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Blocking not working.

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I have brought this sort of thing up before, that it would be easier to have a report button in settings to raise a ticket about a problem, rather than having to search through settings or help section ( of which the latter doesn't function properly, at least on my phone) and usually just giving up as you can't find it

I've noticed a few glitches on here lately myself. Idk what's up, maybe they're doing work to the site or something? Idk. It's mostly been with profile updates & photo uploads for me. But I've noticed some glitches too. & I'm sorry there's so many gross, disgusting people out there. I've had one or two, but nothing like what women go through. It's unfortunate. Hopefully blocking will be back again soon lol it does have it's uses.
1 hour ago, MzJax said:

Thank you, me too. Feels like it's one thing after another lately, maybe it's just my time to go..when things supposedly put in place to protect don't. In my case a minor issue, but what if I'd blocked for threats or something 🤷‍♀️

On every other site Block means everything. It's just wrong. You contribute so much, please don't go x

14 hours ago, MzJax said:

I hadn't looked at it that way, I'll certainly give it some consideration. 

Just the other day I had someone like it comment on 75 of my forum posts, view my profile multiple times, spank me, like and comment on all my pictures. It gets creepy at times. I feel for you. To repeat, if you’ve asked them to quit and it still happens, it harassment. Mine felt like stalking and scared the *** out of me.

Mine works Fine blocking No problem what’s the weather on my iPad
3 hours ago, Leisa said:

Just the other day I had someone like it comment on 75 of my forum posts, view my profile multiple times, spank me, like and comment on all my pictures. It gets creepy at times. I feel for you. To repeat, if you’ve asked them to quit and it still happens, it harassment. Mine felt like stalking and scared the *** out of me.

Yeah..he's one of those..you sign in and there's upwards of 50 notifications. 

I didn't ask him to quit..theres some people you just know not to engage with, those who even a negative response is a response they then cling on to.. I just blocked and thought that was the end of it.

Sorry to hear you've felt that way, it's not a pleasant feeling dreading logging on, having to stay invisible and nor is not being able to see anything else because All your notifications are filled by someone you don't want to engage with, you don't want to post anything because they'll be there..and you carry that it with you and become wary of everyone's motives..thats part of why I'm so shocked that blocking someone doesn't exclude your content from them..its unnerving. 

@Annalou Is there anything that can be done about this issue?

There doesn't seem much point using the block function atm.

I also have this issue. I have blocked people who have blocked me (by typing their name into the text box in block feature), but I still find these people can see me and what I type in the lobby for instance. A select few see what I am posting or commenting on the likes of here, and if any opinion disgrees with me they are all over it liking every comment or passive *** remarks. It's so disheartening and frustrating when I do not want anything to do with some people. I do not wish for them to be able to see what I am writing anywhere on this site, nor do I wish to see what they are writing. I don't see how there's any easy fix to this though besides me having asked a mod or two to keep an eye on this kind of thing when I post something, which just isn't fair that I need to do. 

I think a block should be a total block, invisible to those who have blocked you and vice versa. It would certainly fix a lot of my anxities and the same with those who as mentioned above by others, are still all over your content being creepy and able to still see what your doing. 

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