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I have a veins fetish does anyone have a veins fetish

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Hello everyone i have a vein fetish I like it when the veins bulge out it so hot and beautiful people judge me on it or they tell me it weird does anyone have a vein fetish 

I think the phlebotamist I saw the other day did. Saying oo lovely big veins 😀


No, no vein fetish, I just have veiny feet and hands, what can I say.

Personally, I love them, running my fingers over then when talking to people, yes I do have me feet in my hands a lot, it's just the way I am and always have been.


  • 8 months later...

i love veins on the arms and hands of fitness women gurus,female bodybuilders,women getting *** tests,women donating ***,tournequits tied on upper arms just above the bicep muscles and the bicep veins,inner ellbow veins,forearm veins,the needle going into veins for *** tests or donating *** ,i have felt the wome bodybuilders arms when they have the mega veiny explosion,i am looking for a video or video of women that has natual veins popping up getting *** test or donating ***

I like a bulging/throbbing vein on a man, not so keen on them on myself, I have quite visible, though not raised veins, on hands, wrists, feet, and arms..I do sometimes get self conscious about it, especially on my feet.

  • 1 year later...

i love veins popping up on womens arms as they workout both in the gym and when the woman is having a sexual workout,i love woman as they are donating *** with the tournequit on the arm and the veins are popping up for the needle to be poked in the vein,i love to se women vacuuming and the veins popping up on their arms,i love to see when the phleibotomist or nurse that is a woman getting ready to poke a needle in a vein of their paitient the veins on the nurse pop up on the forearms and the back of the hands of the nurse or phleibotomist,i love to see veins on women in general

  On 11/5/2018 at 4:41 AM, Vivacious_Vegan said:


No, no vein fetish, I just have veiny feet and hands, what can I say.

Personally, I love them, running my fingers over then when talking to people, yes I do have me feet in my hands a lot, it's just the way I am and always have been.



do you have the veins popping up on your arms like the forearms and if you hyper flex or hyper extent our arm the ones in your crook of the arm or iiners sllbow ,i would like to talk to you i know you do not have a vein fetish but if you have that look like after a fitness guru or bodybuilder does have the veins popping up on the arms i wish to talk to you please

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