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Who is viewing your profile?

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Yeah.. tattoo pic or just my face, i get the same amount of male traffic

@PhantomFlogger stop viewing me every 5 minutes please! I have huge queue of dominant women to interview and all of them are getting rather irritable with the waiting time because I keep getting notified of your bloomin viewing! Stop it! 

The possible reasons are endless as this thread has shown - is the same on most sites like this, might be checking the competition, may not actually be straight (on Fab who had a Swingers site and a Bi/Gay site there were loads of men on the swingers site as straight yet also on the bi/gay site), may have stumbled across your profile while reading old forum posts/threads, may live next door and recognise the tats...and the list goes on...
  1 minute ago, Axlsub said:

@PhantomFlogger stop viewing me every 5 minutes please! I have huge queue of dominant women to interview and all of them are getting rather irritable with the waiting time because I keep getting notified of your bloomin viewing! Stop it! 


Is this really a thing because i dont view people's profiles, not even people who message me. So if you are getting notifications saying im viewing you then its not true.

Though i imagine you are just joking.


How somebody looks or how they describe themselves in a blurb doesn't matter to me, in fact i enjoy talking to faceless people because its their messages that stand out not their looks

  2 minutes ago, gemini_man said:

The possible reasons are endless as this thread has shown - is the same on most sites like this, might be checking the competition, may not actually be straight (on Fab who had a Swingers site and a Bi/Gay site there were loads of men on the swingers site as straight yet also on the bi/gay site), may have stumbled across your profile while reading old forum posts/threads, may live next door and recognise the tats...and the list goes on...


Do you write posts?

Do you get a lot of same sex views?

Im really asking if it's just me.. it seems not, but im hardly interacting with these people

Yeah. I get it tons. Actually more guys straight and gay/bi/trans look at my profile than girls. Meh🤷

@PhantomFlogger yes I was joking and pulling your leg. 

Most of my views are women. Mostly young subs for some reason. I had one faceless 18 year Domme match with me yesterday somehow.

It's all a bit weird but I'm a bit whatever about it 

Edited by Deleted Member
  21 minutes ago, Aranhis said:

I think Typhoon has the weight of it, especially if somebody is local and they're of a "check out the competition" mentality. Which of course doesn't explain why they're choosing you if you're so far down and not local to them.

I sometimes wonder if it happens accidentally. Using a touchscreen phone I've often clicked on profiles I haven't meant to when a digit brushes a link, from all manner of corners of the site.

And personally, there are a few chaps I've visited the page of because I've encountered them on the forums over a period of time and I've wanted to reach out to either express my respect for them or to talk about an aspect of a discussion in private. Occasionally such gents (as happens with some of the women I would message in such a way too) have their filters set up so that I'm unable, c'est la vie 🤷‍♂️ - in those instances I'd show up to them as a visitor dropping by with no purpose and who didn't interact.

I've definitely been noticing more male "Alpha" and straight visitor types myself of late too though, it is certainly curious.


I accidentally clicked on some women too, and sent 2 guys a "Spank"... I argued with one of them too!😂

  14 minutes ago, PhantomFlogger said:

Do you write posts?

Do you get a lot of same sex views?

Im really asking if it's just me.. it seems not, but im hardly interacting with these people


Yes on both counts - but the thing is you don't have to interact with them - people are nosy, they look, as I said could be any number of reasons or methods - not everyone looks locally, or even in the same country.
Then there's things like the Fet Match or whatever it's called that seems to be arbitrary pairings the site makes and suggests based on profile interests etc but doesn't seem to take into account geography.
I wouldn't sweat it, like I said it happens on all sites like this and you'll probably never know the reason, or it will be one of many reasons already suggested

I view lots of people. I'm not going to say hello or comment if your profile doesn't interest me. And if you're too far away I don't see the use.
  37 minutes ago, kiseu said:

I accidentally clicked on some women too, and sent 2 guys a "Spank"... I argued with one of them too!😂


Men cant see spanks without paying.. not a single one

One guy was a paid member, because he sent me a spank back. The one I argued with, I think was not paying. Don't make me check his profile.😂 Interesting... I can see Spanks.🤔
Your tattoo is well done, so definitely it is one of the reasons.
  1 hour ago, PhantomFlogger said:

Do you write posts?

Do you get a lot of same sex views?

Im really asking if it's just me.. it seems not, but im hardly interacting with these people


I get a lot of same sex views. It doesn't really bother me, i'm in the forums a lot so I think it's to be expected. Some will message about a post or what's written in my profile etc but not often.
I've no idea what this 5000th bloke business is about but, I do think that if people are swiping on the quick kink tab, regardless what way they swipe that it may come up as a view?

  1 hour ago, kiseu said:

I accidentally clicked on some women too, and sent 2 guys a "Spank"... I argued with one of them too!😂


Oh no, I must confess I've accidentally spanked as well! 😂🙈

I viewed it cause you posted this and I couldn't understand your picture well in 1 cm square form.
  3 hours ago, PhantomFlogger said:

But how are they finding me? What are they looking at to see my profile?


You could show up on the main wall or timeline if you will. I've had people tell me I've shown up on theirs a few times etc. They may be looking at your tattoo. All sorts of reasons. I get it though I'm constantly wondering why 60+ year olds or people for 5000 miles away look at mine. I hoped my settings would stop that

at first I thought no guys were viewing my profile - but it turns out I have a filter on so I only see women who viewed it.  well.

ok so when I then widen the filter there's a lot more and the conclusions I draw is

I said something or came up in their feed and they thought "who is this person/asshole what are they about?" and then clicked through, saw my profile and that's all it needed really.

Sometimes I view other guys profiles for similar reasons.  

Flogger I don't think I've viewed your profile 🤔b4 but I have a question too why do people who use a qwerty keyboard to type but can't read!!! that your in a relationship and still try to dm your Sub even though it states clearly that you are in a relationship like on my profile it states I'm in a relationship but they still curcumvent me and try to dm my Sub and send dick pics to her  even though it says on her profile that to dm me! If they have any questions????  I'm sure they wouldnt want me to Dm there Sub if it said the same I'm always having to tell idiots to f**kO*f and try to respect my dynamic ffs like as if my Sub wouldn't tell me who it was 🙄

They're viewing the competition. I get these too. Then I go to their profile and I block them.
  2 hours ago, Aranhis said:

Oh no, I must confess I've accidentally spanked as well! 😂🙈


I guess we know each others feelings.😅😂🤣

If a person thought of me as competition, it would be a compliment... I must be that good! 


Haha nobody is seeing me as compilation 😅😅

Im not in the dating scene either

And nobody is local to me, most viewers are German or from london

  57 minutes ago, Rajdom said:

Flogger I don't think I've viewed your profile 🤔b4 but I have a question too why do people who use a qwerty keyboard to type but can't read!!! that your in a relationship and still try to dm your Sub even though it states clearly that you are in a relationship like on my profile it states I'm in a relationship but they still curcumvent me and try to dm my Sub and send dick pics to her  even though it says on her profile that to dm me! If they have any questions????  I'm sure they wouldnt want me to Dm there Sub if it said the same I'm always having to tell idiots to f**kO*f and try to respect my dynamic ffs like as if my Sub wouldn't tell me who it was 🙄


It is disrespectful, but try to think positive... my Sub must be more DAMN hot, then I thought originally!!🤔💖

  3 hours ago, CopperKnob said:

I get a lot of same sex views. It doesn't really bother me, i'm in the forums a lot so I think it's to be expected. Some will message about a post or what's written in my profile etc but not often.
I've no idea what this 5000th bloke business is about but, I do think that if people are swiping on the quick kink tab, regardless what way they swipe that it may come up as a view?


I learned the hard way about quick kink tab! I think this was the most embarrassing for me.  More than 50 men thought I looked at their profiles, because I was on there for at least 2 hours swiping. I avoid that thing like the PLAGUE!!!🙈😅😂🤣

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