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Plus sized and into kink okay?

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Hey just wondering if people think it's acceptable for anyone that is plus sized that has tattoos/piercings and they dress in goth/metal head style and into kink? There isn't much or anything about being plus sized, or particular fetishes that are niche and only a minority of people would be into it. 


online in particularly a lot often is presented in a certain way which can exclude those plus size, or sometimes those plus sized get fetishised and shoved into "BBW" kinda categories.

this isn't very reflective of general real life - most communities away from the facade have all sorts of people of different ages, genders, sizes, dynamics - so it's important not to get too lost in some of the fronts


I understand, I just feel like there isn't anyone that represents a plus sized person and acceptance of that in a online or real life kink community. Some of fetishes/kink that I like are very niche and require another person to be experienced and know how to do it safely.

Omg definitely! I am fat & gorgeous & squishy & kinky & very sexy. I have huge boobs & wobbly bits all over, I have curves upon curves & I look amazing in a basque. Some people may not find that kind of thing attractive & that’s fine we’re all human & don’t share the same likes but as long as we love ourselves then the rest will follow. I don’t think I fall into a ‘kink’ catagory but people like all different shapes & sizes, I think big women are bloomin gorgeous.

That's cool, good for you. I have always felt like I have never been aesthetically pleasing to anyone no matter what I do, my interests, the way I look/dress will never be aesthetically pleasing to anyone but I dress in goth/metalhead style and have piercings because I like it. I don't care if people don't like it, I don't dress the way I do, have any interest in kink just to please anyone, I do it because it is part of who I am, it makes me happy, I feel confident when I feel l can be myself. What is a basque?

  26 minutes ago, Masochist_Chick666 said:

I have always felt like I have never been aesthetically pleasing to anyone no matter what I do

What is a basque?


What makes you think that? Ok do you like men with beards & the hipster look? I don’t but that’s ok, just because I don’t it doesn’t mean it’s not a good look & there’s many that do like that look, we’re all human & all like different things. Same with you, for those that don’t find you gorgeous there’s a dozen more out there that will! I don’t like very slim figures but that’s ok, there’s loads of people that prefer looking at slim figures, we all like different things & you will always be to someone’s taste! 

In everyday life I look like a bizarre clown/hippy wearing mismatch bright clothes lol, tattoos & old piercing scars but I’m me! And anyone who plays with me is lucky to have me 😁 and it’s the same for you.

a basque is a corset 

Omg why on earth would it not be acceptable for plus size/BBW women to be kinky. I most definitely am and I love it! I’m cuddley, soft and squishy (excellent word my gorgeous friend  @BigPolly) I squeeze myself into basques and my boobs spill over the top, I feel sexy and kinky in my hold ups and I love silk and lace undies (ask Sir!!) It took me a long time to feel comfortable in my own skin and now that I do, I intend to enjoy all my kinkiness to its fullest. To be honest, I was surprised at how many men and women prefer the fuller figure and it has boosted my confidence no end. I’m of the opinion now that if people don’t like what they see that’s more an issue for them and certainly not me. It takes all sorts to make a world and we are all beautiful. 


Of course you can be curvy and be in to kink!! I am a curvy lady myself I have cellulite and wobbly bits but I am finally happy with my body and I wouldn't change a thing. 

I know a lot of Dom's prefer a curvy lady more ass to spank, more to grab on to lol!!! And since my weight gain I have become more kinky and more daring so  yes definitely plus size and BBW can be kinky and love it. I concur with my two beautiful curvy ladies @BigPolly and @Queenie63 that putting on a Basque or a corset or some sexy lingerie set and I feel even more sexier yes bits spill out and such but boy do I feel sexy. And yes if people don't like what they see they can look elsewhere cause I'm not gonna change my body to suit someone else been there done that before and I ended up depressed and heartbroken.

So yes we should definitely embrace our curves and be kinky if anyone says we shouldn't need to take a look at them selves in the mirror, yes curves aren't for everyone just like someone who is in to men with long hair some like it some don't that's just your preference and if we were all the same it would be a boring world. Sorry for rambling i tend to do that a lot 🤣🤣


Edited by Lilmonster
Poor spelling

Never been aesthetically pleasing or considered sexually attractive enough so never been considered good enough to be anyone's friend/girlfriend. People have treated me like being fat is my whole identity, it's a part of me but there is more to me than just the way I look. Never understood why people need to be friends with only attractive people or dating only people that fits their beauty standard.

Just fed up with being fat shamed, kink shamed or slut shamed due to online roleplay, due to being sex repressed.

let me say, I love women who have curves, the fact your a bit overweight is nothing wrong, and you can be kinky, I love that, ask @queenie and others, try to enjoy being you, we are all different,( thank god) , I think I'm to old, but after chatting on here I've come to think its all good,

Are you asking if fetishizing curvy people is ok? That’s up to you if you want to be treated that way. There are plenty of people attracted to plus size bodies. I personally love a bear. Makes me feel wee and helps me get into submission. 

No, large people are not represented well in all social areas, but they shouldn’t feel they have to stop living life because of it. Don’t buy into the marketing hype. Look at real people’s photos. Plenty of plus size and kinky. 

It's totally fine to be Kinky and Plus Sized. There's a few appreciation groups on Fetlife about it.
  11 hours ago, Masochist_Chick666 said:

Never been aesthetically pleasing or considered sexually attractive enough so never been considered good enough to be anyone's friend/girlfriend.

Just fed up with being fat shamed, kink shamed or slut shamed due to online roleplay, due to being sex repressed.


Ok then that isn’t about ‘looks’ that’s about what you perceive yourself to be or presume what others think. You are gorgeous so the ‘not good enough’ thing is rubbish, we are all good enough.

There will always always always be bullies out there. On here we are all a little different & a little weird but we are all wonderful in our own right. 99% of us on here have been kink shamed at some point in our lives because people are scared or find odd something they don’t understand or aren’t comfortable with & that’s ok, as we all keep saying ‘we all like different things’. Some of us are experienced on here & some of us are still learning but you have found your way on here where we all accept each other for who we are. Stick around on here, talk to us, ask questions, look at what others ask/say & allow your inner butterfly/devil to grow 😊x

Being plus sized or whatever you call it is not acceptable in many industries especially fashion. one of reasons that I want that to change since I have a bigger figure and big feet so it's awkward to find anything to fit me. There is a woman that makes up to size 42 clothing but it is very, very expensive unfortunately :/ 

There is tattoo and piercing prejudice (I have been bullied my whole life, so I have low self esteem, issues with the way I feel about myself, or the way other people treat me) People have been or are prejudice just because I exist in the first place, because I am a goth/masthead on a budget and I am proud to be different/into kink I don't do things just because everyone else is doing it.

  • 10 months later...



  • 1 year later...

I don't care if your fat! But.... there are just as many haters of us who are slim and petite. People forget that we have to put up with the ...skinny cow.  .. comments and the venom that the haters have towards those who are naturally small. After all its the BBW 's that are given main focus in topics dealing with body confidence. It's a bit unbalanced wouldn't you say???


  • 4 weeks later...

Such a shame that such stupid prejudices still exist, they need to be stamped out, enjoy being who your are embrace it and stuff what others think about it

  • 10 months later...

I love plus sized gals. Nothing I won't do for a big bold gal to set me straight

  • 3 months later...
Yes ofcourse thats Okey! I love the variety of people in this scene. And the open minded and the acceptance❤️
  • 2 weeks later...

Kinky and plus sized is my perfect combination! 

  • 8 months later...
  • 11 months later...
Not everyone is going to like the same things. I personally don’t find plus size people attractive. People who live an unhealthy lifestyle for me sends out signals. An most times then not, plus size people have insecurities about their look. That not attractive people who put junk their body isn’t attractive. Then once you loose the weight all the damaged stretched skin (trust me I know). To me is shows how a person feels about themselves by their diet or how active of a lifestyle they live.
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