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Although definitely take everyone else’s suggestions into account as well, because they definitely mentioned things I didn’t think of.
18 minutes ago, freak_seeker said:

Just let him know you not interested already and move on, rather than leading him on and wasting both your time.. he may be genuinely okay but just very eager..
Also, no disrespect but I think you just seeking too much attention with these posts. okay, I understand that the first one was a genuine cry for guidance but this one just sounds like you wanting the attention on here..
See what I did there? Direct and to the point.. drop your man like that if you really want to.. cheers..

There's no need to be rude?
@littlemiss37, never ever be worried about asking questions here in the forums, in the chat rooms or via DM
This is where we all learn, for every person asking a question, there will be more with the same question too worried about asking but taking note of what was said.
The only question which is silly is the one not asked.if in doubt, shout

20 minutes ago, SeanDGF said:
Although definitely take everyone else’s suggestions into account as well, because they definitely mentioned things I didn’t think of.

Thanks x

Give him an honest feedback tell him whats up.
If he makes a scene block him and move on.
40 minutes ago, littlemiss37 said:
The red flags is ceremony stuff and needle play x

I was going to ask if it was commitment ceremony guy

Honestly just let him know. If he understands great if not block him. I recently got ghosted out of nowhere like 30 min before our plans and it honestly hurt not knowing if it was something I did or what happened
Honesty is best because it shows you're considerate. Explain what was a red flag, and say you want to invest your time with other persons. If not direct enough, you'll let him be hanging. And just don't ghost him, that's the worst.
54 minutes ago, littlemiss37 said:

The red flags is ceremony stuff and needle play x

Can u elaborate more?


Needle play and even some (I'm assuming) religious play/kinks, aren't red flags but more so a clash of interest...?

I am into needle and *** play but that doesn't mean I am a red flag. Maybe a bit of clarification?

But if someone isn't what you seek just explain that and move along. Any abusive language from a rejection, then maybe block.

Be real or just block? If they can’t respect your honesty they ain’t for you
7 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

Can u elaborate more?


Needle play and even some (I'm assuming) religious play/kinks, aren't red flags but more so a clash of interest...?

I am into needle and *** play but that doesn't mean I am a red flag. Maybe a bit of clarification?

But if someone isn't what you seek just explain that and move along. Any abusive language from a rejection, then maybe block.

She posted earlier about concerns with the guy. He was pushing for a commitment ceremony and they haven’t even met IRL

6 minutes ago, HamCoBondage said:

She posted earlier about concerns with the guy. He was pushing for a commitment ceremony and they haven’t even met IRL

Not familiar with that term tbh. But needle play is a valid and known kink and not at all a red flag as people are genuinely into it.


The commitment thing depends on if he was stating that as a term he would like her opinion on for later down the line, as some people do them I believe, or if he was insisting on it happening there and then.

You're the masochist lady from another thread if memory serves. Just stick to this simple concept. Your Kink. Your Way. Always. By all means be open to try things if you feel there could be some enjoyment for you, never be afraid to say no. Loudly. So no ceremonies and no needles. If that's already way too much, then as others have suggested, decline politely for reasons of Kink incompatability. Doesn't have to be a prelude to a flame war between you, you are being logical and reasonable. The reaction is what clinches things. A polite reply and best wishes...normal..or some demented rant...bullet dodged. Either way, you're out, with dignity intact. 

I generally just say, "Thank you for your time, I've enjoyed chatting but I don't think we're aligned. I wish you luck finding the right person for you " And if they say anything other than "Okay. Thanks, and you too", I block lol
10 minutes ago, Finally_Jen said:

Not familiar with that term tbh. But needle play is a valid and known kink and not at all a red flag as people are genuinely into it.


The commitment thing depends on if he was stating that as a term he would like her opinion on for later down the line, as some people do them I believe, or if he was insisting on it happening there and then.

I’m assuming you meant IRL? In Real Life. But yeah he was being super creepy about it from what I gathered

Cross reference this to the Ceremonies topic she's already got going. I smell a huge rat.

1 minute ago, VKD said:

Cross reference this to the Ceremonies topic she's already got going. I smell a huge rat.

Ahh I haven't seen any other of this persons topics.

I just tell people that I’m not looking for a partner, “sorry but I’m not looking for a partner right now” and if they come back and keep trying to be your partner. That’s when I’d block them
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