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So You Want Us Because We're Older Woman

I identify as a 30-year-old woman. It doesn't matter that I've lived 43yrs. I'm 30, and there is not a damn thing you can do to change that. I don't feel 43. I don't look 43, and I don't want to be 43. Referring to me as an "Older Woman" is not going to gain you entrance to my Bridget Jones style knicker knackers, no matter how sexy you think these fabled "Older Women" are.

"I feel so attractive now that someone called me old," said no 30-year-old ever.

When you describe me as old, you may as well dip me in wrinkles, slather me in grey, then drop all my freckles into a residential care home one by one. "Old" is for old peoples homes, and I'm at least 55 years away from that.

When you fetishize my age, you erase my value and individuality. I'm a ***y unicorn, dammit. I'm more than my greys (WHICH I DO NOT HAVE!) I read books. I hike and run with my dogs. I value my friends. I'm a whole damn person, not a frigging fetish.

When you silently sneak into my inbox on your fancy Converse Chucks simply  because I'm older, you're insinuating that my age is the best trait I have to offer. You dehumanise me, and I swear I'm a whole person with a vast array of annoying habits that have nothing to do with my age and I can pretty much guarantee that im particularly immature when it comes down to things.
The men behind the "You're-old-wanna-fuck" messages aren't looking for a grownup anyway. They're looking for a kink dispenser. And parent. Whilst I'm looking for an adult.
Also: you 21yo boys aren’t the gift you think you are. Unlike the delightful, fragrant Copperknob, I *am* forty-ahem - but it doesn’t mean I’m desperate for young cock. Your abs are not a personality, and your interest is not unique. We get dozens of offers from wee chaps like you every day. As Copperknob says, it’s not flattering, you’ll try anything and we know it. We don’t want to be fetishised, and we spend our entire lives having whiny demands made on us by literally everyone we encounter from our pets to our bosses. You’d better be bringing more to the table than that.
So… yeah, I’ll stay picky, thanks, because occasionally the perfect sub comes along, with enough spark and intellect to prove he’s not like all the others. Doesn’t happen often; but he knows who he is. Be him. 🐩

I actually dusted off my Converse and wore them for my trip away this past week. And my Vans too. True story (I did have to remove some cobwebs and dust, but 🤫). Not a sign of a mid-life crisis at all.

  3 minutes ago, Aranhis said:

I actually dusted off my Converse and wore them for my trip away this past week. And my Vans too. True story (I did have to remove some cobwebs and dust, but 🤫). Not a sign of a mid-life crisis at all.


Are Vans still trendy? I had to google what footwear was the most popular right now because, even at 30yrs, I'm still apparenty old

there was a guy who was on here a while ago - who - I can't remember his exact words but he pretty much said he would exclusively message women who were older and/or "overweight" because he felt they had fewer options (ha!) and should almost be grateful a young stud like him was interested 

And, I know this is projection - but - I can't help it - whenever guys talk up and fetishise older women - that they share the same ignorance.

  8 minutes ago, eyemblacksheep said:

there was a guy who was on here a while ago - who - I can't remember his exact words but he pretty much said he would exclusively message women who were older and/or "overweight" because he felt they had fewer options (ha!) and should almost be grateful a young stud like him was interested 

And, I know this is projection - but - I can't help it - whenever guys talk up and fetishise older women - that they share the same ignorance.


Jeez, what a lovely chap!

  26 minutes ago, DuchessFeuille said:
Also: you 21yo boys aren’t the gift you think you are. Unlike the delightful, fragrant Copperknob, I *am* forty-ahem - but it doesn’t mean I’m desperate for young cock. Your abs are not a personality, and your interest is not unique. We get dozens of offers from wee chaps like you every day. As Copperknob says, it’s not flattering, you’ll try anything and we know it. We don’t want to be fetishised, and we spend our entire lives having whiny demands made on us by literally everyone we encounter from our pets to our bosses. You’d better be bringing more to the table than that.
So… yeah, I’ll stay picky, thanks, because occasionally the perfect sub comes along, with enough spark and intellect to prove he’s not like all the others. Doesn’t happen often; but he knows who he is. Be him. 🐩

Best compliment I've had all year! 😂

  42 minutes ago, Aranhis said:

I actually dusted off my Converse and wore them for my trip away this past week. And my Vans too. True story (I did have to remove some cobwebs and dust, but 🤫). Not a sign of a mid-life crisis at all.


Erm well I'm 44 and always wear.converse and vans and I couldn't care less lol :)

Pah...you're not old...you're practically a ***ager compared to me.....
.....want a trip on my mega yacht while I lavish you with gifts and keep you in a style befitting my eye candy? 🤣😂🤣😂
  2 minutes ago, gemini_man said:
Pah...you're not old...you're practically a ***ager compared to me.....
.....want a trip on my mega yacht while I lavish you with gifts and keep you in a style befitting my eye candy? 🤣😂🤣😂

Yes please! How is this even a question???? See kiddo's, this is why we opt for older men, we don't even need to fetishize them! 😂😂

Iv'e never really understood why the "young bucks" who enter the scene think anyone older than them are more amenable to them.

The self centeredness of it just shows up a red flag.  It shows up their lack of understanding for someone else's needs etc

Yes i know both female and males who like younger or older partners but it's how they interact and treat people 

Mind you it can be seen as the same for those just wanting to pick up someone young enough to be their son or daughter.  

At the day, it's how they communicate their needs, if it's mutal go for it.  If you think you don't have to work for someone's attention or demean them, jog on bucko. 

btw 50's here and still like to have my DM's on all the time, and troll about civie street in baggy Ice Hockey tops like im Jay & Silent Bob....oh god i just worked out we are teh same age hahaha

  54 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Are Vans still trendy? I had to google what footwear was the most popular right now because, even at 30yrs, I'm still apparenty old


Vans can't be trendy still...I wear them 🤣😂

Older woman!! If i had an Older woman
She would be a Geriatric 🤣🤣
  9 minutes ago, smeagol said:

btw 50's here and still like to have my DM's on all the time, and troll about civie street in baggy Ice Hockey tops like im Jay & Silent Bob....oh god i just worked out we are teh same age hahaha


Hahaha 😂

  5 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Yeah, you're right 😂😂


Mind you I wear knickers too...so that can only mean one thing...get them off ladies 🤣😂

  Just now, CopperKnob said:

Hold on, wait. What? Did you just say "get 'em off" to us old, gentile ladies? 🤔


No..because you're not old...you whippersnapper 🤣😂

  2 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Yes. Because I'm 30!


Precisely - actually if you are that makes me 44....I can live with that 😃

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