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Sub drop

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I was submissive for happiness and became unhappy, I submitted for joy and became miserable. I didn’t question for accountability and became argumentative. I submitted for sophistication and became obnoxious. I submitted for friendship and made enemies. I submitted for sleep and woke up tired. I submitted for strength and felt weak. I submitted for relaxation and got exhaustion. I submitted for courage and became afraid. I submitted  for confidence and became doubtful. I submitted to feel heavenly and ended up feeling like hell. 

How do you relieve sub drop when the survival kit doesn’t work? 

When you know it’s a historical drop simply repeating itself? 


I would let it out what you feel at that moment once out try to feel the relief In Exhaling the negative and than bring back in you the beauty of the sensuality of the act that preceded and that’s how I deal with it 🧚🏻‍♀️  Good luck ❤️

I wish I could help. I survived my previous Dom drops by eating what usually makes me happy, took some weed oil and spent the day sleeping. And in my next sessions I really made it clear that a good aftercare is necessarily needed. Even the days after. I hope that you'll feel better asap💕

I don't want to sound trite but: "If you always do what you always did then you'll always get what you always got."

This is an encouragement to change. You describe the drop as historical and repeating. So you need to change something, that might be the aftercare, it might be the play or it might be something else.

It requires a huge amount of self analyis and being truthful, firstly to yourself, then to your Dom.

Your posts are really making me think about a lot with a different perspective these last 2days. I’m sorry you’ve had a drop and I agree with Oldfellow, sometimes we need to dig deep to see why we’re repeating hurtful patterns..I’m very guilty of doing it 😓

If you ever want to talk privately, my inbox is open ❤️

Just to add. I don't think Sub Drop is abnormal. Certainly if you attained Sub-Space during your session it seems Sub Drop will probably happen. However your D needs to be aware of this and aware of the aftercare needs. As I said something needs to change.

@Perfectly_Imperfect Feel free to PM if you are free to do so.

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