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Pulling out a little

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I have the same problem and I'm a girl also if I have more advice I'll let you know!
Firstly, referring to your little side as another person may not be helping the connection to your little side. It’s You, not her, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of, it’s just another part of you. If you sit with the feeling of being little, and repeat the process it’s just a matter of time until you rewire your brain and make it easier for your little side to show. This mindset may not work for everyone, but my last little said this helped.

I’ve heard from my previous littles that things like sucking your thumb, colouring in, and watching things you used to love when you were little helps. Again, repeat these things, and your little side may well find it easier to show. Finding a caregiver will undoubtedly help too
Get yourself some activities that you would enjoy in little space. Coloring is always a great go to. Just put on some music, lay on the floor and start coloring. See if she’ll come out and play if you give her some sort of activity or entertainment
To the first question, I would say give it time… the harder you try, the more it’s gonna take. Relax and let it happen naturally ❤️
My favorite ways to inact little space are stuffies, cartoons, snacks, bath time. Think of things you would do to comfort a sick or scared child. That line of thinking has done me well!. Maybe you can try doing some of those things for your self? Maybe even talk to yourself in a sweet and soft voice give, your self complements.
savvythebrat, are you trying to hard for your little to come out , just relax and she will come out when she is ready and comfortable to come out. It could be you wanting her to come out
Make sure you have a comfortable and safe space surrounded by things she loves, you coukd try some meditation techniques to relax your mind and body as too many thoughs can over power emotions
Spend a lot of time on ly doing stuff that makes her happy
How active is your local bdsm community? Locally we have several Littles play groups for safe non-judgmental fun. These include vanilla-ish play gatherings, and munches.
Best advice don't *** it. The right man will come around and make you feel comfortable enough to let you have the little space you have been needing. The more you *** the more you will fight yourself
Happens to us on the other side too at times.

Be patient with yourself.

When the time and the feeling is right, she'll come back.
I don't know how much it will help, since my little side has been in hiding for a while too, but I used to do things that made me feel comforted and safe.
For me it was blankets and my favourite film, along with colouring, that helped, if I was on my own.
For you it could be different things, but I would say perhaps just repeatedly doing those 'safe' feeling things, even if you just start off with short amounts of time, may help your little side to feel able to be expressed voluntarily.
Good luck, I know how it feels x
In my experience, it’s usually a sign that you don’t feel safe or comfortable going into littlespace. That’s why you’re seeing suggestions of trying some little activities or start accessing objects that bring familiarity to littlespace; ie blankies, stuffies, pacis… reminisce with favorite cartoons… another suggestion is too seek out a daddy to read bedtime stories to you or look online for these videos (I had a bunch posted on Instagram but my account t was banned)… interacting with another little you feel comfortable with is also something that could help. Above all, take a moment and start a list of reasons why you may not be comfortable in little space or feel safe. Sometimes those reasons can be alleviated or addressed. Often it’s because someone feels betrayed or taken advantage of when they shared little space with someone else. Obviously not all caregivers are the same, the same way two Doms will be different .. it can be discouraging to feel like you’ll never find a caregiver that understands your little side and who will nurture and care for her and see her as something more than a sex object. We exist! It’s a yucky search but hopefully it’s all worth it when you find a caregiver that fits. Good luck.
I would suggest things that trigger nostalgia. Thing specifically from your childhood maybe a movie a toy or a blankie kinda thing can trigger that and make it stronger
It's tough dealing with a Little being introverted. I feel you
Maybe try getting them to trust you more by doing something with them or colouring woth them or something. And for how to help while in little space maybe play with her in little space.
I know where your coming from I had the same problem with mine until winter was over we went to Florida and that helped for two weeks I can't stand the cold anymore but love Ohio in the summer and my little is fine we all go a little stir crazy being stick in the house. I put up a big condominium connected to a big garage with a basketball hoop and heat so I take him out there after work to play and stretch out get some exercise . Just make sure they excercise and eat pasta plus drink milk for there teeth, bones, and joints or they will get brittle and hard plus cavities thanks everyone goodnight
Don't *** yourself into little space. You need to let it just flow into yourself. Having a caregiver can help but trying for *** yourself into little space is not good for you or your little.
Disney films , your fav juice and snacks, a soft blankie and teddy bears/stuffies 💕
it’s important to feel safe with yourself. Find little space that brings you joy naturally. Make time for it. You’re worth little one!
Thank you everyone for being so helpful and nice.so today we found a beautiful hardwood with a perfect crotch to sit in at the coal mine park called long shaft valley and just hung out there and blew off some steam and finally got my little out in that nice wide open space and did some writing. Put some lead in the old pencil ✏️ #2 of course. And just went at it until I thought my hand was going to fall off, wrote really solid stuff and fell asleep dreaming . Woke up wet because it had started to rain and had amazing day wow .the day came and went so fast but my little was a big man today and felt good to relieve that stress and pressure. Thanks again everyone what a happy ending
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