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Am I wrong to be annoyed?


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44 minutes ago, Raaach81 said:

I wouldn't be annoyed, I'd be ***** fuming! Unless I've misunderstood.... he came to you as a sub then cos that didn't work changed it (and set up a new profile) to a dom, which is clear, premeditated deceit.
He got knocked back and then went out of his way to try again, essentially as a different person. Nah! That's bang out of order.
I'm sorry you had this experience, love. Personally I'd tell him where to shove his profiles and suggest he takes a long, hard look at his behaviour.

Other account wasnt set up just for me. The sub thing was a non starter

It’s dangerous and make sure you’re safe at all times you’re not in the wrong at all
Yeah no thats odd/deceptive behaviour, as someone else commented, its against the TOU to have a 2nd account, and this person was not open or honest with you.

You have every right to be annoyed, and they have absolutely zero entitlement to your time/energy.
They may not see themselves as in the wrong, but they've breached your trust and may be trying to gaslight you.

Don’t *** kinks on to people who aren’t In to it. Gives off a r*pey vibe. There’s no room for *** in the snm and kink community

Thats a big no. As a few people has said, its against TOU to have a second account. And even if that wasn't the case, it'll still be a no. That is not just creepy but manipulative and just gross. I suggest you block both accounts and report them. That's not okay. New or not, it isn't okay to try and deceive someone because they thought they had a right, or whatever, to do it.
  • 2 weeks later...
You are not wrong to be annoyed. One of the biggest things in this lifestyle is trust I don't think I'm wrong about that. He's already showing you that he cannot be trusted
  • 3 weeks later...
I would run, do not walk! There is something off here.
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