck. Was her head start enough, was “Randall’s mines” to far now some Hawkers headed south. Her step quickened, her lungs were bursting her body now pouring and wet. Every minute was now precious, every step so decisive, her plan so hung in the balance. Her pace quickened again, driving herself forward, her heart pounded, as if it attempted to escape her very chest. 

Her thoughts now moved to her pursuers, Aeolus and his massive cock, both in length and girth, god it would be more like giving birth than being fucked if he caught me. Nemesis, a small puny man, full of hate, who loved inflicting *** and discomfort. Branding and disfigurement his legacy. Although it was Juno’s attention she ***ed most. Her cravings she most wanted to avoid. Her thoughts quickened her step still further, she turned even more southerly to lengthen the distance. Not far now, she exited the trees on the edge of “Randall’s mines”.

Pholoe raced across the shingle. The stone crippling on her bare feet. Her pace never slowing, her resolve so strong. Ignoring the outer pits she drove deeper into the mines, every passing second a risk of a Hawker breaking the tree-line and see her, but the deeper she went the safer she felt. Risk and reward, she weighed up her options. 

It was a matter of seconds, pure luck, pure fortune. Her choice made, her sanctuary decided, she had jumped into the smallest most insignificant hole Randall had dug just seconds before Aeolus had appeared. A fraction later and her very life would be so different. A second later and her holes would be filled with the largest cock she had ever seen. A symbolic bead of sweat trickled down her face, like a tear from her eye. So apt, so appropriate, she thought. God how many tears I would shed if that bastard was inside me. Humour had always been her friend. A gift that kept her sane. A gift she enjoyed right now. 

It took ten long, ***staking minutes for Aeolus to walk the semicircle of the mine. From its northerly point to the southernly exit of the clearing. Pholoe could hardly breath. Although gasping for breath, exhausted from her sprint start she knew her fate hung in the balance. She watched her chest rise and fall, was transfixed by the moisture rolling from her breasts, her nipples now hardened by the same gentle breeze that cooled her. Still so tense, her senses so heightened by Aeolus’s presence. Then he was gone, back into the forest, like the wind itself, he had orbited “Randall’s mine” and continued his southerly path. Pholoe knew the cliffs were just a couple of hundreds yards away, could visualise his path, the forest breaking just inch’s from the cliff top, his path arching left to Randall’s steps” one of the natural passages down the cliffs to “tranquil plans”. She relaxed and got comfortable, well as comfortable as she could on a bed of earth and shingle. She moved a larger stone aside that was pressed against her anus. Just another reminder of her fate if caught. The suns raised hidden by the overhanging earth she felt safe, at least for now anyway. Although still only morning she was shattered. Devoid of sleep last night as her mind replayed the start of today’s hunt. She dozed and drifted, her world at peace for now.

Her peace was shattered by a siren. So out of place in this uninhabited world. A shrill high pitched noise that resembled an air raid warning. She had been sleeping, the day was late, that she knew by the suns place in the sky. Tentatively she allowed herself to take a glance above her sheltering mine. Nothing moved, no threats, no alarms except the one that filled her ears. She knew she must explore, understand what was happening, so slowly she left her hiding place, eyes constantly moving as she slowly moved to the treeline before following the path Aeolus had taken many hours before. Round the mine, to the southernly path, a couple of hundred yards to the cliff, curving to the left before she stopped on the cliff edge a hundred yards from “Randall’s steps”. 

Her jaw dropped and her heart raced as she discovered what had tripped the alarm. Amasol stood below her, captive and caught. A victim of a Hawkers trap, she had plunged into a deep hole dug into the dry riverbed that meandered the foot of the cliffs at the edge of “Tranquil plans”. Deep flat sides, slightly inverted to prevent escape. Amasol desperately clawing at the the earth as she attempted in vain to climb out. Then Pholoe attention shifted, something had caught her eye, her head instantly turned, eyes suddenly realising a new threat. There just a hundred foot below her was Aeolus, striding towards the trap, striding to claim his prize, striding to fulfil his lust.


Wow!! That’s amazing. I loved reading it. It’s written so well ☺️

9 minutes ago, Phoenix31 said:

Wow!! That’s amazing. I loved reading it. It’s written so well ☺️

Thank you Phoenix, as always your comments are so appreciated. Pleased you enjoyed it x

Captivated by the first 2 chapters I have waited with baited breath for chapter 3 and once more you fail to disappoint. You know how much I love your writing snd I cannot wait to read more 🙂
19 hours ago, Purr said:

A wonderful read as always! I can’t get enough! Xx

Your kind words genuinely inspire me to write more. Thank you sweetheart, I so adore your feedback 😘

6 hours ago, skylinegirl said:

Captivated by the first 2 chapters I have waited with baited breath for chapter 3 and once more you fail to disappoint. You know how much I love your writing snd I cannot wait to read more 🙂

Such generous praise from a beautiful lady. From now on this tale will start to become a little darker, I so hope you still find it as appealing xxx thank you 😘  


Soooooo good I cannot cope lol!!!!! I'm bursting to know what happens next. Another truly piece of fantastic writing 

21 hours ago, lil-monster said:

Soooooo good I cannot cope lol!!!!! I'm bursting to know what happens next. Another truly piece of fantastic writing 

Well thank you my beautiful friend, your words are truly kind. It bring me great joy that people are reading and enjoying my story. Chapter 4 will be posted soon and who knows what awaits poor Amasol. Her day does look a little bleak mind 😘😘

1 hour ago, Starling808 said:

🔥🔥🔥more please

More will certainly come my friend. Once more I’m totally blown away by your interest 😘😘

6 hours ago, FitGirl said:

:fire:  can't wait for Chapter 4 x

Thank you honey, glad you enjoyed it xx

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for telling me about this! Really enjoying the story! Good attention to details. Looking forward to reading more!


On 9/8/2021 at 11:01 PM, Rarehorne said:

Thanks for telling me about this! Really enjoying the story! Good attention to details. Looking forward to reading more!


Well thank you sweat heart such kind and generous words. I so pleased you enjoyed it. Chapter 4 came out last week and chapter 5 should be out tomorrow. Hope you enjoy them equally 😘😘

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