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Profiles, and reading

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The essence of an account on an app like this to fill in information about yourself so that a profile visitor has a first impression about you. There is no obligation to complete the profile, not everyone does it, but that is not the point of this one. I admit, it's not a fun job, and it's quite difficult to remain objective, and also to expose yourself in terms of wishes, preferences, etc. Nevertheless, that is what it is ultimately intended for. Now my point. People who want to contact you click on your profile. When they click on your profile, it opens, and they have the information you have indicated, such as age, role, place and country, what you are looking for, and a description. As far as I'm concerned, the designers can save themselves time / *** / and storage capacity and reduce the app to a profile picture with a "contact" icon because nobody reads anything. To date, I've been asked how old I am, where I live, what I'm looking for, what my role is, etc. I don't know if the cause is reading fatigue or a question of the profile visitor's IQ. What I do know is that whatever the cause may be, people aren't reading anymore and that leads to unnecessary questions. Worse than this, if you point this out to the person in question, the conversation is over. It looks like a sandbox full of reading-lazy ***.
I don’t necessarily believe that it is the fact that they don’t read, but rather that they don’t trust what has been written without verification.

I wrote a similar post about bogus information/incomplete info in a profile.

If you are hoping to meet someone on his app - honesty, openness and trust are CRITICAL!! Why would anyone start the process w lies/deceit?!?
I will admit I’ve never read your profile but then I’ve never been on it. If I do go on a profile I do read what’s written because I want to try to get a gauge on what someone is about and who they are before wasting my time or theirs. I also set my filters pretty high to try to eliminate the numbers of empty messages without substance. I recently received a message that was amazing and captured my interest. In order to meet someone on here it’s necessary to put yourself out there. I try to follow what I’d want to see in someone else. I think my profile is pretty full but that’s not the only way to get to know someone. You can also get to know someone through forum posts (though most don’t really take the time to read them) or being active in the lobby.
I think a lot of these opening questions are also likely lack of an imaginative way to begin a conversation. I would be similarly annoyed tho, being asked info that is freely available. I do my share of moaning about that in the lobby ("Where is everyone from?" ... Go look)

My profile is there to give you an impression of me, and it does (there's poetry and all sorts lol). It's very clear to me when a PMer hasn't read it or taken it in. Those people don't get a reply.
I’m so sorry. I did not mean for that to come off rude. I should have said I do not peruse profiles. I’ve never been one to make the first move but if someone reaches out and they catch my attention then I look at theirs to see if it should go further. If they have not bothered to read mine then it’s obvious pretty quickly.
Haha I hear you! It’s definitely not just limited to this app, just a general thing right across the board...

I don’t get too excited over it anymore but when your profile pic, name, and of course your profile info clearly state your role, you still get people messaging you asking dumb questions 😂
Can't believe the 2 hottest. Mistresses on fet our below my comments..Leigh I appreciate your straight down the middle straight down the middle instructions..
Lady Char I am honoured to meet you .u am in the company of with 3 legends ..
  18 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:
Can't believe the 2 hottest. Mistresses on fet our below my comments..Leigh I appreciate your straight down the middle straight down the middle instructions..
Lady Char I am honoured to meet you .u am in the company of with 3 legends ..

The forum and the chat are not for me. I wanted to comment on the scamming topic..Cyber crime is huge

I think profiles serve a very useful purpose and not just in the immediately obvious ways - for me someone who's not read my profile generally has triggered a filter that they're not right for me and have just messaged me blindly and without any real interest.

Also what you have suggested OP will create more frustration - for those that receive regular multiple messages (and if this site is like any other of a sexual nature, that will mostly be the ladies) because they'll receive even more and for those that send messages but don't get replies because they'll get even less replies.

Personally I like to use someone's profile blurb to get an "essence" of the person behind the profile sufficient for me to decide I'd like to contact them so would prefer it stays.

In the defence of those that do ask questions that the answers are already there - sometimes people forget, sometimes the profile owner hasn't put their actual location, or their actual age - so it can be (but isn't always) understood why some may ask.

In this case - a lot are just people following a script 

Often they will ask where you are from, even if it's on your profile as they will then follow up with a city/town near you they're shortly going to be moving to.... 

  3 hours ago, Brittone2 said:

Can't believe the 2 hottest. Mistresses on fet our below my comments..Leigh I appreciate your straight down the middle straight down the middle instructions..
Lady Char I am honoured to meet you .u am in the company of with 3 legends ..


This comment completely... and I mean completely backs up every word in the original post.!!!!!!


People aren't reading profiles. 




Its my biggest pet hate. I've set my filters high also but 99% of the time I don't ever reply. No substance.

  Just now, Brittone2 said:

I would have put you as well Jenn but you weren't here..


This post is about reading profiles. You called two sub ladies 'mistresses'. Its literally backing up the point of the post. 

  1 minute ago, Brittone2 said:

I would have put you as well Jenn but you weren't here..


Her point is. You didn’t read profiles. And took the route of arse kissing instead, albeit incorrect. 

it’s my biggest pet ***ve too, people that don’t read profiles and people full of BS. 

FreeUr Mind is the only reason I'm here so I could thank him properly ..
I've never read Blacksheep s profile yet I know he is one of the most kindest giving caring people on here ..i have read your profile Jenn because I don't know what TP means but it doesn't matter because we are talking and that is as real as I can be
  1 hour ago, SophieSlut11 said:

Her point is. You didn’t read profiles. And took the route of arse kissing instead, albeit incorrect. 

it’s my biggest pet ***ve too, people that don’t read profiles and people full of BS. 


Amen 🙏🏽

  1 hour ago, JenniferTP said:

This post is about reading profiles. You called two sub ladies 'mistresses'. Its literally backing up the point of the post. 


Amen 🙏🏽

  32 minutes ago, Brittone2 said:

FreeUr Mind is the only reason I'm here so I could thank him properly ..
I've never read Blacksheep s profile yet I know he is one of the most kindest giving caring people on here ..i have read your profile Jenn because I don't know what TP means but it doesn't matter because we are talking and that is as real as I can be


@Brittone2  I am talking about your comment addressing leisa and lady char as 'mistresses'. They are both sub ladies. They are not mistresses and I'm sure aren't listed as such. 


I didn't mention blackeyesheep profile. Nor anything about mine. Doesn't matter what TP stands for

My initial point the original poster was making is that people aren't reading profiles. You addressing ladies here as mistresses confirms that even despite these forum.posts pointing out the issue...people will remain ignorant..not read and continue to assume.  I am not saying anymore on this conversation 

  7 hours ago, Brittone2 said:
Can't believe the 2 hottest. Mistresses on fet our below my comments..Leigh I appreciate your straight down the middle straight down the middle instructions..
Lady Char I am honoured to meet you .u am in the company of with 3 legends ..

Thank you for the compliment but as pointed out I’m not a Mistress. If you had read anything about me that would have been blindingly clear. I cannot speak for Char but it’s clear you saw a photo and made an assumption. My first post wasn’t straight down the middle it was arrogant and rude and I’m ashamed I was.

  1 hour ago, FreeUrMind said:
Edited by SophieSlut11

Oh man, I haven't laughed like this in a fair while. You couldn't make this up! 

Can confirm, Char is a sub lol a lot of people make that mistake bc of my name (which protects me from some of the more vile PMs from "Doms"... I used to have a nice friendly name and ew) and I guess my pics? A lot of people misinterpret my poem about labels in my profile, but my roles are clearly laid out.
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