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NEW: BDSM Personality Test 😈

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  2 hours ago, TheBookCollector said:
I find it a tad basic compared to other tests, there are no checks or balances or ability to say not applicable.

You can like tying someone up but it doesnt make you a rigger.

Then theres the whole Top/Bottom aspect of th S&M world that isnt catered for.

Exactly I love heavy bondage and use it but I am no way skilled or trained in Shibari or suspension at all but score high up as a rigger which ***ts a false impression.

Have been thinking about this some more and perhaps it's been gone at from the wrong angle, or more to the point one that already exists and is widely known and used in the kink community - that angle being determining how "dominant" or "submissive" you are.

What might be more useful is the kind of questionnaire that lists various elements/activities of BDSM and has you rank them 1-5 in terms of interest - more a checklist than a questionnaire - now there are loads of these out there already, but I usually find them quite unwieldy and not that easy to share, so if one could be created that you complete within the app/site and save to your profile (and able to make public or private and share the results with others) that would be a lot more useful.

That kind of questionnaire/checklist has multiple uses - it helps individuals understand themselves better, can be used to compare notes with potential partners and assess compatability and more besides.

Now if Fet could come up with something like that and the results stored for reference, I'd definitely use it.

The best ones I've seen have run to hundreds of elements to rank, but like I said have been unwieldy or difficult to share so if that nut could be cracked it would be a winner for sure.
I didn't love this test. I like doing things In public AND private... and it wasn't detailed enough.
As gemini_man says, the information gathering would be better if it was like how you can select the different kinks, interests, activities like you select on your profile & have that presented with the style of the final results image as that visual look of sliders is clear & easily understood
To add if you use as gemini_man said a rating system with an emphasis on like, interested in or not at all, would be a simpler interface for users to understand & using that data as points to work out your preferences would probably give you a more accurate final result
  27 minutes ago, kaarperron1112 said:

I am 75% of both says the test....how is that even possible 😉


Multiple personality disorder?

  44 minutes ago, kaarperron1112 said:

I am 75% of both says the test....how is that even possible 😉


You must be 50% more kinky than everyone else 😁

  6 hours ago, kaarperron1112 said:
I am 75% of both says the test....how is that even possible 😉


I get the premise of BDSM test, but I am abit confused about the questions and the end results.

I think any BDSM tests is going to struggle to encapsulate BDSM fully. For example, Do Riggers see themselves as a Dominants?

The questions are kind of worded wrong in my opinion... plus I am nearly 100% submissive sexually yet outside of sex I am 100% in control of EVERYTHING... this test didn't convey that whatsoever.

Always up for tests if only just for a crack really but why do I have to have it sprawling all over my profile without any warning?!? ☹️ If I'd known it was going public probably wouldn't have taken part!! Now I have to work out how to hide it like I've done something bad 🙊😆

I chose not to show but it still put it on there, i had to 'un show' it as it was all wrong about me 😂

  2 minutes ago, RosesHaveThorns75 said:

Always up for tests if only just for a crack really but why do I have to have it sprawling all over my profile without any warning?!? ☹️ If I'd known it was going public probably wouldn't have taken part!! Now I have to work out how to hide it like I've done something bad 🙊😆




Where does it ask whether you want it visible or not?!? 🤔 I went straight into the Qs and my battery was low so I did it fast as poss.....

After the test at the bottom it asks if you want to share or re-take, i chose no, its only when a friend saw it that i had to go back on my profile to delete it 

  1 hour ago, RosesHaveThorns75 said:

Where does it ask whether you want it visible or not?!? 🤔 I went straight into the Qs and my battery was low so I did it fast as poss.....




Oh damn 🎃 this site is good about consent normally on the good side it made me finally go and find the original test which Dosnt just give out interesting scores it has little "learning cubes" connected to each part so you can read a small summary on each part you've scored on 😀👍 not only that but it states who you are a match to with your interests!!! Pretty damn cool 

The issue I have with it is that the final report that is put on your profile is X% Dominant and X% Submissive even if you have zero interest in D/s and skipped all the D/s questions.  Once again, D/s is assumed to be the default interest even for things that have nothing to do with D/s.  

  Monday at 04:14 PM, Cee-gee said:

The issue I have with it is that the final report that is put on your profile is X% Dominant and X% Submissive even if you have zero interest in D/s and skipped all the D/s questions.  Once again, D/s is assumed to be the default interest even for things that have nothing to do with D/s.  


That's where you're wrong. It's always D&s even when Top & bottom, Master/Mistress& slave, Rigger& bunny, Daddy/Mommy/etc& little/middle/etc and whatever other Dominant Vs submissive chemistry you can think of.

The main error in this test, is that the Dom+sub side, often ad up to over 100%

  1 hour ago, Sir-Mark-NL said:

That's where you're wrong. It's always D&s even when Top & bottom, Master/Mistress& slave, Rigger& bunny, Daddy/Mommy/etc& little/middle/etc and whatever other Dominant Vs submissive chemistry you can think of.

The main error in this test, is that the Dom+sub side, often ad up to over 100%


I personally identify as 0% dom and 0% sub. D/s is a hard limit for me. I am however 100% into sadomasochism. Not everyone identifies as either dom or sub.

  2 hours ago, Sir-Mark-NL said:

That's where you're wrong. It's always D&s even when Top & bottom, Master/Mistress& slave, Rigger& bunny, Daddy/Mommy/etc& little/middle/etc and whatever other Dominant Vs submissive chemistry you can think of.

The main error in this test, is that the Dom+sub side, often ad up to over 100%


How can you tell someone they are wrong about how they describe/see  themself & whether they fall in to D/s or not? You are basically saying someone must be dom or sub, there is no other option for a kink & fetish lifestyle. 

Not everyone into kink & fetish is dom or sub, it is a much more open & expansive lifestyle than such pigeon holed identies as dom & sub only. 

  2 hours ago, Cee-gee said:

I personally identify as 0% dom and 0% sub. D/s is a hard limit for me. I am however 100% into sadomasochism. Not everyone identifies as either dom or sub.


D&s might not apply to you personally, but still the Sadist is the Dominant character and the masochist the submissive character. Defining oneself as sadomasochistic would be a switch. I do apologise for not including them, in my reply.

  1 hour ago, BDSMkinkydom said:

How can you tell someone they are wrong about how they describe/see  themself & whether they fall in to D/s or not? You are basically saying someone must be dom or sub, there is no other option for a kink & fetish lifestyle. 

Not everyone into kink & fetish is dom or sub, it is a much more open & expansive lifestyle than such pigeon holed identies as dom & sub only. 


Like I mentioned above, I forgot the switch, the ones that'r on both sides of the line. 30/40y ago and long before that, you'd only have Masters, Mistresses and slaves, no matter what or how they where identified by themselves or others.
I've never felt comfortable, being addressed as Master (in NL we always say "that's the one teaching kids, how to behave in school". Personally, I prefer being addressed, as Sir, Mister, or Mijnheer (in Dutch).
When I'm doing a bondage, I'm a Rigger, when I'm spanking someone, I'm a Spanker. In both cases, I'm still the Dom, or Dominant character.

  56 minutes ago, Sir-Mark-NL said:

D&s might not apply to you personally, but still the Sadist is the Dominant character and the masochist the submissive character. Defining oneself as sadomasochistic would be a switch. I do apologise for not including them, in my reply.


Sadism and domination have nothing to do with each other. Same as submission and masochism. I know a few submissive sadists and well as dominant masochists. To say they are one and the same is incorrect.

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