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Submission and ownership


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My view (for what it’s worth)

I need this to help me to feel. To know my place and know that in that place I can be set free.

To submit willingly and be owned by another means to me that I am able to trust completely, communicate freely and openly and above all be respected for who and what I am.

I don’t expect that my submission will leave more questions than answers or that I’ll be left lost wondering what went wrong when my Master decides he’s had enough of me.

To be free I need to understand that I am necessary and able to please and serve but also that my submission gives Him what he needs to feel alive.

I need punishment to correct my mistakes but I also need Your forgiveness when I fail.

I need You to teach me, to make me feel loved and safe and to help me and therefore us to grow.

What I don’t need is pretense and falseness and to make me believe in something that exists only for me. I do not need to be left to feel abandoned or alone, to feel I have wronged in a way I do not understand. My walls are high and not easily broken down but perhaps they need to be higher and thicker.


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