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Dom insecurity normal?


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I would have that conversation. You are probably feeling awful and not desirable and he is probably not satisfied either. I think we are frightened to have the sensitive conversations because we *** the relationship ending. That is always the risk but it would open up the dialog so you both express your needs, desires and wants. If you don't resentments will build up and destroy everything.
Talk just as frankly as you do right here. It is the only way to get to the bottom of things.
The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. Hes with you for a reason and must be into you. People are instinctively drawn to mate with as many as possible. If you both can be honest and forgiving, it will come back to you. Reassure him too, guys need an ego boost now and then. If you’ve dine all that, he may just be a fembiy.
He's Def not straight. If he was honest with you about it that's one thing but lying is a red flag.
Just my 2c… If he looses his erection as you go to play with it, it could be that you are servicing him by doing so, submitting to him.
I would suggest talking dirty to him about the subject, encourage the kinky thoughts he has and bring them into your foreplay, if it’s anything like my past experience that will get him really hard and horny and he certainly won’t go soft after hearing it
Some guys enjoy online because they can be anything they want to online how long have you been with him
Miss I think your concerns are real, he if like me may be coming to terms with bi sexuality. I love the pegging side of things, you could indulge him. My last girlfriend took me shopping made me pay at the till. My point is she made a point to accept me and support me but I had to be honest about what I wanted it was a really nervous and wonderful day. He’s not being honest and needs to start talking. He’s probably going soft as he feels uncomfortable. Communicate chats are what’s needed! If he goes soft during anal (if you’ve got that far) that’s normal has happened to me a lot. The role reversal thing is still new to me (ish) if he’s told you then he has made a massive leap and loves and trusts you. Communication is always going to be key. Miss I don’t know if you can search on here but feel free to contact me
Kink shame the fek out of him. He wants to watch you fek other ppl while he’s in chastity. It’s not that he isn’t attracted to you. He sees you above his worth, and if he’s caged then he’s not wrong. He’s a cuck
He’s not straight. Even if he’s never actually done anything with a man before. If he can be aroused by a man. Then he’s at the very least bi sexual/“bi-curious”.

If he goes limp when you’re involved. I’m sorry to say this but as a man. He’s not really attracted to you. At least maybe if not in the physical sense. Then the connection outside of sexy time has a disconnect.

It’s good that you don’t want to shame him. But you also need to honour yourself and feelings by letting him know of your insecurities.
Yeaaah I'll be honest, it really just seems like your Dom was sissyfied. If he no longer has interest in you and he is asking other men in skirts to drain him, maybe he needs another sissy.
Maybe he needs a "bestie" girlfiend to do girls night out together?
On 9/17/2022 at 6:41 PM, switchybitch97 said:

That's my ***. I'll support him by all means I'm bi. But losing him as my partner would be so sad and scary

Honestly if this is something that's going to kill the relationship then not having this talk isn't going to prevent it from happening and it's only going to make things worse if you prolong it. Before it ends you're going to have to suffer through what you're going through even longer until one or both of you can't take it any longer.


Best to just rip the band-aid off and talk. There's a decent chance it's not the end of things and you just need to have a conversation about the current situation.

Sorry but if a man want a man with a c**k to drain him I'd say more likely he is gay otherwise he wouldn't go soft when you touch him I would really talk to him about it as if he is gay you are just wasting your time sorry but it's true
  • 2 weeks later...
Does he want to be a femboy or does he want to be With a femboy?

It sounds at the very least he's just really interested into being paid attention to and likes anal penetration?

I mean he may very well just be in denial about what he wants too as people are suggesting but I can relate to being the bf in the situation you're describing. Mentally I love and cherish women way more than men but physically I just really like being f**ked.

I would say the real test is whether they are a good person to you outside of the bedroom and if you think their actions demonstrate that they care about you? And then you also have to figure out what you feel comfortable with too! Good luck! I hope you find some answers xoxo

  • 2 weeks later...
Feeling unwanted when a guy doesn't show interest in you and also shows interest in other people is an understandable reaction.
I think you're being very considerate and patient, but that he isn't checking in with your needs and concerns.
It's a very difficult thing to talk about.
Be gentle, approach slowly, back off, be persistent - ultimately, if he refuses to talk about it, and it's making the relationship sad/uncomfortable... you need to consider moving on.
❤❤ you'll be fine whatever happens
Dominant is just the way people are, but everyone has insecurities.

I’m dominant in life, work and leisure but I’m insecure about my body. So it’s normal
An insecure dom isnt dom at all, they are but a child playing at it. Just like a fem dom asking for *** only cares about the green and not the lifestyle.
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