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Collar Preferences for Subs


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Something subtle. I’m a professional in a small a** town

I don't have one (yet). But I love both. I like the necklace idea because I can wear it to family events and no one will know the significance except us like its our little secret. But at home or in public even? I like the leather ***r ones with hoops on them. Kinda like the ones you'd find at Spencer's or hot topic I think. (Haven't been there in a while)
I've varied. For comfort, I can recommend an old fashioned dog collar. For active play, wear what you like.
However, keep in mind that you may want to wear a collar out to everywhere, including work.
Those of you (like myself) who prefer to keep kink out of the workplace can substitute a collar for something much more subtle, like an anklet or bracelet. If you signify them in the same way, they have the same emotional weight.
I make collars :) But the difference is that minor more for fun to wear. I have an *** crossing one that I created myself. I have a crap ton of them I'm trying to sell
Three of my buddies, I've made us all collars cuz it's on my Etsy store, they love my collars to death and they wear them everyday. But that's probably also because we're furries lol.
For me in the bedroom I love wearing a collar, but its not ideal for work, everyday wear etc.. so I have to wear an anklet 😊
  • 4 weeks later...
I prefer subtlety like a bracelet. I like to keep in mind their style and what would suit them specifically
I prefer all it depends on the situation and who I'm with at the time
It depends…I would wear a simple necklace everyday. And when alone with my Dom, a traditional collar
I’m okay with collars as long as they are cute. If it’s a basic traditional collar I don’t think I’d wear it in general since it’s not my taste 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m lucky I work around other artists so no one would think twice if I wore a collar 😂
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