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I had a lovely chat with a gentleman  yesterday. 


We were discussing the pros and cons of the different ways we acsses books.  What are your views.


The types we were on about were paper , e books and audio.


We both agreed paper books were the best. Although e books take up so little space and you can listen to audio books while out walking about.


I also said how I hated films an TV shows being no were near the books they were based on. For example  the True *** books were made into a tv series and In my opinion they only similarities the TV show had to the books were the characters  names were the same.


I was also wondering what genre of book is the most popular  amongst us kinksters.


I have to agree that paper books are the best, then ebooks, and I don’t listen to audio unless I’m on a long car ride. Tv and movies never get it right and lately they even change the characters completely. I really enjoy books that you feel like you have seen the characters after reading them. I read mostly sci-fi, and fantasy, and action-adventure, but I’ve also read all of Steven King’s books. I think the fact I’m older makes me prefer paper to electronic books, I just like flipping pages I guess. The biggest problem is storage space, so every so often I donate older books to the local library or book drive. Most of the stuff I read are series I like to follow the characters through their growth.
9 minutes ago, MrJim said:

I have to agree that paper books are the best, then ebooks, and I don’t listen to audio unless I’m on a long car ride. Tv and movies never get it right and lately they even change the characters completely. I really enjoy books that you feel like you have seen the characters after reading them. I read mostly sci-fi, and fantasy, and action-adventure, but I’ve also read all of Steven King’s books. I think the fact I’m older makes me prefer paper to electronic books, I just like flipping pages I guess. The biggest problem is storage space, so every so often I donate older books to the local library or book drive. Most of the stuff I read are series I like to follow the characters through their growth.

I agree with you. The 1 thing with paper books us space. That's 1 of the reasons that I love e books. I can put a chip in my e book and have up to 50 books on that chip. My ebook doesn't even take up half the space of a book on my shelves. .


But I agree I love paper books 

 Love the smell of them.

Iv had to decide what books I'm going to keep and what 1s I'm getting ride of or I'd never have room.


I got rid of so many books a few moths back I actually filled my local charity shops shelving were they keep there books full. But the space that was left is slowly being filled back up. Iv made myself limit myself to only buying 3 books a week and only from charity shops.


My budget is £5 a week no more and I'm only allowed to buy the books I need for my collection.  I'd love a big house with a library.


I can get lost in a book and time slips away.

I used to often walk to school and back with my head in a book. I was and still are happy when I'm either reading or listening to a book. This is 1 addiction I don't mind having 

Happy reading MrJim



Paper is pretty much a dead medium for me these days. I still have a library full of books but I doubt I'll ever read any of them again, it's just far too inconvenient carrying around a clunky paper book, when I have literally hundreds on my phone/tablet at all times. When I've wanted to re-read one of my paper books I've just bought the e-book or audio book.
E-Books are far more convenient in every single way. Especially for manga/comics/graphic novels -e-books are definitely the best option for these. I would just run out of space if I was buying paper - but not only that, online services like Shonen Jump mean I can afford to read far more manga than I ever could if I bought the paper versions.
For regular books I prefer audio books over e-books, since I can get through a lot on my long dog walks and when travelling without having to set aside time to read.
I agree it can sometimes be frustrating when TV shows go "off piste" from the source material but it really depends on how it's done. I hate the Lord Of The Rings / Hobbit movies with a passion because I love the books so much and feel tha tthe changes made were unnecessary.
But at other times the changes can be improvements. Ready Player One was a fantastic book that I love to bits - but it was completely unfilmable as it was. The movie version is an equally fantastic take on the same story.
I think a lot depends on the creative team - if the orginal creators are involved or at least consulted then the end result is usually respectful of the source. If not, then it's more likely to disappoint fans of the source!
As for genres - for fiction I read almost exclusively sci-fi/fantasy. But I read more non-fiction these days - everything from history to philosophy to physics, and I also read a lot of kink and relationship theory.
Paper books always. Read in bed, on trains, any angle, almost any lighting plus it just feels right. Too much time on screens as it is, and too many distractions for audio books.

Wide and varied, from sci fi classics to pure classic novels, I also read a lot of non fiction history, probably a throwback from my Masters in History days.

Even though I have an extensive range in Hardbacks, which i prefer reading while at home, I keep two kindles on the go for when im traveling or breaks at work, each with a few hundred different novels on them.  Currently going through all the John Le Carre spy books, which iv'e probably ready a few times over.

Yes film adaptations of books can be very hit or miss, it's understandable you a screenwriter misses bits out, just to fit the smaller timeframe of a film.  On the other hand, a well scripted adaptation has actually made me go out and buy the book.  I do find though TV adaptations follow more closely to the books, the above mentioned Le carre books, Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy and Smiley's People for example, that play out through 6 to 8 episodes.

I find films from over a decade old follow the books more, even if they have the odd artistic licence. The last ten years it's been a travesty and following the books very superficially.

Nice conversation out of this topic, thanks, Charms! 😁 My preference is for paper books - my work is quite hard-pressure and it involves a lot of screen time as well so when I can look at something that does not bombard me with photons it’s very relaxing… Talking books - I recently bought a copy of Artur Schnitzler’s Dream Story that Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut was based on… it is brilliant and it shows that Kubrick has, to a large degree, managed to keep to the original dynamics of the story and the characters… 😊

Just had a shock loading up Calibre to see what was actually stored on one of my kindles......1,592 books on one! ill never read that many lol  I think im going to have to index it all!

1 hour ago, Carnival said:

Nice conversation out of this topic, thanks, Charms! 😁 My preference is for paper books - my work is quite hard-pressure and it involves a lot of screen time as well so when I can look at something that does not bombard me with photons it’s very relaxing… Talking books - I recently bought a copy of Artur Schnitzler’s Dream Story that Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut was based on… it is brilliant and it shows that Kubrick has, to a large degree, managed to keep to the original dynamics of the story and the characters… 😊

Hi your most welcome for the topic. I am a book worm and if  I'm messaging people and it's not about there pets or tattos it's about books.


Witch got me thinking about the rest of the kinksters on here about what there preferences is for books and the format there books come in.


If you ever wish to chat books drop me a pm.


@smeagolcould I drop you  a pm please 

2 minutes ago, Charms said:

Hi your most welcome for the topic. I am a book worm and if  I'm messaging people and it's not about there pets or tattos it's about books.


Witch got me thinking about the rest of the kinksters on here about what there preferences is for books and the format there books come in.


If you ever wish to chat books drop me a pm.


@smeagolcould I drop you  a pm please 



I love ebooks for convenience, but no paper book is going to be only on 5% charge when you decide last-minute that you want a bath, and if you drop your book in the water reaching for the wine, it's only wrinkled pages and not an iPad down the swanney.

1 hour ago, Lady_Char said:

I love ebooks for convenience, but no paper book is going to be only on 5% charge when you decide last-minute that you want a bath, and if you drop your book in the water reaching for the wine, it's only wrinkled pages and not an iPad down the swanney.

😂 I took a bath last night and I can totally relate to what you wrote…


I love reading in the bath. Cup of tea and a good book. It's how I relax.


Iv dropped a book in the bath  witch sucks.  I'd never read a ebook in in the bath I'd drop it in there I'm just that lucky.



Reading is how I switch off my brain for a bit. So fantasy, erotic novels, something that isn't the hum drum of normal life.

Paper books are just superior, that new book smell 👌. Plus. Hot salt bath. A nice measure of rum over ice. And a good book. Sounds like a great way to spend the evening

I do get lost in books. Time just flysheet by when I love a book I'm reading. 


The Harry Potter books I was 1 of the people to question for them. They are still 1 of my go to books  in audio if I'm realy ill and need something to listen to.


Although my master as me addicted to the demon acord audio books. We listen to audio books during cuddle time. 


There's only so many serial killer documentaries out there to watch. Think we've watched them all

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