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Is Monkeypox a Gay disease?

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I am recently comimg out as Bi Curious, I have the normal ***s of a man showing a new interest in other men.
But like with AIDS, I am afraid it may be a terrible time to come out this way.
Are these reasonable doubts, or just an excuse I'm using?
You're joking right... you can Google it and read that it effects everyone... it's just an excuse...
At this time, data suggest that gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men make up the majority of cases in the current monkeypox outbreak. However, anyone, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, who has been in close, personal contact with someone who has monkeypox is at risk. Take steps to prevent getting monkeypox. If you have any symptoms of monkeypox, talk to a healthcare provider. -CDC
Even though it may seem as such it's completely nit. It's just spread very quickly with unprotected sex
Ridiculous suggestion. Of course it’s not. That’s like saying Hiv is a gay disease. Negative in both. Do look it up…Google is your friend
I work in the lab of a hospital and it’s across the board, so no gay association.

It seems so, however its irrelevant. There are plenty of problems you can get with unprotected sex even with only anal such as gohorrhea which is rapidly becoming immune to antibiotics or HepC which I'm told is a big problem with gay sex, so wear protection regardless.

Monkeypox is not a STI

Monkeypox is not any form of "gay" disease

it spreads via close contact which can include sex which is a big reason why it can spread in sexual spaces - however is not the only way you can contract it

that most cases have been identified in groups of men who have sex with other men, doesn't really mean a lot.

  • 1 month later...
Monkey pox is very progressive, it will not discriminate. It's happy to infect anyone regardless of sexual orientation.
  • 3 months later...
AIDS was regarded as a “gay disease” until straight people started dying from it, and then they coughed up *** for treatments. Hence why labeling STD’s as “gay diseases” is problematic and harmful. Just my two cents.
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