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Whilst there are valid reasons for blocking someone, what of those instances where you view someone, (who you've never had any interaction with ), they view you back so you decide to send a message only to find you've been blocked, surely it's possible to put a more robust system in place where you have to fully explain why, I mean if it's just because you don't like the look of a profile is really necessary to block them. Also if you have legitimately blocked someone then surely it could be sorted where neither of you can see evidence of each on site, 

Why should one have to explain themselves? They owe nothing to anyone, and maybe it really is as simple as not liking the look of someone. The block function, I think, is used more quite rightly by the ladies who get endless messages off entitled men, and it must become a little tiresome after a while so easier just to block rather than have ro explain to anyone be that the blocked or site the reason why. Also many view profiles endlessly without any interaction, which I feel could be a little unnerving, and creepy even. Why one isn't fully blocked I cant answer as I dont know, but I'm sure there is a good reason.

why does there need to be an explanation?

I know it can be boggling at times - but - I guess, if nothing else it tells you you're not compatible 

It’s petty but I won’t lie it annoys me when I get blocked when I message as apposed to getting one of those notifications to let me know the girl isn’t interested lol. Donny is right though no one owes me anything I just feel like a jewel when I get blocked 😂

I do know someone who pre-emptively blocked a bunch of people the knew

including, ahem, their brother

not so much about messaging - but not really wanting to see each others profiles/activity 

I agree with all the replies here. All a block does is keep you away from someone, it doesn't impact your use of the site or get you points, and no one can look and see how many people have blocked you and so look at you negatively. Asking members - and it's usually women - to give a reason for blocking you is akin to asking then to justify saying no. That's a dangerous slope to go down. Maybe they just didn't like the look of you, or maybe they're trying to prevent a future PM they don't want. Or maybe something about you is triggering from a previous relationship or traumatic experience. You're not entitled to that information, it's private.

It's very not nice to be blocked, especially when you don't know why, but it's an adult site and you just need to be adult about it.
I guess, although frustrating, blocking is the same as saying ‘No’
No is a sentence all on its own that requires no other words or explanation.
Blocking is a physical form of that, regardless of the reason.
Nope, no explanations. No is a full sentence and that's what a block is.
  1 hour ago, BigPolly said:
I guess, although frustrating, blocking is the same as saying ‘No’
No is a sentence all on its own that requires no other words or explanation.
Blocking is a physical form of that, regardless of the reason.

Sorry I basically said the same thing Polly! 😆

I block people all the time. There are some people with whom I simply do not wish to interact, and I don’t want them to view my profile. It is nothing personal, no slight is intended, it’s just my choice. Why would there be any need to explain myself to them? Most of the time they probably don’t even notice.
  1 hour ago, Dragonflylover said:

Sorry I basically said the same thing Polly! 😆


😂😂 Sometimes I think I’m in a world of my own where nobody gets me….but then there’s you bobbing in & proving that I do make sense sometimes 😁

’we’ must be right! 😊

  8 minutes ago, DuchessFeuille said:

I block people all the time. There are some people with whom I simply do not wish to interact, and I don’t want them to view my profile. It is nothing personal, no slight is intended, it’s just my choice. Why would there be any need to explain myself to them? Most of the time they probably don’t even notice.


whoop. I'm not blocked ;) *honoured* 

  5 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

whoop. I'm not blocked ;) *honoured* 


I would never block you! You’re the voice of reason! 😆


tbh it's an adult site and nobody really has to give a reason why they blocked someone, it's not or tries not to be social media and handbags at five paces sort of place.

Several reasons why block occurs, mainly as it's a dating site, females get a whole lot of attention, and a hell of a lot of abusive mail when told no not interested.  Egos bruised and peacocks strutting their ego's comes to mind.  So i can understand why they block someone who either they looked at or vica versa, just take it as a polite no ta, without war and peace messages.


Also people block toxic people who they just don't want anything to do with or hear from, and keeps the harmony of the site without playground title tattles and fights.




Edited by smeagol
my spelling sucks chunks.
I think that the point here was the block feature is being misused. Rather than blocking for an upsetting interaction it is used to weed out unwanted potential dates. This action results in feelings getting hurt as those blocked feel they are being unfairly excluded. If your block list contains over twenty people you are probably doing something wrong. Our moderators do a great job in chat as far as I can see. I like to think this is an inclusive place where I don’t yuck on your yum.
  8 minutes ago, cum4meSlowly said:
I think that the point here was the block feature is being misused. Rather than blocking for an upsetting interaction it is used to weed out unwanted potential dates. This action results in feelings getting hurt as those blocked feel they are being unfairly excluded. If your block list contains over twenty people you are probably doing something wrong. Our moderators do a great job in chat as far as I can see. I like to think this is an inclusive place where I don’t yuck on your yum.

It is not possible to “misuse” the block feature, being, as it indeed is, entirely a matter of personal choice. I will continue to ‘weed out’ whomever I please, thank you so much.

There are people who use the block feature to keep note of who they have messaged and struck out with. Honestly, I don't think these are the kind of people that you're likely to meet in the forums or in the lobby, and while it isn't how I use the block feature, it's there to be used as the member sees fit.
YEEEESS!!! Omg this has happened to me twice now. I just figured it was some glitch in the software lol why else would someone you've never engaged with block you? Makes zero sense. Has to be a glitch. Surely people don't go around blocking random strangers they've never even talked to for no reason? lol
  11 minutes ago, sonofthunder777 said:
YEEEESS!!! Omg this has happened to me twice now. I just figured it was some glitch in the software lol why else would someone you've never engaged with block you? Makes zero sense. Has to be a glitch. Surely people don't go around blocking random strangers they've never even talked to for no reason? lol

Not for *no* reason, no. There’s always a reason 😏

I guess for example

I'm actually not sure who has me blocked other than a couple of people who said they have me blocked.  Given this just means I cannot view their profile or message them (which I may be unlikely to anyway) it feels like it may be based on their principle that I said something they disagreed with wildly to the extent they wished to block me : and that is entirely their right.

At some point they might decide to unblock me.  Whatever.

And that's something to not discount. Someone could see something someone has said and thought to themselves "you know what. I don't want that person to see my profile. I don't want that person to message me.  This is not someone I wish to interact with - I will save them the effort of writing me a message" 

  2 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

…it feels like it may be based on their principle that I said something they disagreed with wildly to the extent they wished to block me : and that is entirely their right.


On this sentence alone, I’m now wondering if 90% of Fet.com have  blocked me 😂😂

Well to be honest, anyone who'd block a stranger they've never engaged with for no reason isn't someone I'd want to be friends with anyway 😂lol so I suppose it all works out. My hatred of cancel culture translates smoothly over to what could be called block culture lol or ghosting culture, whatever. Personally I never block someone unless they're harassing me or threatening me. It's quite rude lol & it's something I personally try to avoid doing. But I am aware that as an outspoken Constitutionalist, patriot & son of liberty, I have my haters lol the authoritarian lefties really do hate me🤣but it is what it is. My feelings for sure aren't hurt lol
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