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Subbing together

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It seems clear to me that submissives way outnumber dominants. I'm interested to know whether there are couples that sub together? For a Dom male or female. I am very attracted to some of the sub profiles on here but feel I also lean that way. I'm interested to know if any couples have successfully subbed together, short or long term and whether it is something worth considering?

the gap isn't as wide as folk think
(based on hetronormative Dominant men v submissive women is a 10:9 ratio.  For every 10 Dominant men there are 9 submissive women

Dominant women v submissive men is around a 7:13 ratio... so around 2 men to every woman)

My wife and I are both switches. We have double dominated people before, but never co-subbed together (and are unlikely to)   I do have a friend who is also a switch and with her I have subbed to, Dominanted and co-subbed with (but not, yet, Double Domme'd with) 

My wife and I are both switches and have cosubed before. It's more difficult to pull off than a dom/sub relationship in my opinion but I would say it's far from not worth it. It has it's joys and pitfalls but I would encourage you to explore it especially since you seem to be leaning that way.
Thanks for the feedback guys. It's interesting reading. I kind of assumed it would be a resounding no but apparently not!
  2 hours ago, SysiphusBolder said:
That sounds like comunism lol

Sexual communism... A kind of submissive harem.. I bet there might be some takers for that (no pun intended)

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