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Does any guys or females enjoy sleep play? How is there any females had a sleeping facial without consent?
Consent is EVERYTHING!! In this community, indeed in any, NOTHING should be done without that - I feel I need hardly explain or elaborate as to why!!

for sleep play to work there is to be an agreement something will/might happen while the other is asleep

otherwise it's just sexual *** 

Never a facial but my ex used to like me to wake her up using my fingers on her pussy or my cock in her arse, all with consent though
I was with a woman who was right into sleep play. Was a bit taken aback by her request for me to fuck her while she was sleeping until she woke up. I didn't really know how to make sure we were both comfortable and consenting to something like this. That is until we ended up writing out a clear agreement that very obviously showed we were both consenting and had clearly discussed our intentions. She held possession of said agreement unless we had something planned. If we had something planned she would give me possession of the agreement prior and I would return it once we had done our thing.
Obviously there needs to be a lot of trust between partners and it won't work for everyone.
Always be safe and be really sure you both understand exactly what your roles are so there is no confusion whatsoever.
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