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Permanent Mark's...

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Permanent mark's of ownership (tattoos, hot/cold branding) - What do they represent to you? When do you believe they should be given or received? Do you believe they are for a life commitment or more casual in nature?
I'm sure everyone's going to have their own opinions on this one. For me it depends on the mark. For example I love giving piercings to my subs. I like being present and seeing their face and holding their hand throughout the process. There are a few different piercings I have that I like them to get and they all have different meanings at different stages of a relationship. For tattoos I keep those in a similar place as most vanilla people would probably have wedding rings. I can't say I've ever been into brands but I would probably classify them with the tattoos. Temporary marks are for play permanent marks are for ownership. Just the way I do things.
Most cold brandings and electrical brandings I have seen are temporary. I feel they should be really serious choices still. As for Tattoos or hot branding. I am not sure they are appropriate as they are forever. Regardless I would council that this should be a serious commitment. Piercings are a little different. As piercings can close, however they are a serious commitment as well.
I definitely like this question and I think that this topic should have two sides: 1) what the marks mean for a dominant person and 2) what they mean for a submissive one.
As a dominant person, I would love to have a slave or a sub who would have these permanent marks as a sign of his/her devotion. I believe the person who has these marks should trust the owner blindly and the owner should be rational and let the other people be with him/her for forever if they want that ;)
Even if they dont they will never get rid of the marks haha
I second what KebbiPe said. For me as a submissive, the ordeal, the ritual, is the thing for me. Even if the physical marking is only semi-permanent, it's about the commitment to me, the symbolism.
I love all the different perspectives, thoughts and opinions... thank you to all who reply.
A tattoo would be something i would get eventually with someone, on the scale of a long term relationship that would be the same as marridge(i wouldnt rush into that either 😂).
Also the type and where the tattoo is needs to be considered, for instance someone could have slave written, and if things end then they still have a nice tat that hopefully still represents who they are. I would avoid 'slave belongs to (insert name), or a tattoo could be a pattern that would still look nice if things were to end.
So it obviously is a physical thing that needs to be thought about but mentally just as important, its a scar going to be seen for life that represents a person.

A domme friend of mine has marked her long-term sub with a simple non-verbal picture/symbol.  This is another way to address the end of relationship issue that Cheekysub247 mentions.

She uses a cautery pen which tends to only mark for 6-12 months or so.  That also addresses that issue.  It also becomes sort of a vow renewal when she periodically refreshes the image.

As most have said I would probably consider permanent marks if I knew me and a partner were 100% commited to our relationship.
I like the idea of sharing a symbol of commitment with someone you trust completely.
Although risky, the more personal it is the stronger the bond would feel. If its shared with someone who always feels part of your family then there should be no risks. You just need to be sure it's a scar you can comfortably carry wherever your journey takes you.

To me personally, I value a permanent mark above a wedding ring. Why? In a society where divorce is prevalent and even neccessary at times (I myself am divorced several years, not judgmental) it's too readily accessible. Working through general issues isnt as automatic as ending it. So sadly I view marriage as more flexible and easily discarded... remove the ring, file some papers and boom, finished.

Having a permanent mark... it's there! No easy removal, no too much effort to repair or mend the relationship... building or ended, you have that life mark upon your skin. No matter if a name, a symbol, a design, etc, you cant remove it like that wedding band.

So I look upon being gifted (submissive/slave) or giving (owner, dom/domme) that the importance of the choice, should be thought out. It shouldnt be casual.

That mark, to me represents everything! It states my bond, the investment in a lifetime commitment, growth, affection and loyalty.
It shows my partners faith in me, and my partners dedication to me. His investment, loyalty and bond. It symbolizes a plan for life. Not play dates or event connections, but the ride and die type of commitment.
That mark... I'll show and wear with pride honor and adoration.
  • 1 month later...
i had always wanted a permanent brandimg or marking…it is not casual for me so i’m guessing that’s why the ex never did it…he never intend a life commitment
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