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“The Hunted” chapter 5 - “pholoe’s prize”


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Pholoe rested, she had watched it all unravel beneath her, watch Aeolus claim his prize. With every strike of his birch whip she had found elation. When he parted Amasol’s legs and took her she found her own path to heaven, her fingers aided that. The wind had carried Amasol’s cry as she felt Aeolus’s massive cock enter her, heard her wimped as he relentlessly ploughed her. Is was not pity she felt, but jealousy. Not jealous about Amasol’s part in what she watched, god no, who would welcome that. Jealous that it was not her finding that pleasure, commanding Amasol so. Owning her fabulous body and using her so. That’s what drove Pheloe’s passion, that’s what drove her lust.

Pholoe had sat for an hour after Aeolus’s parting words. She had watched him retreat to his fire, had watched him settle for the night and not stir. The night was black. The moon just a fraction of is normal self. So his fire was so bright in the nights obscurity. The only light in an otherwise dark world. Amasol’s beauty for now lost to her, the night had stolen that. So she had sat and watched his fire dance.

Her own lust was no longer cold on her inner thigh, the breeze had dried that long ago and no longer did her lust drive her mind. That had stopped a while back. Now she was driven by a new thought. A new mission. Now she planned to make Amasol her plaything, her fuck toy, her slave. The slave of a “spoil” how the “Hawkers” would despise such a thing. That alone brought enjoyment.

At first she just toyed with the idea, a plan so risky, however the reward so exciting. As always the truth of the matter was easy. As with all things in life she thought “risk and reward”. The risk was she would fail, join Amasol in the pit, become another of Aeolus’s toys, feel the sting of his Birch whip, feel her own *** flowing down her legs. In many ways that only excited her more. She loved a good flogging, she had often worn the marks for days, even weeks, after playing with her old master. In fact it was one of the reasons that brought her here, one of the delights she sort. No that wasn’t the risk. Aeolus’s cock was. She had seen it close up, Aeolus had taunted the spoils in the clearing before the hunt had begun. Had made sure all had seen his length and girth. He had even slapped many of her fellow spoils across the face with it, stating “know what you run from, know what you shall endure”. That was the risk, the very thought brought tears to her eyes. However the reward was so sweet. She now understood why she continued with her plan to head south. Why she decided to continue when all logic told her otherwise. She had also seen Amasol up close. Stared at her longingly, admired her beauty and craved her so. “Risk and reward”

The only unknown was what plagued Pholoe so much. Where the fuck was Nemesis. She had not seen him for hours now. Not since she had entered “Randall’s mines” and took cover in the “Conuina” pit. With the night so black it would be a glorious opportunity to cross “Tranquil Plans” and find refuge in “Foxlydiate woods” on the far side. To her knowledge no spoil had ever tried, to cross “Tranquil Plans” was far to risky even at night. A normal night. However tonight the moon was so dark the clouds so dense and visibility so little. That worried her. For if she was a Hawker she would lie in wait at the bottom of “Randall’s Steps” expecting the crossing. So where the fuck was Nemesis. The night was now old, dawn probably only two hours away. Procrastinating no longer an option. Pholoe needed to act, either move north east and find shelter and safety in “Prelacy Forest” or go claim her prize. 

She broke cover. As she stood she felt the warm welcome breeze on her body. The confinement of her hiding place was hot and uncomfortable so the breeze felt so welcoming on her clammy damp body. Her nipples instantly reacted, little bullets on her chest. As she touched them she finally made her decision. The reward outweighed the risk, she would seek her fun. Her legs were stiff and unsteady, so long she had sat motionless, so she just stood for a minute enjoying the breeze and stretching her limbs. Her first steps were slow and tentative. No longer hidden, other than by the darkness of the night, she slowly approached “Randall’s steps”. Once more she sat and just listened. So many things drove her thoughts. The risk of the slippery rocky steps in the darkness of night. One misplaced step would see her fall. A broken bone right now would surly be her downfall. Aeolus would find her at dawn and she would join Amasol, she would become another fuck toy for him rather then claiming one for herself. Other things also troubled her. Where was Nemesis, she could not shake that thought, what other traps lay between the bottom of “Randall’s steps” and the pit, and the big question, how could she extract Amasol without waking Aeolus. So many questions to answer, no more time to think. Dawn was approaching, her greatest asset night would soon disappear.

So she moved. The cold rocky steps on her bare feet. Pholoe slowly transcended. She hugged the cliff face to guide her, the sharp rock sore on her hard nipples. What would have taken mere seconds in day light felt like an age in the nights darkness as one by one she took each step. Half way down she lost site of the camp as the natural path of the steps turned left following the cliff face. Still she slowly transcended, still hugging the cliff, still have the harsh rock against her soft breasts. It was like sandpaper on her nipples, but sooner that than a fall. 

Eventually she reach “Tranquil Plains” or at least the river bed that she sort. Phase two of her plan now engaged. Hugging the bank of the river bed she slowly approached the pit. Still the night was black, not long now though till dawn. Then the silence was shattered, a loud cry of *** erupted. Pholoe stopped and listened. It was Amasol’s voice she heard. Amasol’s cry. The sound of someone being dragged. The sound of a harsh slap landing on skin. Then the words of another “be still bitch and the *** will be less, first feel my lust and then ware my mark” Pholoe at least had one answer, she know we’re Nemesis was now.

It had been a good while since the path had turned left and she had lost sight of the pit and a lot had happened in that time. Pholoe was now close enough to see a little. A new bright light helped her see. Embers now lit the bottom of the pit. Nemesis had come to play. His small fire both aided Pholoe’s sight and heated his irons. Amasol was about to play again, like it or not. She could just make out Nemesis removing his trousers, she watched him lower himself and could see his motion. Whilst Amasol was hidden her voice told Pholoe everything. Another hawker sort his pleasure. “Aeolus won’t be coming any time soon, he’s a little tied up right now. Once I’ve enjoyed you my sweet Amasol I intend to place my mark on you. One on each breast and on one your inner thigh. Then anyone who welcomes your pleasure will know I’ve had you first” Nemesis dark words sent a shudder down Pholoe’s spine and filled her with jealous anger. How dare he fuck what is rightly mine and he will not mark her gorgeous skin. Rage grew to hatred as she heard Amasols cry’s. Nemesis so distracted, no longer alert as he thrust deep into Amasol. How was the time to act. Pholoe broke cover, sprinted the final yards to the pit, just as she had seen Aeolus do many hours before she leaped down onto the pit her feet landing on Nemesis’s head and she didn’t stop stamping till he was still. A total eruption of *** had won the day, Nemesis was beat. 

Removing one of the ropes that he had secured Amasol down with, she first bound Nenesis, then removing his iron from the embers she thrust it onto his balls. “Now anyone who seeks your pleasure will know you’ve met me first” The smell of his burning scrotum fill her nostrils as Nemesis passed out.

Pholoe took a deep breath to regain some composure and turned to Amasol. “surrender your Amulet to me willingly and I shall treat you well sweet Amasol”. The “Amulet” was the only thing a spoil started the hunt with. Totally naked with the exception of a small silver chain around the right wrist. On the chain was there “Amulet” a small silver trinket that interlocked with another. To claim a spoil one must remove there “Amulet from there wrist and attach it to yours in a display of ownership. 

Pholoe removed the ropes from Amasols wrists and place her foot on her chest to ensure she didn’t fight. Instantly Amasol reached for her “Amulet and gave it to Pholoe. Once joined to hers, Pholoe sank to her Knees and tenderly kissed her inner thigh before thrusting her tongue deep inside her pussy to taste her new slave. As Pholoes tongue began to dance, so Amasol’s legs began to grip her head and her body move in time. Within seconds Amasol had found her pleasure and Pholoe had her nectar. Her face now covered in Amasols lust.

Day one of the hunt was nearly over, dawn was now so close. Not only had Pholoe survived her first day of the hunt, she has already taken a prize. For now her passion must wait, she needed to move quickly and find shelter. The hunts second day was nearly here so Pholoe held out a hand, helped Amasol to her feet. Amasol wrapped her arms around her, tenderly kissed her cheek and simply said, “I’m yours sweet mistress, let’s find a place to rest and I shall keep you warm and bring you pleasure”. 

Wow yet again you have blown me away with the continuation of this fantastic story!!! And again thank you for giving me the privilege of reading before hand 😘💋

Thank you for you beautiful kind comments my sweet. Your words as always are so generous. It’s always a privilege to share before posting 😘😘

How totally delectable I can’t wait to read what happens next my mind is already in overdrive
1 hour ago, skylinegirl said:

How totally delectable I can’t wait to read what happens next my mind is already in overdrive

Thank you my lovely, I really pleased you enjoyed it sweet, and delighted you left such a nice comment. I already have a good idea what’s happening next


It’s the best chapter you’ve written so far. I really enjoyed it. Hooked from the beginning and longing for more xx


You always deliver a delectable treat for my senses. Well done, as always! My dear friend, I eagerly await the next chapter. :kissing_heart:

54 minutes ago, Phoenix31 said:

It’s the best chapter you’ve written so far. I really enjoyed it. Hooked from the beginning and longing for more xx

Bless you honey, such lovely words, so really pleased you liked it xxxxx

29 minutes ago, ScarlettDismay said:

You always deliver a delectable treat for my senses. Well done, as always! My dear friend, I eagerly await the next chapter. :kissing_heart:

My sweet friend so pleased you enjoyed it, it makes writing a treat when I get such lovely and generous feedback. 😘😘😘

13 minutes ago, FitGirl said:

Amazing I can picture it all vividly x

Thank you sweetheart and thank you for the part you played in its writing. Beautiful praise from a gorgeous person xxxx  

11 hours ago, Purr said:

Once again, it is amazing! I love how detailed it is written. Fantastic!! Xx

Lovely kind words sweet Purr. Thank you for taking the time to send it. I’m very pleased you enjoyed xxxxx

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