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Who is viewing your profile?

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Straight guys, why are you viewing my profile?

What are you searching for to find me?

Why am i so interesting to you if we have never interacted?

The world demands answers!!

This is in satire, but i am genuinely interested why a straight guy would want to search for me, view my profile and not say hello.. i have my theories.


Who else experiences this?

It’s completely random I would think. You come across a profile, view it, maybe read it and then move on 😅 if the person is really really within your niche you might message them etc etc
I get so many guys checking me out I figure just rakenit as a compliment
  5 minutes ago, jak1401 said:

It’s completely random I would think. You come across a profile, view it, maybe read it and then move on 😅 if the person is really really within your niche you might message them etc etc


This is likely the truth, but 2 questions come up

1. How does someone come across my profile without actively looking for it, im 5000th on the list of male users

2. If it were totally random i would have female views too. I do not


In the last 2 minutes of writing this i have recieved 5 views by men.. 

I get a lot of women looking at my profile - no clue why. 🤷🏻‍♀️
It’s because the touchpoint on the app when you enter a forum post is so small that it’s 50/50 if you hit someone’s profile or their post.
  1 minute ago, Barefoot_D said:

I just viewed it because of this post. Then I got jealous of your ink. Now I'm longing for a new tattoo.
So, to answer your question, I don't know.


Im well aware that this post may open me up to more visits, my phone is blowing up 😅

  2 minutes ago, bdj said:

It’s because the touchpoint on the app when you enter a forum post is so small that it’s 50/50 if you hit someone’s profile or their post.


I understand for posts, but i could not post for a month, not go into chat and only read the magazine and listen to the podcast and ill still get 20 views a day from straight guys.. and this was when it was just my face and not a tattoo.

We just want to check if that stick is actually protruding from your skull

Personally i take it as a compliment, I usually get a few male views after a forum post etc or they are local to myself and curious.

And lost of people are nosey and curious.


  14 minutes ago, Toronto-DaddyDom said:

We just want to check if that stick is actually protruding from your skull


I dont get it 🤔

Could be a number of reasons, curiousity, checking out the competition, looking for inspiration material, research purposes for science 😜
🤣🤣🤣yo man I ask myself the same question ALL the time!😂 Why do "straight" dudes check out the profiles of other dudes? I truly don't know lol but it's a very common occurrence with me. I assume they're gay or bi even though they say they're straight. Which is still flattering, dont get me wrong. I am an attention whore after all 😋 I welcome all forms of it. The only other thing I can think of is that they think you look familiar somehow & are checking you out thinking they know you or something. I've had that happen on FetLife before.
  2 minutes ago, sonofthunder777 said:

🤣🤣🤣yo man I ask myself the same question ALL the time!😂 Why do "straight" dudes check out the profiles of other dudes? I truly don't know lol but it's a very common occurrence with me. I assume they're gay or bi even though they say they're straight. Which is still flattering, dont get me wrong. I am an attention whore after all 😋 I welcome all forms of it. The only other thing I can think of is that they think you look familiar somehow & are checking you out thinking they know you or something. I've had that happen on FetLife before.


But how are they finding me? What are they looking at to see my profile?

Reading a profile might help to understand the background and motivations of a poster that has piqued the interest of the viewer. What experience do they have, in order to offer advice? Where are they based, that they speak with authority on their local scene? Are there clues as to how likely their anecdotes are?
Has it occurred to you Phantom Flogger that they aren’t only looking at your profile?

Perhaps they are viewing profiles to see what other males write, with the aim of taking bits they like and enhancing their own profile to make it more attractive to those who they seek?
  3 minutes ago, tunbridge-wells143 said:

Has it occurred to you Phantom Flogger that they aren’t only looking at your profile?

Perhaps they are viewing profiles to see what other males write, with the aim of taking bits they like and enhancing their own profile to make it more attractive to those who they seek?


Im below 5000th on the list, do you know what page that makes me? The question still stands, why are you going through all these pages to come across a nobody with a picture of his chest?

I get this all the time and wondered the same, especially as their profile specifically says they're looking for women only. I seem to match with people I don't remember liking aswel so was worried my profile had a mind of its own and random people were getting notifications from me.
Totally just looking at your profile now so I can join the gang 😂😁

honestly I reckon it's just curiously mostly, your profile picture looks interesting but because its 3 pictures spliced together it's not obvious what it is straight away. I'd guess that would deal with at least a good amount of stray straight guys.
As far as how they find you.. do you reply to threads or talk in the public chat bits much? Even if you're low down on the list.. you will appear somewhere so people will see you 🤷‍♂️
I was also just thinking probably for tattoo inspiration lol. Im a dude and i know why guys look at my profile. They soon also quietly disappear haha

I think Typhoon has the weight of it, especially if somebody is local and they're of a "check out the competition" mentality. Which of course doesn't explain why they're choosing you if you're so far down and not local to them.

I sometimes wonder if it happens accidentally. Using a touchscreen phone I've often clicked on profiles I haven't meant to when a digit brushes a link, from all manner of corners of the site.

And personally, there are a few chaps I've visited the page of because I've encountered them on the forums over a period of time and I've wanted to reach out to either express my respect for them or to talk about an aspect of a discussion in private. Occasionally such gents (as happens with some of the women I would message in such a way too) have their filters set up so that I'm unable, c'est la vie 🤷‍♂️ - in those instances I'd show up to them as a visitor dropping by with no purpose and who didn't interact.

I've definitely been noticing more male "Alpha" and straight visitor types myself of late too though, it is certainly curious.

Also on a serious note, your profile pic is of your tattoos, they could might well be curious to look at the art work
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