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BBWs and gain

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Big beauties, has this ever happened to you? You’re at a gathering of family and or friends enjoying a meal or some snacks when suddenly your chair collapses beneath you and you end up sitting on the floor. You’re not hurt thanks to your considerable rear end cushioning your short fall, and you laugh it off. A moment later you flush not because you’re embarrassed, but because you got super turned on by your newly unlocked fat girl achievement. The climate in your panties is suddenly become hot and humid. Although you hope others don’t realize that’s the case, you hope they just think you’re embarrassed.
My ex who managed to eat herself to around 500 pounds once snapped a plastic chair at a bbq. She was crawling round on all fours with a three legged chair stuck on her arse like a backwards triceratops. Another time she split the chair and a little bit of arse blubber went through the gap but if she tried to pull it off it just pinched her arse tighter. I wish i had been there. No one helped.
Would that be considered a fetish? Chair breaking? Not judging, just a new one to me.

The chairs didn't really do it for me but the big bouncy woman rolling around on the floor covered in tomato sauce was a fine vision to me haha.

  • 2 months later...

😂😂 that was funny but I don’t  think she would find it horny or exiting but more like embarrassing. 
I am not fattist but I have a limit for women size. Passed a certain size it’s not safe to play with and some attraits not really pleasant. 
it’s also got limitations with ropes, suspensions and move in the bed situation. I like to toss around my subs 😈

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