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Photo Uploads On Our Personal Profiles.

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My photo uploads were few and far between when I joined here. From not wanting to show off too much too soon, let my face be seen or not get in too deep before I knew if I would stick around or not. The more I dabbled with kink and exploration, the more I found myself taking photos to reflect this. I never used to show anyone but my partner, who then started to encourage me to upload them.

"Be proud of me, find my confidence and to help me get myself out there a bit". So I did just that...

From then on I made a habit of cheering myself up, dressing up to feel good and practise make up each weekend. Some weeks it was 2, some weeks it was 8 photos. This has become part of my self care/love routine and has massively encouraged me to express myself more. From hair colours and style, to make up and clothing, even the kink toys I have opened my self to and find sexy or appealing visually, I upload them all.


Now, while I do this to experiment, I also massively do this to:

1: Show off my journey and progress, for me and to others.

2: To express myself and be creative since I opened my heart and soul about gender issues. 



However, I have had some backlash for having as many photos as I do. (Despite how many photos I have, there ARE some profiles who have even more than I, and I think that is Fab!). People made remarks/jabs, or even message asking if I am real. One person mailed me to say I 'look like 30 different people' across my photo collection. Instead of getting offended, I thought, "Great!" This is working.

My expression and dabbling with appearance IS how I wished it to come across. (I had to tell this man whilst I am verified and have met approx 50 people off this site who can vouch for me, I appreciated his 'concern', explained my reasons and he then got nasty, I had to block). 



It is MY profile. I can put what I want (within reason) on there and no one has to look at it should they not want to. If you can't avoid my pics and don't want to see, block me. It is as simple as that. The same way your profile is yours. Do with it what you want. Don't give a fuck what anyone thinks or says. 

Whether you put photos up for 'pride', 'self care/love', 'expression & creativity', 'for "likes"', 'to attract someone', 'confidence', 'attention', 'gender/kink/fetish reasons', they are ALL valid.



If people don't like them/you (can't like everyone, can't please everyone), that shouldn't take away from your ability to express. 

People will make comments about you or how many you have (heck even I have done this myself in the past, mostly about 18 plus pics which can get embarrassing if you pop onto Fet on a public train to name one reason, but regardless I am human so, sue me lol) but you never, ever let anyone stop you from portraying who you are. Everyone deserves a little attention and love, and if it's okay for one person to be 'praised' for photo uploading, then it shouldn't be different for the next person. 

At the end of the day, photos on here are one of the main attractions that draw people in. While I am personally not using mine to seek, some people are. The effort and creativity just radiates from a lot of pictures and I go out of my way to comment on some of those peoples photos simply to praise their skills, angles, lighting and poses or just....beauty and uniqueness.

Some are outstanding, some humble and timid, some are just darn well filthy lol. Each one matters. Love it, and yourself. Because nothing and no one else matters. Let's keep the positivity alive and share your beauty/filth, especially if it makes you happy, because that is what matters most <3 


The sense of entitlement some have in thinking they have a right to express what you’re doing right or wrong with your profile is astonishing. It’s your profile, it’s your outlet to express yourself. It’s not for you to prove your worth to them. I for one enjoy seeing peoples photos (especially yours). Even if I’m not brave enough to share similarly candid ones of myself, I find strength and courage through yours. So for the few people who are openly criticising you there are many more silently appreciating you! You do you.
Keep on doing what you do and keeps you happy.
I for one look forward to your posts and do respect and positively envy how you put yourself out there.
Some people don’t get the site or understand, thus making us all different.
Explore away!

I am horribly shy, hated taking pictures once I hit puberty, and I have had several stalkers, so I am extremely limited in what I share. I have gotten better about taking pictures but only give them to the people they were taken for. 

I love your idea of taking them for self care. That is something I will strive to do. Hopefully, I will have the nerve to upload more of them. Thank you for this post. 

  11 minutes ago, JimJamYahaa said:

The sense of entitlement some have in thinking they have a right to express what you’re doing right or wrong with your profile is astonishing. It’s your profile, it’s your outlet to express yourself. It’s not for you to prove your worth to them. I for one enjoy seeing peoples photos (especially yours). Even if I’m not brave enough to share similarly candid ones of myself, I find strength and courage through yours. So for the few people who are openly criticising you there are many more silently appreciating you! You do you.


Don't get me wrong, we are all human and make errors or have opinions and judgements, but that shouldn't be used against someone. If they want to express they can. I often get asked "oh how many pictures do you have now?" and it makes me feel like I've done something wrong. But I know I haven't some people are just curious and it's innocent asking but some you just know its more to criticise. But this is My expression and I'll continue. Same that regardless of my opinions or anyone elses, you do what you want to do :)


I hope you can find some bravery and confidence in expressing You. Find your strength as and when you're ready, I'll look forward to the pervages. lol

  2 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

Don't get me wrong, we are all human and make errors or have opinions and judgements, but that shouldn't be used against someone. If they want to express they can. I often get asked "oh how many pictures do you have now?" and it makes me feel like I've done something wrong. But I know I haven't some people are just curious and it's innocent asking but some you just know its more to criticise. But this is My expression and I'll continue. Same that regardless of my opinions or anyone elses, you do what you want to do


I hope you can find some bravery and confidence in expressing You. Find your strength as and when you're ready, I'll look forward to the pervages. lol


Haha thank you for the support. I guess that’s the next step for me. I’ve tried to get past the shame of who and what I am. Now I need to learn to celebrate it. I’m sure I’ll find the courage as long as people like you are showing me the way ;)

  16 minutes ago, Analover said:

Keep on doing what you do and keeps you happy.
I for one look forward to your posts and do respect and positively envy how you put yourself out there.
Some people don’t get the site or understand, thus making us all different.
Explore away!


Exploring is great! But yes I have made promises to myself to be more positive and accepting. Of myself and other people, and i wasn't always putting myself out there. I was afraid for a long time. But, as I said, it's my journey and how far I have come. You'll find your groove also, I have faith!

Your photos are great! Very creative and I love the way they portray different aspects of you. As you say, one can’t please everyone and I found you very courageous to put yourself out there like you do. So thank you and keep them coming!!
  15 minutes ago, Kitanya said:

I am horribly shy, hated taking pictures once I hit puberty, and I have had several stalkers, so I am extremely limited in what I share. I have gotten better about taking pictures but only give them to the people they were taken for. 

I love your idea of taking them for self care. That is something I will strive to do. Hopefully, I will have the nerve to upload more of them. Thank you for this post. 


Hahaha, I feel this, I have had one or two myself. Scary shit, but they never stick about long enough and we can be free to be ourselves out there. I always was happy to take pictures for certain people, but they encouraged me to show more people as they loved them so much, and I took that leap of faith and trusted them. I am glad I did. 

And YES, they are a form of self care and love. Putting time and effort into myself and making Me feel good. It has really helped me when I have felt down. 

I mostly take the photos and things when my depression and anxiety is low as the little boost can make the world of difference. 

I hope you find the nerve as you say. I will have a pervy look upon you if and when you do. :)

  5 minutes ago, JimJamYahaa said:

Haha thank you for the support. I guess that’s the next step for me. I’ve tried to get past the shame of who and what I am. Now I need to learn to celebrate it. I’m sure I’ll find the courage as long as people like you are showing me the way ;)


Oooh, no no. No shame. Not allowed. Lol, definately celebrate it. There is only one you. Definately need to support and encourage each other yes. 

You look incredible and its good to feel good dont stop doing what your doing x
  1 minute ago, ludovicdsd said:

Your photos are great! Very creative and I love the way they portray different aspects of you. As you say, one can’t please everyone and I found you very courageous to put yourself out there like you do. So thank you and keep them coming!!


Thank you. I adore creativity. I am not too good with some aspects but I know I can express me whenever I feel. So this is my way. Same with everyone. 


This is about everyone on this site. Embrace everyone <3

The thing is that when we put our selves out there whether we have an attraction to that person or not we are quick to knock people down. 
it takes a lot of guts to show a persons one self. 

Jen, I love looking at your photos, they’re amazing! I find them inspirational.
I’m loving posting pictures now, didn’t like my head in them at first. I get such a great feeling when I take a pic of myself dressed up and then post it. I don’t get many, but when I get likes or complimentary comments on my pics, I feel awesome, can’t explain it anymore.
I don’t post for likes and comments, the whole process up to posting a pic is enough to take me to a happy place😃
Looking forward to your next posts!😊x

@Finally_Jenyou profile is wonderful and I have had the pleasure of meeting you. You are wonderfully you in pictures and in Person. Love and hugs and of course licks. 

  7 minutes ago, lolli-leigh said:

@Finally_Jenyou profile is wonderful and I have had the pleasure of meeting you. You are wonderfully you in pictures and in Person. Love and hugs and of course licks. 


Love you, your licks and your butt mrs. You were a pleasure to meet also <3 xxxxx

  9 minutes ago, Heeledman said:

Jen, I love looking at your photos, they’re amazing! I find them inspirational.
I’m loving posting pictures now, didn’t like my head in them at first. I get such a great feeling when I take a pic of myself dressed up and then post it. I don’t get many, but when I get likes or complimentary comments on my pics, I feel awesome, can’t explain it anymore.
I don’t post for likes and comments, the whole process up to posting a pic is enough to take me to a happy place😃
Looking forward to your next posts!😊x


Even if you do post them for those reasons, that is also okay. Whatever you want, that's your decision. I am glad they make you feel awesome. Some of mine do too, all part of my journey. Mine. No one else's opinion can change that for me, and I hope it's the same for others too <3 


And yes I do the odd post now and then, some of them are even moany haha. But I like to pop in here and engage with these fine kinksters now and then <3

I do not understand why people feel the need to criticize. In what way does it matter how many pictures you have? How does it affect these people? I posted a vehicle for sale in a group on Facebook a while back and was amazed at how many people had negative things to say. Similar to people commenting on how many photos you have.

At first I was angry, thinking back to when I was young and being told “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I decided that rather than be angry at them, I would feel sorry for them. If people are going to take the time to make rude comments about trivial things, they must not be very happy people. Kind of like, “my life sucks, I’m not happy, so I will be mean and make others like me” or something. Or perhaps they are just jealous?

I am glad you decided to keep on posting. Be proud of yourself and don’t let others try to change you. Let karma deal with the mean and negative people.

Jen ... you and most of the regulars know me i am grumpy un PC or woke and i dont sugar coat anything .

you are an amazing beautiful thoughtful deep person i have the pleasure to know your page is your journey forward out of the bad times to believe in yourself and the joys and wonderment of life your pictures are a journal of that journey that gives inspiration to many. you will get the naysayers, trolls ,(ml's jen will get that ref)that are unsure of their own sexuality and life and try and take their hatred of themselves on others .the regs and kinksters will always stand with you and you know i am always on overwatch for everybody .you are an inspiration to all

to Qutoe Callahan  opinions are like assholes jen eveybody has one .The main person you should always believe in is yourself jen

your grumpy booty as always 

Keil long

  11 minutes ago, Matttster said:

I do not understand why people feel the need to criticize. In what way does it matter how many pictures you have? How does it affect these people? I posted a vehicle for sale in a group on Facebook a while back and was amazed at how many people had negative things to say. Similar to people commenting on how many photos you have.

At first I was angry, thinking back to when I was young and being told “If you don’t have something nice to say, don’t say anything at all”. I decided that rather than be angry at them, I would feel sorry for them. If people are going to take the time to make rude comments about trivial things, they must not be very happy people. Kind of like, “my life sucks, I’m not happy, so I will be mean and make others like me” or something. Or perhaps they are just jealous?

I am glad you decided to keep on posting. Be proud of yourself and don’t let others try to change you. Let karma deal with the mean and negative people.


Now I get we are all human and have off days or open our gobs when we shouldn't. I am guilty of it myself (I call people photo attention whores, I don't deny being one myself though haha) ((whores my word anyone who knows me knows this lol)), but it isn't always a negative opinion. 

It is just people who point it out in disblief and I feel very aware of the fact I have so many then... but they are for ME. No one else unless I've said otherwise on said photo. But yes people can say what they wish for whatever reason they wish but as long as no one ever stops you from expressing, that's the main thing.

  13 minutes ago, keil-long said:

Jen ... you and most of the regulars know me i am grumpy un PC or woke and i dont sugar coat anything .

you are an amazing beautiful thoughtful deep person i have the pleasure to know your page is your journey forward out of the bad times to believe in yourself and the joys and wonderment of life your pictures are a journal of that journey that gives inspiration to many. you will get the naysayers, trolls ,(ml's jen will get that ref)that are unsure of their own sexuality and life and try and take their hatred of themselves on others .the regs and kinksters will always stand with you and you know i am always on overwatch for everybody .you are an inspiration to all

to Qutoe Callahan  opinions are like assholes jen eveybody has one .The main person you should always believe in is yourself jen

your grumpy booty as always 

Keil long


Thank you Mr. Grumpy Boots. 

Everyone, not just me, can take a lead from this and should inspire, create and express :)


I have one rule I hold to as much as possible. I will offer no unsolicited advice on anyone's personal choices. I don't live in your skin, and as long as you're happy I say, "Good for you!"

Good for you.. keep them coming. Do what you love girl. I'm sure I'm not your only fan...xx
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