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1st rope ordered today

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Hello me and my wife are looking in to doing some bondage with some rope I ordered of the net, been doing a little research just wondering what the best position and knots to try as a 1st timer. Any advice would be welcome

There's lots of demos on YouTube from some well known rope artists, 😊
Best open is to find a local rope meet up. Safety is everything, all to easy to cause nerve damage that will never repair. Also rope from the internet may not be that suitable depending on the material thickness. Get some EMT shears and didn’t use them for anything other than an emergency. Don’t take advice from YouTube, go to a proper site like Shibari Study, they have a load of free content on safety, that’s a good starting point.
Ah thank you for the advice now a little put off by it. All the last thing I would want is causing and damage!!! The rope it self should be good quality ( it wasn’t cheap) will look into a rope meet didn’t know they existed. Thank you guys
  7 hours ago, Cheekysub247 said:
There's lots of demos on YouTube from some well known rope artists, 😊

And some safety scissors. Be prepared for when something goes awry

I just ordered some from Amazon … makes sense really but we are going to take things really slow

@kinktog im sure they can tell which people would give the good advice and which are the less so, it's just an option if like me, they can't attend all the classes people suggest. 

@cheekysub247 it can be hard to tell if something is good or not if you don’t have a frame of reference, that’s why I talked about Shibari Study web site, they are all well known teachers and very good quality videos. So many alleged Masters out there, I look back at some YouTube videos and recoil at the dangerous practices in them.
Just be careful and take it easy, enjoy the journey. Rope can be such an amazing tool to bring more intimacy and connection into a relationship. Start with just one length, learn to do single and double column ties from all angles, so during play you don’t even have to look and you get it perfect.

@kinktog We only need to watch Geralds Game and all think twice about doing anything 😂,

in private chat I did mention not to take advice from Dave down in his mum's basement, but they are very switched on people and taking time to research, they would follow the same on YouTube. 

Many well known teachers at events have shown they can also be a danger, so it really is down to those involved to make their own safety rules once they are happy to proceed.

I practice alot of things that would get shunned here with "you should not do that" ect but its my choice and my risk, my rules x 😊

It may be hard to believe - but - rope is actually a high risk activity.

There is so much can go wrong with rope

So, there's a lot of sound advice above about going to a ***r rope workshop (a little better than just a tutor, due to wisdom of the crowd) and if you do buy books, or watch online videos or so on - the first thing to learn is the associated risks and how to mitigate them.

Safety scissors are *a* tool but they are not a silver bullet.

Rope can cause friction burns, nerve damage, and of course other *** up to and including strangulation

Even something like "ah, I'll just do a simple wrist bind" aint gonna *** someone but can still cause burns or nerve damage.


Also in saying you've bought rope, there is so many different types of rope - some really shouldn't be sold for use in kink - and some which, totally is - but has different pros and cons so it's important to also understand the rope you have bought.


You can actually practice with rope a lot without really risking another person.  Tying to things like chair legs is simple and also basic self ties (just wrapping something around your own arm or leg) should give a little idea of the feel of the rope and of course the problems it could cause if it slips.   I've met folk who every night will idly play with rope while they watch TV just to keep in the habit of doing ties.


If you do follow guides, make sure it's one who will not just show you the steps, but explain why they do each step.  Because learning some of those steps can help you whenever you're doing ties in order to remind you how to do it right.

  3 hours ago, Cheekysub247 said:

I practice alot of things that would get shunned here with "you should not do that" ect but its my choice and my risk, my rules x 😊


I think most people do to a degree ;)

I think there is a big difference between saying something as 'best practice' and then also doing something which goes against it because - everything between increased confidence and being aware of the risks and knowing they are yours to take :)

@eyemblacksheep god I wouldnt put up anything i do on here thats on the darker side as advice 😂😂

I simply suggested YouTube as an alternative, i cant go to all the classes or munches that people suggest so it was simply an alternative idea. 

If i followed all advice on here 20+ years ago then i would have stayed away from the lifestyle thinking i cant/shouldnt do it or all my thoughts are wrong, which would have been sad 😔

  3 hours ago, Cheekysub247 said:

@eyemblacksheep god I wouldnt put up anything i do on here thats on the darker side as advice 😂😂

I simply suggested YouTube as an alternative, i cant go to all the classes or munches that people suggest so it was simply an alternative idea. 

If i followed all advice on here 20+ years ago then i would have stayed away from the lifestyle thinking i cant/shouldnt do it or all my thoughts are wrong, which would have been sad 😔


I don't think youtube is bad advice.  I think there are good demos on there, although some are purely "these are the steps" so I definitely would recommend ones which have the steps

yeah - I think there is this awful paradox between.... a lot of the advice I give at times isn't always how I did things or how things worked for me.   But I also know me saying exactly what I did is bad advice, like - I dunno - the first time I filmed was a horrible experience and I learnt from that - and I wouldn't say to people "go out and have a horrible time and learn" even though it massively shaped me. 

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