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How To Punish A Sub

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This is 100% factual, please act accordingly...

• Feed your sub a box of handmade Belgian chocolates. This gives all true subs potentially fatal chocolatisis, an invisible, but agonising disease.

• When subs get back massages, their brains start to boil in their own heads, as evidenced by their ooh's and aah's. Once you’ve meted out this punishment, let your sub nap for an hour before feeding her icecream. She will probably recover. If not, repeat the punishment. Second back massages bring all major organs back to the right temperature.

• Whatever you do, never ever buy your sub a pair of new stilettoes. No sub has ever done anything bad enough to earn this punishment. I can see you’re seeing this as a challenge. It. Is. Not. Do not buy her stilettos. Trust me. That isn’t a challenge either. Don’t do it, especially if they’re from Ted Baker.

• Only sadistic Doms buy their subs puppies (note this is plural). Nobody wants to be accused of being a sadistic Dom, do they? Best stick to never ever buying those Ted Baker stilettos either.

• Subs who are sent to a spa will get The Consumption in their bewbs. This is a very severe punishment for a very severe crime. Only send your sub there if she accidentally made you some dinner or bedazzled your flogger and tied it in bows.

Edited to add
Ever since this list was posted, eighty thousand subs have bedazzled their Doms’ floggers. To answer all the messages I’ve received from Doms, no, this absolutely does not suggest that subs actually like spas and are hoping to be suitably “punished.” The increase in flogger bedazzling is due to an icecream deficiency, the symptom of which is coughing up an excess of plastic gems. All Doms should stock up on icecream until these symptoms stop.

See... you joke...

But I've seen subs punished by being fed their favourite foods.   Fed. And Fed. And Fed. And fed... until they really start to sicken themselves of the food they love....

  7 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

See... you joke...

But I've seen subs punished by being fed their favourite foods.   Fed. And Fed. And Fed. And fed... until they really start to sicken themselves of the food they love....


Well, thats simply sadistic

I think I need to be punished. I’ve been exceedingly naughty and have earned each and every punishment listed. Now to find a Dom who is capable to administer such punishments 😐
  2 hours ago, Leisa said:
I think I need to be punished. I’ve been exceedingly naughty and have earned each and every punishment listed. Now to find a Dom who is capable to administer such punishments 😐

I hate punishments! @leisa

  9 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

See... you joke...

But I've seen subs punished by being fed their favourite foods.   Fed. And Fed. And Fed. And fed... until they really start to sicken themselves of the food they love....


Now THAT is what went through my mind with the chocolates and the ice cream.

  4 hours ago, Leisa said:

I think I need to be punished. I’ve been exceedingly naughty and have earned each and every punishment listed. Now to find a Dom who is capable to administer such punishments 😐


too late I've bagged him lol

  9 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

See... you joke...

But I've seen subs punished by being fed their favourite foods.   Fed. And Fed. And Fed. And fed... until they really start to sicken themselves of the food they love....


I always like to find out a new partner's i) favourite foods, and ii) least favourite foods so that I can use them for this or similar if needs be (as well as rewards). I'd be daft not to...

  8 hours ago, Aranhis said:

I always like to find out a new partner's i) favourite foods, and ii) least favourite foods so that I can use them for this or similar if needs be (as well as rewards). I'd be daft not to...


Sadist, a cruel, cruel sadist

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Now I know why I received an ice cream maker as an "I love you" gift.

As a sub: I want all my punishments to be like this lol

As a dom: Thank you for giving me some ideas for a funishment.

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