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  16 minutes ago, DaddyBear63 said:

I have found in one year on the site, almost no one takes time to get to know someone. A lot is just smoked screen, image and no substance. Very little soul on view.


Thing is - like the Einstein quote goes: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” 
If you're finding your approach to the site isn't working, change it for a different one, or change your expectations of what you hope to get from it - can guarantee that one or the other of those is where you're struggling.
Have been around sites like this for many years, and those that find them hardest are the ones whose sole aim is meeting other people to have sex/kink with - put that aside for a minute and just enjoy the site for the community it is, use the forums, the chat rooms etc and you'll be surprised how differently you see things, and how doing just that can lead to the interactions that appear to elude you.

  4 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Some of the comments here make me think that some peoples chocolate advent calendars have been laced with some good stuff 🤣


Can you get spiked advent calendars!? Asking for a friend 😶 ...ahem

  31 minutes ago, Pumpkinsteve said:
Ok I’m a fake . Have we talked? Have I sent you a dick photo? If you have a problem talk to me . If you are man enough !

Thank you for giving a very accurate example of something that normally happens in DM's/photo comments. Two comments ignored and then a snarky response

Another insightful post by CopperKnob. Though I look forward to the wave of individuals explaining how they never did anything wrong yet for some reason have never had success so you must be wrong.
Going on to say that of course the women on here must be fake after all they, a random guy, sent one a message and then commented on their photos that they had sent them a message ( I mean how else would the so called women know?)
They also liked all the fake women's pics and told those imposters to message them on every other picture so if she doesn't respond to that, well clearly the women aren't real........
Going to be fun reading that over and over in 100 or so similar comments ;)
Copperknob you never sees to amaze with your comments, I guess some people just don’t understand sarcasm… I enjoy reading everything you write, keep up the good work. I’d like to get to know you and be friends if you are interested. I’m always interested in a good intellectual conversation. Have a great day hope to hear from you soon. Jim
I think what Im hearing here is,
are you saying more "red wine spritzers and chewey candy delectables for me?" Im really fond of these options. Thankyou!

it's gonna sound horrible, but, I think there's folk take some form of comfort in being able to say "you're all fake" because it means it's not them at fault, it's everyone else

but also there is an important bit to acknowledge that, when I say "fault", dating is hard.  Especially online.  It really is, for everyone.  So someone can seemingly do everything right and still not get the results they desire

And sometimes this can brew up negative emotions, bitterness, frustration - sometimes anger - and some of these are things to work on a bit because getting frustrated or angry when you don't get your own way : how is that going to go down in a relationship?

I wish I had the answer here, but, I think for some if it is leading to these feelings - switching off for a little bit can do more good than going the wrong direction

I think the comfort to try to take is "dating is hard" rather than "you're all fakes and whores" which is a trap some folk fall into

I actually GROWLED at one point reading this post 🤣😍...

...and then I read some of the comments and instead gave a really attractive pig-like "snortle" out through my nose 🤦‍♂️ 


It appears CK your perceived as a cis male. Anyway another wonderful thought provoking post. :)

kinda off topic but had to say: i love reading your words. made me weepy this morn.
  7 hours ago, eyemblacksheep said:

it's gonna sound horrible, but, I think there's folk take some form of comfort in being able to say "you're all fake" because it means it's not them at fault, it's everyone else

but also there is an important bit to acknowledge that, when I say "fault", dating is hard.  Especially online.  It really is, for everyone.  So someone can seemingly do everything right and still not get the results they desire

And sometimes this can brew up negative emotions, bitterness, frustration - sometimes anger - and some of these are things to work on a bit because getting frustrated or angry when you don't get your own way : how is that going to go down in a relationship?

I wish I had the answer here, but, I think for some if it is leading to these feelings - switching off for a little bit can do more good than going the wrong direction

I think the comfort to try to take is "dating is hard" rather than "you're all fakes and whores" which is a trap some folk fall into


Couldn't agree more

  24 minutes ago, xcacoethes said:
kinda off topic but had to say: i love reading your words. made me weepy this morn.

I think, that for all the whinging and griping, of which I'm guilty of at times, this is a good place. There are good and bad aspects of all communities and networks but, overall, this is a good one

  3 hours ago, Aranhis said:

I actually GROWLED at one point reading this post 🤣😍...

...and then I read some of the comments and instead gave a really attractive pig-like "snortle" out through my nose 🤦‍♂️ 



Well, now I need to know which points elicited which *** noise 🤣

  2 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

It's the knob part of my name 🤣


For a gentleman.. you sure do have a marvelous.. ahem.. chest 😶😂😂😂

  31 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Well, now I need to know which points elicited which *** noise 🤣


No comment 🤣🤐

  19 minutes ago, CopperKnob said:

Maybe this gentleman has a marvelous bra 😉


Well whatever it is, said gentlemen should be very proud 😂 maybe I should get a bra so I too can look as err.. gentlemanly 🤔😂.... I'm well aware that im walking a fine line between jovial cheekiness and downright offensive 😂 I'm probably going to stop here where its safe 😉

Im not a real person im a numbe....errrr ermmm Im not a number im a real person, glitch in the matrix there. 

You can tell im an oooold Prisoner fan lol


  1 hour ago, PJ3000 said:

Well whatever it is, said gentlemen should be very proud 😂 maybe I should get a bra so I too can look as err.. gentlemanly 🤔😂.... I'm well aware that im walking a fine line between jovial cheekiness and downright offensive 😂 I'm probably going to stop here where its safe 😉


Ah and I was gonna say you'd probably want to shave your chest first?

  37 minutes ago, smeagol said:

Im not a real person im a numbe....errrr ermmm Im not a number im a real person, glitch in the matrix there. 

You can tell im an oooold Prisoner fan lol



You know, all these comments remind me of Pinnochio, "I'm a real boy now!" (Change gender as we see fit) 🤣

Was that post necessary ? Coming from a regular experienced profile? 
This site is defo not like wine…. 

  9 minutes ago, QXX666 said:

Was that post necessary ? Coming from a regular experienced profile? 
This site is defo not like wine…. 


I don't know, wine makes me feel happy, warm and soppy and sometimes, this site makes me feel those emotions too.
Is it necessary to highlight the good side of this site amongst the negativity? Yeah, I think sometimes it's helpful to think about the positives so that we don't get weighed down with the not so good parts

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