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Kissed her and she tripped over her feet: good sign or nervous energy?

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So I had an interesting drunken adventure last night. Ended up giving a friend 2 kisses under the fireworks. We hung out and talked and I pushed her on the swings at the park. I’m not sure if I’d consider her a dom but she is a very dominating person. We had been fighting for about a week and all we do is argue and fight over the phone, last night I was pretty smashed didn’t intend on having company, just planned on sitting on my patio to watch the local fireworks. I was dressed for the weekend, sweatpants dirty t shirt an absolute slob. Anyway she was just outside my home called me with an argument and it turned into be a man come outside andI went out and about to lay down the law because I’ve been sick of the dynamic. I went out expecting to be fighting with her but the entire energy changed she was not dominant and completely submissive. She told me she wants more kisses and to see me again asap. She’s always had a crush on me but when we kissed I sucked her lip and she almost fell outside. I don’t know what to make of it.
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