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First time naked in front of your Dom

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Women are very conscious about their body image. It’s never enough perfect for them. So how was your first time when you found yourself naked in front of your Dom? 
What help you overcame the awkward situation? 
Did you sing in your head or imagine you were somewhere else ?😅

Can apply to men too - but the last time I was in that situation and the lady in question suggested it was time for me to get undressed it felt like the most natural thing in the world to do - but then we'd known each other for some time, had talked lots and built trust and respect to the point that I was comfortable to take that step without ***

I never liked getting undressed for a doctor.  The first time a domme told me to undress it was no problem.  There were probably three things that made the difference:

1 - We discussed things before hand.

2 - It was consensual, so I was, to some degree, expecting it.

3 - She is a naturally dominant woman, so it came more naturally to follow her instructions. 

I’ve had a fair few subs in my time and not one of them has thought twice when undressed for the first time.
Perhaps the mental control overrides the anxiety and concern?
This goes both ways. Personally, I hate it, even if I’m comfortable with the person and even though I work out 3-4 times per week and have a good body—but I also have a lot of large, abdominal scars that in self-conscious about. But this is a me issue, nothing to do with the Dom. All I ask is that they make me feel comfortable. What more can they do?
In my opinion, a decent Dom will bring out the desire in you to undress in front of them.
Or perhaps take their time, and undress you themselves ?…
There are certain roleplay dynamics - such as objectification, where the goal is to make the sub feel self conscious - even ***, about being exposed .. but ultimately, that feeling is pleasurable to them.
I say ‘ultimately’ …. Because there are other stages to travel through, before reaching that one.

Taking yourself out of that experience in your own head (singing - imagining being somewhere else etc ….) is counterproductive. You are not being immersed in the experience, and therefore won’t benefit fully from it.
  21 minutes ago, Cheekysub247 said:

I simply dont go naked anymore,


What’s that? If you don’t mind me asking please… 

  22 minutes ago, C-2942 said:

I let the sub in me take over and just do as I was told. My dom always makes me feel beautiful so now I have no issues with stripping for him.


Do you remember the first time it happened?

  5 minutes ago, QXX666 said:

Do you remember the first time it happened?


Yes, was the first time we had a play session together. He's my first dom too so I was filled with anxiety and excitement of what was to come. He took it slow and steady for me

  Just now, Cheekysub247 said:

@QXX666 its not having clothes on x


😂😂 ok you really justify your username… 

so why dont you go naked in front of your Dom anymore ? 

@QXX666 why do i justify my username? Ive answered politely x


Because i hate my body x


  1 minute ago, QXX666 said:

😂😂 ok you really justify your username… 

so why dont you go naked in front of your Dom anymore ? 



I’m not sure we need to say this is a “woman” thing. It can be an any person thing regardless of gender or even for that matter role. 

That said, the first Dom I was naked in front of felt as natural to me as breathing because of how he made me feel. It and everything about it was right and I (although many won’t believe it due to the images I post) HATE my body. 

I’m starting to learn to accept that different people see beauty in different things and if I’m with someone who makes me feel desired and wanted them being naked for them it’s no issue because they want ME and my body. And if they don’t make me feel like that then I’m not going to be getting naked for them!

I feel that. I'm really self conscious unless I'm around someone in comfortable with

  Just now, marcopolo248 said:

I feel that. I'm really self conscious unless I'm around someone in comfortable

  9 hours ago, FatefulDestiny said:

I’m not sure we need to say this is a “woman” thing. It can be an any person thing regardless of gender or even for that matter role. 

That said, the first Dom I was naked in front of felt as natural to me as breathing because of how he made me feel. It and everything about it was right and I (although many won’t believe it due to the images I post) HATE my body. 

I’m starting to learn to accept that different people see beauty in different things and if I’m with someone who makes me feel desired and wanted them being naked for them it’s no issue because they want ME and my body. And if they don’t make me feel like that then I’m not going to be getting naked for them!



Fortunately I was a naturist long before I was a sub. Nudity itself does not bother me, I also tebd to be a bit arrogant until the Dom shows himself so I kind flaunt my nudity rather than hide it.
Nudity never crossed my mind ! We stripped off and jumped in the hot tub 😁 if I feel comfortable with someone then confidence follows ...

I suggest that getting naked can be a harrowing experience for anyone, regardless of gender or role if that person is selfconcious or not used to doing so. I understand the intention of this post but it irks me when I see the gender / role bias although I do understand why it happens. It's mainly the s-type that's the one getting naked, making themselves *** and who suffers the anxiety of doing so for the first time (or even every time). But us Dominants can have that anxiety in equal measure and so what I'm about to share is to give a bit of reassurance to those submissives that they are not alone. (It's also the first time I've ever talked about this).

I hate my body and have done so since I was a young lad. It started small with things like the fact I needed to wear glasses, but it's grown and these days I hate my smile (which is why you will rarely see me smile in a photo), I hate my height, I hate the bald patch on top of my head (which is why I now shave it) and my overly large belly that I can't seem to shift. I'm not obese as such but I'm bigger than I want to be and nothing I do seems to be able to cure that. But because of the way I feel about my body, I absolutely hate it being exposed in any way - to the extent that I will go to great lengths to only attend events where I'm able to stay fully dressed. And this works for me as I play non-sexually unless I'm in a relationship with the person I'm playing with.

I do prefer the person I'm playing with to be naked because I like to see the reactions of their body, the marks develop, the shudders act that can't be seen through their clothing. There's also the whole aspect of them being in a much more *** position than I am by being exposed when I'm fully clothed that adds to the power exchange. 

More recently I've found I can strip off to get into the hot-tub at my local club, but its taken me an age to be able to do that and even then it depends who's around. I'll only do it in front of a select few people. I can't say what I did to overcome that '***' because I'm not sure that I actually have overcome it. I'm still uncomfortable doing it and very self-conscious even in front of those few people I mentioned. 

This seems irrational on my part especially when I can put others at ease about being naked in front of me, regardless of their own body dysmorphia. Because of my own confidence about staying clothed I can put others into a state where they are really relaxed about stripping off. And yet I can't follow my own advice when it comes to being naked myself.

So, kudos to those that have no issue 'getting their kit off' in front of others, I envy you. But to those who do struggle, remember that you may not be alone - no matter how confident your Dominant might appear. 

Edited by 4RCH
  • 2 weeks later...

ir is certainly harrowing cor me as a trabs woman, pre op, when I'm clothed it hides the bits i hate, stripping off to expose those is v difficult even with a Dom

  On 12/24/2022 at 8:42 AM, 4RCH said:

I suggest that getting naked can be a harrowing experience for anyone, regardless of gender or role if that person is selfconcious or not used to doing so. I understand the intention of this post but it irks me when I see the gender / role bias although I do understand why it happens. It's mainly the s-type that's the one getting naked, making themselves *** and who suffers the anxiety of doing so for the first time (or even every time). But us Dominants can have that anxiety in equal measure and so what I'm about to share is to give a bit of reassurance to those submissives that they are not alone. (It's also the first time I've ever talked about this).

I hate my body and have done so since I was a young lad. It started small with things like the fact I needed to wear glasses, but it's grown and these days I hate my smile (which is why you will rarely see me smile in a photo), I hate my height, I hate the bald patch on top of my head (which is why I now shave it) and my overly large belly that I can't seem to shift. I'm not obese as such but I'm bigger than I want to be and nothing I do seems to be able to cure that. But because of the way I feel about my body, I absolutely hate it being exposed in any way - to the extent that I will go to great lengths to only attend events where I'm able to stay fully dressed. And this works for me as I play non-sexually unless I'm in a relationship with the person I'm playing with.

I do prefer the person I'm playing with to be naked because I like to see the reactions of their body, the marks develop, the shudders act that can't be seen through their clothing. There's also the whole aspect of them being in a much more *** position than I am by being exposed when I'm fully clothed that adds to the power exchange. 

More recently I've found I can strip off to get into the hot-tub at my local club, but its taken me an age to be able to do that and even then it depends who's around. I'll only do it in front of a select few people. I can't say what I did to overcome that '***' because I'm not sure that I actually have overcome it. I'm still uncomfortable doing it and very self-conscious even in front of those few people I mentioned. 

This seems irrational on my part especially when I can put others at ease about being naked in front of me, regardless of their own body dysmorphia. Because of my own confidence about staying clothed I can put others into a state where they are really relaxed about stripping off. And yet I can't follow my own advice when it comes to being naked myself.

So, kudos to those that have no issue 'getting their kit off' in front of others, I envy you. But to those who do struggle, remember that you may not be alone - no matter how confident your Dominant might appear. 


Wow. This is so insightful and helpful. Im a real naive newbie. Im not sure if id be considered a sub or a dom. All i know is im keen to explore... i have HUGE insecurities about my body: small boobs,  Big bum and belly.  And yet when I see brave people on naked attraction for a short while I can be more accepting of myself as were all diff shapes and sizes. 

The feeling of skin on skin, touch and sexual pleasure is AMAZING. I want more of this! 

  3 hours ago, Horney said:

Wow. This is so insightful and helpful. Im a real naive newbie. Im not sure if id be considered a sub or a dom. All i know is im keen to explore... i have HUGE insecurities about my body: small boobs,  Big bum and belly.  And yet when I see brave people on naked attraction for a short while I can be more accepting of myself as were all diff shapes and sizes. 

The feeling of skin on skin, touch and sexual pleasure is AMAZING. I want more of this! 


And that's exactly the thing that moment of truth where you realise that we are all different shapes and sizes and attracted to different things - I didn't used to think of myself as particularly attractive or having that great a body (still don't to an extent) then I went to a swingers club where after a certain time if you wanted to be in the play areas after a certain time you were expected to either be in your underwear, naked or wrapped in a towel.
Having dressed down to a towel I can distinctly remember looking round the club and seeing naked people of all shapes, sizes and ages and the realisation hit me that it didn't matter - moments later I dropped the towel and stepped into the hot tub and it was just so liberating to do so.

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