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sub or slave

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1 hour ago, Aranhis said:

Out of everything you've written here today (perhaps with the inability to glance at a pic specifically placed next to a user's name to help us differentiate gender and then make an assumption about them - hmmm, on second thoughts perhaps it isn't so surprising that you would make such an assumption 🤔), I find this the most deeply fascinating.


It doesn't seem as though anybody agrees with you, but I'm going to take a moment to indulge you. Let's go for a ride and imagine an immensely hypothetical "IF". It's a huge if. Whatever you've ever imagined before, this is bigger. Can we all see that image? Good. Now we're going to take that "IF", and put it within a question that gives you the benefit of the doubt.


If we assume that the theory and history behind the point you are trying to make is correct and agree that what you have been saying was accurate 15 years or so ago, are you able to acknowledge the concepts of evolution and change? Can you concede that, much like laws change with the advent of new technologies and scientific discoveries (as just two examples) or languages and cultures experience growth and adapt over similar relatively short time periods, communities such as this also are not inflexible, rigid bodies with rules and terms written in stone? Or maybe - just maybe - recognise that many words (like, ummm, slave... as an example) have more than one acceptable common-usage meaning?

I just love you right now. Thank you

I don’t quite know whose arse you pulled your information out of but it’s wrong on so many levels. I posted an article over a year ago on the differences with contributions from D/s and M/s to ensure that an accurate picture was posted. For you to come on here and post this rubbish is contrary to everything the dynamics contained in both types of partnerships. You obviously know nothing about the human foibles that occur in each and every dynamic. Not one is the same as the other and to ***t them all with the same brush is a disgusting contribution. Maybe sit back and learn about the lifestyle before trying to “educate” others. With you it would be like the blind leading the blind. Educate yourself before trying to educate others. Don’t bother telling me to watch my language. I’m not a slave, I’m a sub.
Wow you seem to have a need to educate and be wrong, it's quite an achievement.
The premise of the post appears to be very much cookie cutter definitions. Also it should be pointed out that M/s contracts cannot be legally en***d and contain more than just terms of service, they can also contain limits (yes slaves have limits) for both parties, break clauses, re-evaluation periods.where the contract is re-negotiated, how the master will provide for the "slave".
Finally, contrary to popular belief, the "slave" is able to leave the dynamic at any time they chose without hinderance and chose a new master without interference.
OP, could you clarify your question? I'm seeing the part where you've started to flesh out your confusion, but I believe we could help more if we knew what advice you were seeking.

I think he meant to say there's quite a lot of people new to here or the lifestyle that don't know the difference between sub and slave, age confuses it as there's a few older people who are now plucking up the courage to explore their desires, not just younger

  • 8 months later...
Actually slaves do have the right to negotiate, in any sort of bdsm dynamic the sub or slave always has a right to their own limits, rules, safe word etc so to say that a slave has no right is absolutely wrong and completely the opposite of bdsm. Bdsm is all about safe, sane and consensual so every person who participates no matter title always has limits that need to be respected
4 minutes ago, Celestial-Succubus said:

Actually slaves do have the right to negotiate, in any sort of bdsm dynamic the sub or slave always has a right to their own limits, rules, safe word etc so to say that a slave has no right is absolutely wrong and completely the opposite of bdsm. Bdsm is all about safe, sane and consensual so every person who participates no matter title always has limits that need to be respected

people draw different lines

but usually the difference is that a slave would be entering into a CNC arrangement 

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