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Fwbs are a great thing to have. And it is always important to act in terms of understanding and control. It may be difficult and you may not want to hear it, but sometimes friends just only want to remain friends
I think - sex changes things between two people, and the younger you are, the more likely those feelings will develop, or if you are in an emotional crises and crave support. FWB is not impossible but it requires a level of maturity. I think if either person feels more, the relationship has to come to an end.
I think if done right it can be very beneficial

It’s gotta b kept n prospective,,after all if u wanted someone to f**k to begin with and so did they ,that needs to b talked about and made clear,otherwise one one will probably get hurt

Communication is important. Dealing with jealousy is important. If those two things can be dealt with, it can be a benefit to the main relationship.

I had a FWB who ended the arrangement when she entered into an exclusive relationship. While I would have preferred matters continued and it was not my decision to conclude things I respected her decision and we went from being FWBs to ‘FW/OB’s which we remain to this day.

That is a very hard relationship to keep with out feeling getting involved at the same time it is very hard t ok find just a fwb nothing more
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