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What does Aftercare look like for you?


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For me aftercare doesn’t always have to be cuddling. Sometimes it’s quality time, conversation or small talk. 

On 12/31/2022 at 6:04 PM, Tampa_BratKai said:

What does after care look like for you?

For me, it depends on the scenario and the partner. Maybe I’m odd, but I really only enjoy cuddles as part of my after care with my Dom, not my playmates. I do enjoy a good massage over well spanked areas, no matter who its with. But … cuddles and kisses are reserved for Daddy. Is that selfish of me?

You hit the nail on the head from the start..

Aftercare is based on every single session as some could be mild requiring simple cuddly times with affirmation of how things went over a snack and drinks. Where as a heavy session may require alot more comfort and talking as well as treatment of wounds be they physical or mental that may of happened.

It's hard to say what aftercare could be until after so knowing and expression of things you know that you won't do or want before starting play is crucial before play even starts ofcource. 


That out of the way and said..

For me personally no matter what I am a snuggles fiend cuddle time is a must for me other than that? if partner wants to I like winding down cuddling chatting about how it was for them, did I do well or what could I do better, did they think of something that they would maybe like me to do or try next time, is there anything I can do to help them wind down.. usually something along these lines based around talked about favourite or maybe they look really tired so just want a drink a quick snuggles to sleep if I did really good =)

if in doubt just check how there doing and if there's anything specific that you can do to help make them feel appreciated, loved, cared for and better.

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