Ki**** Posted July 28, 2024 There is someone who could appreciate that.. we like what we like. Still be a master, take control. We love it 😉 (47 in a month)
Go**** Posted July 29, 2024 I lucked out I met an older woman one night out at a bar. She was 10 years older than but.... she didn't look like it one bit. She also had 5 kids but you would guess by looking at her. She actually preferred younger men. We ended up dating for 12 years . It loved every min. After her my next two gf's were 10 years younger. Those were fun but I enjoyed my older partner more. I think you must gain the respect of any older woman 1st before she can confide into a younger man. And younger ladies it's simple they just want to be taken care of, mostly financially but spiritually too.
Go**** Posted August 3, 2024 I totally get your question. As a younger man I used to wonder all the time the exact same thing. It is so weird. Taking your word for it, I'm going to say that you're really nice person, a good person, a caring person, a person that any woman would in fact be lucky to have. Now I'm older, and it makes much more sense to me. Because I can see the difference between me as a younger man and me as an older man. When I was younger I thought it must just be ***. Generally speaking as people get older, they get into a better financial situation. So I just assumed as that's the only difference I could see that that must be it. But there really is a difference in me between my younger self and my older self. It's not in the fact that I am still a good person, nor that I am a caring person, a nice person, etc. I am still all of those things and have been the same way my entire life. I think trying to explain this would be kind of like trying to explain what snow feels like to someone who only lived in the desert. But here goes. There's a sense of calmness about me that is different than it was when I was younger. That calmness makes me act differently than I did what I was younger. Not better, just different. It's a subtle difference. Here is an example straight out of my last relationship. My sub/ little was very clumsy. Almost daily she would knock something over, break something, etc. obviously she was aware of it and it's something that she hated about herself. Every time it would happen, she would chide herself on her stupidity and clumsiness. Always upset and always the greeting to herself when it happened. As a younger man if she would have knocked her glass off the counter, it's shattering on the ground and making a mess I would have said to her no big deal, it happens. As an older man I get up off the couch and I walk over on hug her and I give her a kiss I pet her head and I tell her God I love you! I know you hate when this happens but it's a part of you and it's a part that I love as well. Inside I put a little smile on every time it happens because it's just something that's special in our life. And then I help her clean it up. Both answers were correct, in both ways she would have felt loved and supported. But they were very different ways of reacting. That may seem like a stupid example and to be honest it's not the answer to your question, it's more like an insight into the difference between younger men and older men. I guess you could say it's a difference in the way we love, nurture, etc. I can imagine that you might respond back yeah but I'm already like that. And if you were to say that I would take you at your word and believe you. But you would be one out of every perhaps 10,000 men who actually have that subtle difference in the way they love and women know this. And that's why so many women gravitate towards older men. Good news though. I think if I remember you said you were 29. Sorry Bubba, you're not so young anymore. All of those 20 to 25s are looking at you just like all of the 25 to 45s are looking at me. Hang in there, be a good person, a good man, it will just get better and better :-)
Bo**** Posted August 14, 2024 I always automatically assume that anyone younger messaged me by mistake. I guess it’s that myth perpetuated in the media and social media that younger is better, so they couldn’t possibly really be interested in me.
Ro**** Posted August 15, 2024 Entirely just my opinion As a 40 something woman. Because with younger men or women, you are more likely get second hand drama, we don't do drama. Though I myself have learned there are a few men in their late twenties are over it themselves. So they seek older , more stable women. Ask yourself just how emotionally mature and if you're self aware and intelligent enough to know if you are lying to yourself or not . Read that again, if you do not understand what that means then chances are slim. If you think you do then figure out how to adjust your approach.
ja**** Posted August 15, 2024 U just got to find the right younger man that's on the same page u are on
Wi**** Posted August 17, 2024 I will do my best to attempt to answer this. Of course this is just my opinion and may or may not be shared by other women my age. For me it is a matter of a promise. I have adult ***, a cple of them in their 30s. So when a young man approaches me I look to see which side of 30 that man is because my oldest which is a male is in his 30s, with two of my daughters close behind. I cannot in good conscience date someone who is you get than my adult ***. That being said I have made some friends my kids ages but I only date exclusively older than them, even if by a few yrs. Hope this makes sense and helps someone? If not, it's just my two cents. Have a wonderful days you lovely people. 😍
mi**** Posted August 18, 2024 I only date older women less drama they know what they want and they f**k like pros
Pe**** Posted August 20, 2024 I share @RayvanWolfe's opinion about avoiding dating women younger than my daughters.
Sw**** Posted August 20, 2024 Speaking for myself as a baby cougar lol…. I often say that it has to do with emotional intelligence, maturity and overall intellectual superiority . Many women who take on submissive roles in the bedroom are very much dominant in their everyday lives therefor there are certain leadership qualities that I recognize and look for before I even toy with the idea of allowing someone to play the dom role. What is it that you are saying when things go south? Maybe switch up your approach if you are looking for an older sub?
Deleted Member Posted August 22, 2024 For me it’s all about experience I’ve been in the lifestyle 10+ years and continually educate myself. Not only my role but the role of the dominant. A guy who is 19 or 20 I don’t think have enough experience sexually and in the lifestyle.
St**** Posted August 22, 2024 People often fantasize about older people in a Sugar Mommy/ Daddy relationships it's not something I see as major issue. I have a philosophy what goes on between two consenting adults is no ones business. I have not encountered my " max or minimum" age gap it's not something I internally process outside making sure your not a minor
Ba**** Posted September 24, 2024 Never had an issue with older or mature of my faves actually...and yes there are 50 something's who I can certify put 20 something's out the water💦😋👌💯
Br**** Posted September 25, 2024 I speak from experience when I was in my 20s I'm now my mid-40s I dated an older woman and I've been just chasing the dragon ever since I know that I would do best in Florida for me and the people around me in NFL are relationship with somebody my senior somebody to worship make dinner and draw a bath massage and repeat daily
Deleted Member Posted October 29, 2024 I can't speak for everyone. Especially not the women over 30. However, I'm a dominant man with 15 years of experience with women over 30. I know things the 29 year old version of me only wished I knew. It's the difference between telling her what to do not even needing to tell her what to do. 29 year old me could pull a rabbit out of a hat. 44 year old me is a f**king wizard.
Vo**** Posted November 1, 2024 Over 30 here, and my range is 28-50. I don't want to entertain anyone younger than my range because I already know what I like and I don't really want to be someones practice board before they launch themselves into an actual dynamic. Also, I just can't relate/don't enjoy being around younger people.
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