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Branding with branding iron

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I have a branding iron and I am looking to brand myself. I have found some brief instructions on how to do this but would like to see if there are any other resources available.

This is what I read so far and all of it makes sense.
- Wear gloves 
- Shave and clean the spot that is to be branded
- Clean and sanitize all equipment 
- Heat branding iron to between 500 and 700 degrees
- Strike the iron for between 3-15 seconds

After care
I have read that you want to cover the brand after and use mild soap to wash it at least twice a day. But have gotten conflicting aftercare routines from multiple sources.

What I’m looking for is 

What is the ideal strike time I know above I mentioned 3-15 seconds but how do you know you have hit the correct time?

What is best to practice on prior to branding myself? Are there things that are goo facsimiles of human flesh that could be used?

What have you found to be the best aftercare?

Any help or resources would be great.

I worked in a tattoo shop and saw a couple of brands performed. Based on memory:
• closer to 3 seconds should be plenty
• the resulting brand will be much thicker than the original metal—an iron that would be used on cattle wouldn’t seem ideal for a person. Something the thickness of a metal hanger would be better
• it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker, so doing it on yourself would be unnecessarily brutal
  2 hours ago, DerekTheLouche said:
I worked in a tattoo shop and saw a couple of brands performed. Based on memory:
• closer to 3 seconds should be plenty
• the resulting brand will be much thicker than the original metal—an iron that would be used on cattle wouldn’t seem ideal for a person. Something the thickness of a metal hanger would be better
• it’s going to hurt like a motherfucker, so doing it on yourself would be unnecessarily brutal

Yes agree. Get someone else to brand you. If you do it to yourself you won’t get an even press which will result in a sub-quality branding. Also due to the intense agony you will have to endure may I suggest you are securely bound so you don’t move and another commits to branding you.
One last thing, it’s mo use taking *** relief after the branding, take it before so it’s already in the system.

Why would you brand yourself? I thought its a M decision if he wants his slave branded ?
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