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I want to read a message of a member who needs to verify their account

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As the title says. They wrote me that they dont want to use fetish that much and send me their phone number. I couldnt copy/write it down at the time I saw the message. Later I wanted to go back but now their profile is under scrutiny and fetish.com thinks it needs to be my nanny  and FORBIDS me to see the message. How patronizing is that?


Hi there,

Usually if a profile needs to be verified then there are or have been concerns raised about the authenticity of the user.   Obviously in some cases these concerns turn out to be unfounded and the user verifies their profile - but in other cases they do not verify and this could be for a number of reasons but, often, that they are not who they say they are.

That they were trying to give you details to take you off site so quickly does sound they were likely running some form of scam I'm afraid - but - hopefully we'll be wrong and they'll be back 

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