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middle-eastern newbie needs help

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Hi guys 

I am a 29 year old middle eastern woman. I have been in a relationship with  a british young man for 4 years. He recently opened up about having a foot fetish and we have been exploring it. I was new to it. I did not even know how much into it I was until he introduced me and I am very open minded. very very. he loves the contrast of my skin colour and his white hand. I t has been amazing really

he recently disclosed a secret wish to me and I am wondering how i can play it safely

He said he wishes when I commute on the train I would take my shoes off and for someone to muster enough courage to tickle me a little bit... not too much that it is a scene but enough where we both enjoy it then go our separate way.

To be fair i have taken my shoes off on trains in the past so it is not completely new to me. The new bit is that I did not think of it in terms of a fetish. My questions is: what kind of vibes and signals I as a woman can send that can invite the right person ( a foot fetishist). I mean as a man what sings would you identify that a woman wants to be tickled or wants to be touched without it being said outloud.

I really love him and i want this to happen honestly because i think he woud totally love it. xx thank you

Stuff like this is a common fantasy but also has a lot of problems

Let us imagine you kick your shoes off on a train

Now - there is a really sporting chance someone in the carriage may have a foot fetish.  But you have no way of really identifying who.   There is a chance, of course, if one happens to be near you - that they may look.  

If you catch someone looking then they might, definitely have been looking - or - it might just be they saw something (possibly your feet wiggling) out the corner of their eye

Nobody. Nobody. Is going to get up and start tickling your feet because one call from you or anyone else on the carriage and they could well be anything from thrown off the train, arrested, or banned from public transport.  So nobody is going to take this risk.

So this then becomes on you to identify they have been staring and for you to invite and tell them.  But this of course could be awkward for you if they just caught your feet in the corner of their eye.

The only kinda way to realistically make this happen is if something is set up in advance - so - for example your partner or someone else pretty much arranges for someone to approach you on the train.   

Orrrrrr.... I guess a little bit if there was someone could recognise you from online - but for that to be realistic it would take a lot of profile building

Defo asking for trouble with this one. Some drunken city type suddenly having a desire to tickle an unknown ladies feet. I don't think so. Worse if I touched a ladies feet on any public transport I'd probably get a black eye from some gentleman standing up for the lady.
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