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Blocking not working.

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I've been trying to raise a ticket, via my (android) phone on the mobile site..and I just can't make it work, I keep repeatedly seeing a faq which is of no help..nothing else opens.

I blocked a nuisance who was constantly on my page..creeping me out, making inappropriate photo comments, upto a dozen or more notifications a day he genuinely made me feel like I needed to shower by the time enough was enough, so I blocked him, or thought I had.

According to my settings they are still blocked, but I had a notification that they again liked one of my pictures less than half an hour ago..so they clearly aren't, but when I click on them it tells me I can't view them because I blocked them..any help greatly appreciated. I do not want this creep on my page!

I'm having an issue where someone is trying to view my profile but it's not letting them (as though they're blocked) which they are definitely not. Wonder if there's a glitch in the system or something
  7 minutes ago, quietlysure said:

You may have to unblock them then report them via profile, then block again


What do I report them for though?

I haven't reported them previously, I don't like the way they've behaved but they haven't broken site rules, so I just blocked them.. the names exactly as it is in my block list, the avatars the same too so I know he hasn't made a new profile (because that has happened before so was the first thing I checked).

  11 minutes ago, SilverFoxx said:

I'm having an issue where someone is trying to view my profile but it's not letting them (as though they're blocked) which they are definitely not. Wonder if there's a glitch in the system or something


Could be..I just viewed you with no difficulty. Are they a free member? (There may be restrictions on how many profiles they can view if they are, I can't recall off hand).

  2 hours ago, MzJax said:

I've been trying to raise a ticket, via my (android) phone on the mobile site..and I just can't make it work, I keep repeatedly seeing a faq which is of no help..nothing else opens.

I blocked a nuisance who was constantly on my page..creeping me out, making inappropriate photo comments, upto a dozen or more notifications a day he genuinely made me feel like I needed to shower by the time enough was enough, so I blocked him, or thought I had.

According to my settings they are still blocked, but I had a notification that they again liked one of my pictures less than half an hour ago..so they clearly aren't, but when I click on them it tells me I can't view them because I blocked them..any help greatly appreciated. I do not want this creep on my page!


I've had this... I think members can still like your pics, and possibly comment on them, through the news feed.

I spoke to a Mod and they think it's because I recently changed my username MzJax
  5 minutes ago, BountyHunter said:

I've had this... I think members can still like your pics, and possibly comment on them, through the news feed.


So no point having a block feature at all then 🤷‍♀️..thats just absurdity at its best..and plain wrong.


If you go to "my wall" then "settings" you can select who can comment on your pics and vids.

The default is all members. 

You can change it to "only friends and favourites" that should filter things out.... or I could unshackle @Boldbald........ (maybe not, the mods work hard enough as it is 😆)

  6 minutes ago, SilverFoxx said:

I spoke to a Mod and they think it's because I recently changed my username MzJax


Well at least you have a reason, hopefully quickly resolved for both of you..my name hasn't changed recently or otherwise though so that can't be the cause of my issue 🤷‍♀️

  4 minutes ago, BountyHunter said:


If you go to "my wall" then "settings" you can select who can comment on your pics and vids.

The default is all members. 

You can change it to "only friends and favourites" that should filter things out.... or I could unshackle @Boldbald........ (maybe not, the mods work hard enough as it is 😆)


Sigh..I didn't even know that was a feature..but jeez you'd think if you blocked someone that would be automatic..I'll go have a look..thanks @BountyHunter


Edited to add:

Okay..just looked..theres anyone..so turned that off.

Theres filtered from allowed only..what on earth does that mean, who's allowed, how do you allow?

And there's friends and favourites..the only one I guess available, shame..I'd prefer anyone.. but if blocked can still access, the door has to shut for  everyone else because of them.

Edited by MzJax
Added an extra point
Hi, blocking only stops them viewing your profile, nothing more. Anyhing that is posted be it comments on a thread or pics, are still visible. 😊
  14 minutes ago, MzJax said:

Well at least you have a reason, hopefully quickly resolved for both of you..my name hasn't changed recently or otherwise though so that can't be the cause of my issue 🤷‍♀️


Thank you MzJax, I hope you can get your issue sorted too.


Sounds like a right *** 😔

  4 minutes ago, Donnykinkster said:

Hi, blocking only stops them viewing your profile, nothing more. Anyhing that is posted be it comments on a thread or pics, are still visible. 😊


So it comes down to setting things to friends and faves only then. Or setting your filters so tight that an anorexic ameobi would struggle getting through.

I have often wondered about the whole blocking thing, on some sites when you block someone they're prevented from seeing anything regarding your profile, otherwise what's the point

  19 minutes ago, Donnykinkster said:

Hi, blocking only stops them viewing your profile, nothing more. Anyhing that is posted be it comments on a thread or pics, are still visible. 😊


Comments on a thread, fair enough..but pictures that's out of order..feels rather like being used as bait..I don't like it..but thanks for the heads up.

When uploading pics they can be sent straight to the private gallery, then only those you choose can see them, not all and sundry 😊.

@MzJax, I checked your profile pics.  The notice now says "Upgrade to post a comment."  Apparently, the filter still allows paid members to post comments.  I don't know if that is how it actually works.  Or, if it is just a generic statement for all filters.

Can you report that member for harassment?  They may have a way of limiting his privileges, to prevent these problems.

  24 minutes ago, Phoenyx said:

@MzJax, I checked your profile pics.  The notice now says "Upgrade to post a comment."  Apparently, the filter still allows paid members to post comments.  I don't know if that is how it actually works.  Or, if it is just a generic statement for all filters.

Can you report that member for harassment?  They may have a way of limiting his privileges, to prevent these problems.


Appreciate the check thank you @Phoenyx..that's somewhat reassuring. I'd hope paying doesn't earn A/anyone a pass on someones settings so I'm sure it must be generic, I'll try and get a paying friend and a non paying one to check for me. Thank you.

I think harassment, in his case anyway, might be too strong a word, he makes me feel uncomfortable though for sure. I don't want to see him in my notifications, on my profile, or my pictures.. and seeing him pop up again after a nice break of a couple or 3 weeks was unnerving even though he didn't comment this time, as I'd.. erroneously it seems..assumed a block was just that, and not some Internet version of a two way mirror ..hope that makes sense 🤷‍♀️

  1 hour ago, MzJax said:

I think harassment, in his case anyway, might be too strong a word, he makes me feel uncomfortable though for sure. I don't want to see him in my notifications, on my profile, or my pictures.. and seeing him pop up again after a nice break of a couple or 3 weeks was unnerving even though he didn't comment this time, as I'd.. erroneously it seems..assumed a block was just that, and not some Internet version of a two way mirror ..hope that makes sense 🤷‍♀️


I believe that such repeated visits could still be considered "harassment".  He has been blocked in all other ways, and is now using this loophole to troll.  Report this, and give a detailed account of what has been happening.  I am sure that this is far from the first time that the Mods have had to deal with this scenario.

  2 minutes ago, Phoenyx said:

I believe that such repeated visits could still be considered "harassment".  He has been blocked in all other ways, and is now using this loophole to troll.  Report this, and give a detailed account of what has been happening.  I am sure that this is far from the first time that the Mods have had to deal with this scenario.


I hadn't looked at it that way, I'll certainly give it some consideration. 

  34 minutes ago, Dragonflylover said:

I'm sorry this is happening Jax 😟 X


Thank you, me too. Feels like it's one thing after another lately, maybe it's just my time to go..when things supposedly put in place to protect don't. In my case a minor issue, but what if I'd blocked for threats or something 🤷‍♀️

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