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Do y’all block someone if they don’t respond to you?

Maybe I'm missing something. What's the point of blocking someone that already isn't responding to you? Is this some kind of revisionist "I didn't really want to talk to that person anyway" kind of thing?

I dont block anyone, we all have lives and work sadly. BDSM takes time, those that rush it will probably only get a bad experience or potentially a dangerous time.
A lot of more experienced people in terms of fetish and BDSM will find the rush jobs a turn off.

On here I don't have anyone blocked. On another site, I think it's 2 or 3.  But, I also guess being male there's less chance of people bothering me to the point I feel it need to block them

Though if you block someone who doesn't respond to you... then they're never going to respond.   I did once meet and play with someone who didn't reply my first message for 3 months.


there are many reasons why ppl don't respond, it can depend on how you communicate- if its by sending a spank then most can't see it, if its via a message then there may be 2 issues- the most obvious one is that the person is temporarily not on the site, due to work I often take upto a month off from being on here, the other one is because someone is thinking of how to reply

blocking really should be reserved for offensive behaviour rather than merely someone not replying

Personally I don't but then I don't send random messages to people in the hope of a response.
I think some guys (sensibly in my opinion) block people after a certain amount of time if there's not been a response to save them coming up in their future searches - so it serves a purpose in that respect, although does run the risk of missing out on a response that may come further down the line.
No but I will block someone who can't read my profile. I've only had the one person message me so far on this new account and it was a gay guy repeatedly asking to be dominated... Block.
I never block, I always reply even if I'm not interested, but been blocked by a few I messaged. One was after one message saying hey, asking them how they are and liled their profile and another when they saw my profile was not single as they didn't read it properly after messaging me, was more than polite and told them. Just find blocking rude and unnecessary alot of the timr. It's there for people that are a nuisance may be abusive, not if people are uninterested and don't have the courtesy and spine to say so.
If they don't respond leave them too it. Shown your interested and it's on them if they haven't got the courtesy to reply, that's a judgement on their character and not yours.
No, that sounds really petty especially since there are people who don't even open all their messages after several months - sometimes people are just busy.
No, whilst I do check this app multiple times a day, not every does. I block if people can't read my profile, however.
I don’t. Just if they are being an asshole, annoying, or very inappropriate.
No I normally get blocked for saying hello😂

Have a few blocked but not because they don't reply to me.


Some do after a while as they don't come on here often . Others never. But I only ask about a photo they have of there tattoos on there profile or body mods.

But it's me who normally gets a pm 1st an I try an reply when I can

We have no idea of people's life circumstances. You see it every day in timeline. Someone who signed up four months ago reappears suddenly and starts posting pics, comments, wants, whatever. Maybe when you messaged them it wasn't the moment they were open for discussion. If you're not carpet bombing messages and you're focused in what you're looking for, it's worth waiting for a response or accepting if there isn't one.
The only time I’ve blocked on here, it’s been either because someone is being nasty or too persistent when politely declined. I don’t understand what would be achieved from blocking someone who takes a while to reply, other than, they can’t respond at all….which seems counter productive if you’re sat waiting for a message?

I have never blocked someone for simply not replying to me. 

I will block 1000 people for NOT reading my profile and/or DMing me whilst in the chat room (as profile asks not to), before I would block someone for just being busy and living their life. At times I do not have time to sit in my inbox and reply to people every second they DM me. But if not interested I simply just don't reply now. My profile states all and if anything I seek and my preferences. Not that the people who DM take notice though haha. 

Life comes first though. I have even seen someone DM me ton say "Hey loved your profile" Then he just..... blocked me. lol

Each to their own I guess.

I get blocked weather I reply or not 😅🙃
Nope never block them
All you have to do is delete the conversation
Problem solved
Nah, I just figure they aren’t interested in hanging out and I just move on.
No I don't.
I think blocking I'd unnecessary unless either them or I are being a pest.

But just reply and say your not interested. Maybe explain why.

It's nice to be nice.
I don't understand why you would block for that? What would it achieve? Some men I know use it to mark where they've "struck out" because they message so many random women. (I have not known a woman to do it, but perhaps some do, too).

Few people here saying they just reply not interested. Is not replying rude? Maybe. Do I do it? A lot. If all the effort you took to message me is Hey or HRU, you haven't spent much time on me, have you? I used to reply No thank you, always. I got very tired of people demanding to know why (you're not entitled to a why) or becoming rude. So to hell with that. If you are polite and have taken some time to write a message *to me*, you'll get a polite thanks but no thanks response. Otherwise, no.

I block people I have no wish to hear from but that is all.

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