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Caveman or white knight

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We’ve all heard the saying that the perfect woman is a nun in public and a whore in the bedroom. What’s the equivalent perfect man?
Is he a chivalrous white knight in public and an ***istic caveman in the bedroom?

A very good question, I suppose the description you give in your title covers it well. You want someone to be a gentleman, kind, caring and supportive and quite primal in the bedroom, however this is a broad generalisation. Obviously everyone has their own preferences. I’ll have a think on that one as I think that’s not a question normally posed in the open, I think it is just expected that is supposed to be the ideal.

I wouldn't go with caveman. I don't think any of my partners would have preferred a caveman to what I do (though tastes vary). Casting my vote for angels and devils.

Edited by Pleasurecalculus
Personally I find the notion of "nun in public and whore in the bedroom" quite condescending and something that sounds like it was coined in the 70s - likewise any notion of a perfect man being two equivalent things.
We're all individuals after all, and the idea of anyone's "perfect" anything is very subjective and indeed individual.
Personally I look for someone who is on the same wavelength as me who I have a connection and chemistry with, who I can communicate and be totally open and honest with, and they me. That is my notion of a perfect partner, regardless of their gender, and without needing to use fairly base stereotypes.
I'd no more want to be a caveman in the bedroom, than many women would want to be considered whores.
The white knight was always my favorite alice in wonderland character! I even made a carrot on a stick. He has the best stories. I don’t think he ever had any interest in chivalry. I very much doubt he even believed Alice was real. Not that it would matter. He never ceased his stories.
If that were ever a saying (and it wasn’t, it was ‘cooks’ or ‘hostesses’ but not ‘nuns’), I hope it is now consigned to the garbage pail of history where it belongs. It’s no more realistic, but just as insulting, as the notion of the ‘perfect man’ being one who bangs you all night and then turns into a pizza
If I was out and about with a lass I'd definitely not want a nun 😂 I want a laugh/ stereotypical English banter! We're known throughout the world for our humour and my future missus will hopefully reflect that... And I doubt I come across as a gentleman either 😅

I'm not entirely sure the above is my idea of a perfect woman

Although - if the lady I played with recently was dressed as a nun when we did the things quite publicly, it could have been interesting


According to search quotes* it was Jerry Hall who said 'My mother said it was simple to keep a man, you must be a maid in the living room, a cook in the kitchen and a whore in the bedroom. I said I'd hire the other two and take care of the bedroom bit'. So - all down to Jerry Hall's mum allegedly.

Edited by FETMOD-TF
*External link removed
Just to give a quote that might be funny cause it’s all my brain could come up with “a gentleman in the streets but a pimp in the sheets.”
“a gentleman in the streets but a pimp in the sheets.”


I'm certainly not a nun in public but perhaps show a little more class when out and about, though I'll still have the same sharp gallows sense of humour. The same could be said of what I'd like from a guy: a little class, sense of humour...a gentleman.
Behind closed doors however, we can get as feral as we like! I will be his slut and he will be my beast.. ;)
He’s a gingerbread man…
He's quiet. He's sweet. And if he gives you any grief, you can bite his head off. 😁

I think I love  an intelligent man and caring for reg life and a demon in bed. Hmmm I think that would be yummy 🧚🏻‍♀️

We’ve heard the saying, but do we agree with it? 👀👀 I don’t personally, can’t stand nuns 😂.

I don’t think the perfect man/woman exists tbh, but I wouldn’t want mine to change too much tbh… I think everyone should be ***istic & raw in the bedroom but I wouldn’t expect a chivalrous knight or nun outside of the bedroom… just someone normal…funny, opinionated, passionate, laid back, quiet…doesn’t matter as long as they’re being themselves. The idea of ‘acting’ any kind of way puts me off, they shouldn’t need to ‘pretend’ to be either.
Lady on the street, freak in the bed,
Gentleman on the street, beast between the sheets.
Mmmm beast in the sheets for sure ❤️
Gentleman on the street- but still stern- and commanding- just enough- the odd growl or “look”- ☺️
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